View Full Version : Check ya balls fellas

7th December 2014, 06:04 AM
Testicular cancer is a big issue.

If this clip doesn't encourage a bloke to at least consider a quick check, then they might not be worth saving...


7th December 2014, 08:32 AM
Had mine checked this year.......

7th December 2014, 09:20 AM
Had mine checked this year.......

Drewboy is NOT qualified!

7th December 2014, 09:34 AM
2 of the biggest (no pun intended) male-only health concerns are Testicular and Prostate cancer. As with mammograms and pap-smears for the ladies, the checks need to be regular.

Anyone over 45 years of age should be getting a prostate check. (Check is Not valid unless checked by a professional. Choose one with small hands,)

As embarrasing as we may find these checks, it may just save your life. (I, for one, would rather my obituary read "Was driving his Patrol up a mountain and was struck by Lightning, while mooning the Cruiser drivers down below who couldn't make it as far." than "Died because he was too embarrassed to get checked."

7th December 2014, 09:40 AM
Very well said.

7th December 2014, 10:43 AM
Both times I have had my nuts checked by the doctor or by ultrasound it was by woman..... and very good looking woman at that.

My mate went to get something checked down there and it was a female doctor and the dick head was stupid enough to say " Err its normally bigger than that"...... bwa ha ha ha ha !!!

7th December 2014, 11:04 AM
Both times I have had my nuts checked by the doctor or by ultrasound it was by woman..... and very good looking woman at that.

My mate went to get something checked down there and it was a female doctor and the dick head was stupid enough to say " Err its normally bigger than that"...... bwa ha ha ha ha !!!

Bwahahaha like she cares

7th December 2014, 11:15 AM
Now that some of you are talking about such things experience gained re prostate cancer of the last 20 months is as follows.

Do not rely on the digital examination. My specialist checked me as my saga was beginning and indicated all was good. (It was not!)

Do have annual PSA checks from age 40. Reason for this is to determine a base line. Any change that occurs fairly quickly needs to be checked.

How do you check that there is an issue?
Digital examination, trouble is they are apparently more accurate the worse you are. The issue of concern here is that when it is obvious with a digital examination the cancer may have spread beyond the prostate.
Biopsy. I believe we are talking 20 1.5 mm needles poked into the prostate to gather specimens for testing. I was asleep thankfully. More on this later.

The other check that I was advised to consider by my specialist was an MRI. Not just any MRI but a Tesla 3 MRI.
When I got tested (the day after I saw the specialist) on one of the two machines in my area (sixth largest city in the country) and no waiting list as it cost $550 with no medicare rebate.

The Tesla 3 MRI showed multiple areas of severe cancer in my prostate so my specialist then put me under and did a biopsy which he could successfully do as he had a road-map to follow ie the Tesla 3 MRI colour pictures.

Back to the biopsy issue from earlier, my specialist told us twice on several occasions after the op that without the MRI to follow the standard biopsy would probably have missed the cancers. Cheerful stuff!

Next was a full body bone scan to check if the cancers had spread to the bones .

A month after the biopsy I was on the table for five hours with two surgeons and my lovely anaesthetist for a radical prostate removal. Then followed about a week in hospital and now we are doing 3 monthly PSA blood tests to see what needs to be done next.

Do not think it will not happen to you.

Keeping on top of this and similar issues should be done regularly and you need to know the weaknesses in the diagnosis options which I have tried to share based on my own case.

Good luck


7th December 2014, 02:01 PM
Now that some of you are talking about such things experience gained re prostate cancer of the last 20 months is as follows.

Do not rely on the digital examination. My specialist checked me as my saga was beginning and indicated all was good. (It was not!)

Do have annual PSA checks from age 40. Reason for this is to determine a base line. Any change that occurs fairly quickly needs to be checked.

How do you check that there is an issue?
Digital examination, trouble is they are apparently more accurate the worse you are. The issue of concern here is that when it is obvious with a digital examination the cancer may have spread beyond the prostate.
Biopsy. I believe we are talking 20 1.5 mm needles poked into the prostate to gather specimens for testing. I was asleep thankfully. More on this later.

The other check that I was advised to consider by my specialist was an MRI. Not just any MRI but a Tesla 3 MRI.
When I got tested (the day after I saw the specialist) on one of the two machines in my area (sixth largest city in the country) and no waiting list as it cost $550 with no medicare rebate.

The Tesla 3 MRI showed multiple areas of severe cancer in my prostate so my specialist then put me under and did a biopsy which he could successfully do as he had a road-map to follow ie the Tesla 3 MRI colour pictures.

Back to the biopsy issue from earlier, my specialist told us twice on several occasions after the op that without the MRI to follow the standard biopsy would probably have missed the cancers. Cheerful stuff!

Next was a full body bone scan to check if the cancers had spread to the bones .

A month after the biopsy I was on the table for five hours with two surgeons and my lovely anaesthetist for a radical prostate removal. Then followed about a week in hospital and now we are doing 3 monthly PSA blood tests to see what needs to be done next.

Do not think it will not happen to you.

Keeping on top of this and similar issues should be done regularly and you need to know the weaknesses in the diagnosis options which I have tried to share based on my own case.

Good luck


Big thanks for posting this Chimo! It may be just the thing to get the lads off their butts and in to get checked. I wish you all the best for your next checks and hope that you are free and clear.

7th December 2014, 04:26 PM
Hi Chimo,
Hope everything goes ok for you. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? Age make a difference?

7th December 2014, 04:49 PM
PM sent Covo71

9th December 2014, 07:12 AM
Yes check your balls regularly. Lost one of mine 10 years ago due to finding a lump on my epydimis on the left testicle. Got a nice replacement though...

Please fondle and if you find something out of the ordinary, see your physician.

9th December 2014, 10:34 AM
And on the other issue, Prostate Cancer, if your 40 or over do have a PSA test once a year to get a base line to be able to detect any sudden changes.

Do not let anyone including your GP talk you out of this.

If there is a sudden jump an MRI (tesla3) may well be the best next step.
This is the advice of a very good specialist who deals with this issue.

9th December 2014, 11:03 AM
yes i get a full blood tests and prostate every 12 mths to keep an eye on things, very worthwhile imo. @ Chimo, i hope all goes well for you.