View Full Version : Abbott the bowler

30th November 2014, 09:24 AM
I hope that the bowler Sean Abbott is not going to throw in the towel, sure the game will change now but for how long I dont know.
Noticed in the NZ game there was no cheering at the fall of a wicket.
Accidents happen and this was that an accident nothing more, it may never happen again and I hope so.
To the bowler dont give up the game, no one wants that, look at the support from your team mates.
sure take a break but please come back the game needs you, your team needs you.

30th November 2014, 11:45 AM
I hope that the bowler Sean Abbott is not going to throw in the towel, sure the game will change now but for how long I dont know.
Noticed in the NZ game there was no cheering at the fall of a wicket.
Accidents happen and this was that an accident nothing more, it may never happen again and I hope so.
To the bowler dont give up the game, no one wants that, look at the support from your team mates.
sure take a break but please come back the game needs you, your team needs you.

I agree,but this is going to be an incredibly hard thing for him to do. Imagine yourself in that position, bowling your first ball after returning. I would find it impossible. Very sad thing.

30th November 2014, 11:52 AM
Bowl a bouncer as your first ball. Get back on the horse when you fall off or you become scared of it

30th November 2014, 02:25 PM
As a ex apprentice jockey I am a strong believer in getting straight back on but in saying that I only had to deal with injury sustained on myself.... I had some serious falls and to get back onto a 17 hand thoroughbred it could be so daunting.

I really feel for this bloke who will have some serious demons to deal with and I hope those around him keep a close eye on him.

The suggestion that in this incident he is refereed to as the bowler only and no name mentioned seems a good idea to me.

They keep throwing the word accident around and this is not correct and wish they would stop using it... when you go for your shooter licence they teach you there are no accidents.