View Full Version : Lady falls at tallarook

25th November 2014, 02:42 PM
Seems a lady has fallen over the edge at Warrigul rocks up at Tallarook,
this is a favourite spot for dumping stolen cars and pushing them over the edge
Its a fair way down the lady only fell 75mtrs and some one heard her cries for help.
Seems strange as the look out is closed as its on private property and access is denied.
will have to listen to the news, I lot of ferrals frequent the area from time to time

25th November 2014, 03:46 PM
Fell 75m?! Jesus!

25th November 2014, 04:29 PM
Awesome view from there. It's funny, they mention she is a tourist, but it's a completely (although easily accesible) closed spot, on a private yard.

25th November 2014, 09:11 PM
Trying to think If i have been to the said spot.

25th November 2014, 10:55 PM
Awesome view from there. It's funny, they mention she is a tourist, but it's a completely (although easily accesible) closed spot, on a private yard.

And discovered by other 'tourists' just walking past ??

26th November 2014, 06:40 AM
The spot she fell from is very popular with rock climbers but years ago the land owner got sick of all the people and cars so dumped massive blocks and put up barriers and fences and plenty of signs saying "KEEP OUT PRIVATE PROPERTY"

Now I have obeyed those signs as this is what the owner wants..... I have passed that spot more than 20 times and know for the person to have been heard they were also trespassing ..crazy.