View Full Version : The New Lappy

Gary Vansleve
20th November 2014, 12:35 PM
Well the time has come have had to buy a new computor. Must have spilt too many rums on the keyboard an the old girl (computor) has given up on me.

So here I am a laptop with Windows 8.1 installed and me tryin to get used to usin a touch pad. The household is layin bets on how long it will take before I toss the putor in the bin.

Just spent half the day tryin to sort my email accounts boy what a pain. Worked out I had to install Micro Office to get any where. What a joy (remember me an computors don't jell still think their an abomination on society)

Smoke is startin to come out of my ears time for a rum to put the flames out. Hmm wonder if I could overhaul the injectors in the old putor and give it an oil change maybe she'll come good.

20th November 2014, 12:39 PM
Install a USB Mouse. A lot better than using the Touchpad

Gary Vansleve
20th November 2014, 12:51 PM
Install a USB Mouse. A lot better than using the Touchpad

So they say but I am gunna persist not given up yet. will see how I go. methinks practice will make perfect/ I wonder how long my patience will last??????????????????? Probably as long as it took me to type this message. Three bloody hours. Smoke is commin out agin.

20th November 2014, 01:02 PM
Yeah I can Highly recommend the Apple Bluetooth Delux Mouse mate. I have been using it for aout 4 years and everything else feels like Junk. They cost a bit but its your Right hand.

No wheel to get grubby, no ball under to stop functioning. No buttons. Everything is touch sensitive on the top of the mouse, scroll like you would be touching the screen. bloody Brilliant.

I also rate the Apple keyboards as glorious to use, fantastic under the fingers, short action and not clunky crap.

The Apple gear should work with your Lappy no probs.

Good luck mate

20th November 2014, 01:13 PM
I got a new laptop a while back and it has 8.1 on it too. I wanted to get a lappy with 7 on it but couldn't. I hated the fact that 8.1 was different to navigate around and there was no start button down in the lower left corner. I found a program called "start is back", made for 7 users who now have 8 and 8.1 who like the older style. Cost around $5 for the full version. You can trial the program for free for 30 days to see if you like it. I did and won't go back. Or forward, depending on how you look at it.
As for the touch screen. Mouse and keyboard are definitely the go for people who type more, like here for example. Much faster to type on a keyboard that to touch the screen and get every second word spelt wrong all because your fingers are too fat. Lol. I use a Logitec Illuminated keyboard, plugged into my latop, and view the screen on a bigger desk top screen, it has a shallow keystroke, like a laptop has. As Darren said, not like the clunky crap where you think the button is going to sink through the desk your typing on when you hit a key.

20th November 2014, 01:30 PM
what ever you buy, it will be out of date in 6 months time.
so buy wisely

20th November 2014, 04:59 PM
Crickey, I work in IT and my lappy is a good 5 years old. Still does the job ( but I can't stand using computers at home any more.. )

20th November 2014, 05:06 PM
Crickey, I work in IT and my lappy is a good 5 years old. Still does the job ( but I can't stand using computers at home any more.. )

Yeah I only have one desktop now and thats for my online FPS games. Lol. Everything else is laptop or tablet.

20th November 2014, 06:56 PM
i have a lappy with a logitech wireless mouse and its great except for that rubbish windows 8

20th November 2014, 08:52 PM
if you want your start button back you can download a program for free called Classic Shell. I use it with some clients at Work. Windows 10 is the next release and that will give you the choice of the old or new style.

20th November 2014, 09:04 PM
Haha, I did the same Gary, don't expect your anger to end any time soon, ive been using 8 (now 8.1) almost every day for a good year now, never really got used to, running it as close to windows 7 as I can (windows classic) yet the windows 8 still pees me off , I loved using win 7 so much , yet 8 just blows in soooo many ways , I still find it very frustrating at times ,I hope whoever came up with it got the arse, its less than they deserve, stupid nerds (lol) :tease:

Gary Vansleve
20th November 2014, 10:41 PM
Cheers blokes will take on board all comments.Am scrolling up an down one handed so have made a bit of an improvement. Currently smashin chrissy lights on top of screen ha ha small things amuse small minds

20th November 2014, 10:51 PM
use a tablet....... problem solved :)

Gary Vansleve
20th November 2014, 11:07 PM
use a tablet....... problem solved :)

Gettin an Ipad for Chrissy so we can use when trippin around the country next year

21st November 2014, 10:12 AM
I have been in the IT game for over 15 years and this is a topic that will never go away. (If only I had a dollar for every time it comes up.....)

Take your time Gary. You will get it mate. In six months time you will wonder how you got on before the upgrade.

Just a fact, Windows 8 essentially is the same as Windows 7 (from the users point of view) its directory structure and composition is the same. There are technical differences between the two but the user wont see them. The only real difference in the user interface is that Windows 7 has a "Start button" (in the task bar) and Windows 8 has a "Start screen"

Windows 8 came about to service the growing Tablet market as well as the PC market where Windows 7 would not work on a Tablet (in general)

The Start button has links and the Start screen has Tiles.

Both are configurable as to what you can show on each of them and where you want the links or tiles to be placed.

Windows 8 is plugged into the social media world and you can have live feeds to your Facebook accounts, email, Twitter, nissanpatrol.com.au etc etc. Windows 7 doesn't.

They both have a desktop and you can put shortcuts on them. They both have User profiles.

Just a bit of trivia for you.



Gary Vansleve
21st November 2014, 12:22 PM
Cheers Rob
That's what I figure. If I have one redeeming feature it's persistence. Might whinge and bitch and throw an occasional tanty but will keep pluggin away.

21st November 2014, 12:36 PM
Cheers Rob
That's what I figure. If I have one redeeming feature it's persistence. Might whinge and bitch and throw an occasional tanty but will keep pluggin away.

No worries Gary.

Nothing wrong with throwing the odd wobbly from time to time. Helps blow the cobwebs out of us old blokes.

