View Full Version : Camping meal recommendations

18th November 2014, 10:14 PM
Hi guys. Im heading off camping this weekend for a few days and im sick to death of the good old steak, eggs and tomato bbq that I seem to fall back on every time I go camping.
Looking for suggestions on simple but different camping meals that I could venture into to spice things up a little.

DX grunt
18th November 2014, 10:20 PM
Buy a good quality can opener and the world is your oyster. lol


18th November 2014, 10:21 PM
Cook up a stew in the camp oven

18th November 2014, 10:29 PM
You can cook anything! We do Thai green curry, pizza, burgers, cakes, kebabs( in my home made sandwich press)

18th November 2014, 10:41 PM
We cooked six pizza's in our camp oven on cup weekend. 1 at a time of course. One each for the kids and two for me and two for the missus. Took around 5 minutes a pizza to cook. We cooked them in 6inch'ish ally pie trays (in the camp oven) bought from the shop for 27c a pack of six Came out bloody awesome. Made our own dough too. The lot camping near by couldn't believe that we made pizza's, and our own dough too. The camp ovens are an amazing and very useful tool whilst camping.

18th November 2014, 11:15 PM
You can cook anything! We do Thai green curry, pizza, burgers, cakes, kebabs( in my home made sandwich press)

Yep that's it. A green curry.
Its my all time favorite and I can't believe I forgot about it. Cheers guys.

19th November 2014, 07:35 AM
What about a Paella

19th November 2014, 08:17 AM
Camp Oven for :-
Roast Lamb, Pork, Chicken
Corned Silverside
Pizza's (Not my Cup of Tea)

Cold Meat & Salad

19th November 2014, 08:32 AM
Camp oven pizzas
Just take doh ingredients and a bowl to mix it in and let it proof.
Then roll, add your toppings and place it in the oven.
We did ours on alfoil to make moving them easier.

19th November 2014, 09:09 AM
Cant beat a good roast with all the fixings,
if youre not up to speed using a camp oven buy one of these thermo guns to monitor temps,
it'll give you ball park temps.

19th November 2014, 03:36 PM
Whats the maximum heat rating on that gun John? Been looking at these, I found a 700c gun which also has a probe that you can use to stick into meat when your roasting it over the fire... Never really thought about how hot a camp fire would get until I started looking at these...

19th November 2014, 03:50 PM
Hi Mark 700 C is about max it then just says HI, Cheap enough to throw one in the cooking box TBH I recon it saved the last roast.
the roast was still spot on but would have been a different story if we never took it. I like it will use it again thats for sure.
I also have a meat thermometer probe saves on having dry burnt roasts

19th November 2014, 03:56 PM
Is the 700c temp gun high enough for camp fires? I would assume so. As if the fire is hotter than that, its too hot to cook.

19th November 2014, 04:03 PM
Hi Mark 700 C is about max it then just says HI, Cheap enough to throw one in the cooking box TBH I recon it saved the last roast.
the roast was still spot on but would have been a different story if we never took it. I like it will use it again thats for sure.
I also have a meat thermometer probe saves on having dry burnt roasts
I just looked on ebay and they range in price dramatically and the cheaper ones I have looked at go to 330~380c, what type do you have and where did you get it?

19th November 2014, 04:05 PM
just off ebay about $25 I think I'll check and get back here
1000f is max a camp fire is way hotter than that


19th November 2014, 05:05 PM
Theres no trick to camp oven cooking just trial and error. I dont see the need for the digital temp guns

19th November 2014, 05:08 PM
There is a paper test the wife was saying.
Tear a peice of a4 paper and place in oven. After x amount of time the paper will be a certain brown.
Correlate that to the graph and done.

But agree. For me teas done when it's done.

19th November 2014, 05:24 PM
Theres no trick to camp oven cooking just trial and error. I dont see the need for the digital temp guns

No need really but it does help.

19th November 2014, 06:17 PM
You can cook anything! We do Thai green curry, pizza, burgers, cakes, kebabs( in my home made sandwich press)

Reminds me when me and the family went camping and an Indian family setup near by. Here's us cooking snags and smelling the wonderful aroma of curry. I think they saw my reaction to the smells and they came over with two plates of chicken curry and rice. Nom nom!

19th November 2014, 06:17 PM
Theres no trick to camp oven cooking just trial and error. I dont see the need for the digital temp guns

true it was more out of curiousity if anything , plus you can check others for Ebola lol
Also handy for checking water temps on your Patrol to

19th November 2014, 08:45 PM
Theres no trick to camp oven cooking just trial and error. I dont see the need for the digital temp guns
I know, but it seems like a cool gadget and I want one.
Have not failed with a camp oven meal in years.

4th January 2016, 05:24 PM
Roasts, strews, pizza, cakes. Whatever you can do in an oven you can do in a camp oven. Just got to watch the temperature of course. There are also some great books in local libraries or second hand book stores for camp oven cooking!!

4th January 2016, 08:39 PM
Any camp oven fails will always taste better than anything cooked in the microwave at home

5th January 2016, 06:13 AM
I'm taking my WebberQ next trip

Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs

5th January 2016, 10:47 AM
potato bake in the camp oven! absolute winner!

i buy those round tin BBQ containers from coles, they fit neatly in a decent sized camp oven and it means the camp oven doesnt have to be cleaned afterwards. just make up a potato bake (When im camping i just use packet mix) and layer in the tin, put it in the camp oven, lid on ,on the hot coals for a few hours, cheese on top for the last 20mins and bam, amazing. ive also done pasta bakes like this too.

i also do the old baked potatos in foil, but if you cut em up into small squares and lay them out like you would in a baking tray at home with oil and salt they go crispy. just use lots of foil cos this can get tricky when flipping it over.
another one i do is zuchini in foil in the fire, thats yummo!

And for brecky instead of bulk bacon eggs I sometimes do fried mushys, tomatos and sliced sausage in a sanga with fresh spinach. its a winner with smokey bbq sauce!

also ( and this is a rippa for dinner with some baked tatos and zuchini) I throw a few lamb chops or beef steak in the camp oven with a few herbs (if you have em) spices (salt n pepper will do) a splash of oil and then a good dose of honey soy marinade, you want enough to almost cover the chops so they dont burn, they just bubble away in the marinade for a while, and eventually all the liquid evaporates and then you add more coals and get it nice and hot so they go crispy on the outside. its pretty yum haha

for desert you can do a good bread n and butter pud with about 8 slices of bread, crusts cut off, buttered well and spread with jam on one side layered into your camp oven (or BBQ tin) with a sprinkle of sultanas on each layer then 300ml of thickened cream, one egg (put it in a bowl and stire it up, then mix it with cream), some nutmeg (and if you have it vanilla essence) and a sprinkle of sugar on top. cook it until all the liquid is absorbed into the bread. its amazing, and easy!

and just to clear something up i dont actually take my entire cupboard camping, these recipes are from lots of different trips haha