View Full Version : It's a miracle

Gary Vansleve
6th November 2014, 10:25 PM
I think I am on a winner the missus has just informed me she is pullin 13k outa the bank to pay for an overseas trip she is goin to do with her best friend next year.

I knew they were plannin the trip but when she told me the amount I nearly choked on me rum I was havin at the time. I got to thinkin about it while sippin another and came up with a bit of an idea. Mulled it over an thought why not it's worth a shot.

So off I go an approach the missus. She was in bed at the time readin one of her romance novels. I says hey hon and she immediatly comes back with oh not now ya just had one a month ago gee your expectin a bit much. Gee women that's all they ever think of.

I says oh hon give me a break what we had last month was outa this world and with that she became immediatly suspicious thinkin what a smart arse an tells me so.

So I plucked up the courage and started talkin about her trip and of course up came the money subject so I plunged in and says seeing that your spendin that amount of money on the trip I think it's only fair that I should be able to have that much to spend on the ute.

Just as I finished I duck thinkin she was gunna throw the romance novel at me but low an behold she peels back the covers an says come here lover an we will talk about it.

Stuth this is where I am at the moment will get back to ya to see how I go.:wink::wink:

6th November 2014, 10:29 PM
Um!!!! She rolls back the covers and invites you in and you race off to post on the forum!! Mate save your coin and spend it on a Psychologist. Your in trouble mate!!

Ya gunna have a wicked ute though!!

6th November 2014, 10:30 PM
that's all ya getting mate....and I bet if ya think about it,that'll be the most expensive one you have had yet probably..lol

the godfather
7th November 2014, 12:21 AM
I am sure what to say....I wait anxiously for your next post dude.

7th November 2014, 12:25 AM
She said that's the most expensive r@@t you've had it just cost ya 13k lol :toot:

7th November 2014, 12:37 AM
yep, you're buggered now mate

7th November 2014, 01:06 AM
PMSL.............in fact, I'm lying in bed as I type this & I burst out laughing so loud that my mrs launched into a barrage of expletives at me. I'm not sure who's smarter out of the 2 of us tho Gary. I was smart enough to get the business out of the way PRIOR to coming on the forum but then I had to dodge blows & I had to totally avoid what I was laughing at coz if she realised it was sex related I'd be dodging more than a novel. That's where you're smarter...............or at least luckier.

Some classic comments there. Love the description Gary.