View Full Version : Cup Weekend - Licola (Burgoynes Track)

5th November 2014, 01:03 PM
Spent Cup Weekend near Licola with a few friends and did Burgoynes Track, we made a big loop descending into the valley and doing the river crossing, then up and out again.

It was about 3hrs total, including stops to check out the amazing views around every corner!

No mud but very steep/rocky sections - no one got stuck but with a cliff dropping off on one side of the narrow tracks and a lot of rock steps it was slow going and intense concentration.. at least I thought so hehe

More pics to come but here are a few courtesy of a mate :)

The first one is the river crossing, we walked across first because have seen a lot of youtube clips of cars struggling across and even one car floating downstream! But the river is quite low at the moment.





5th November 2014, 01:28 PM
Looks like a great trip mate. Thanks for sharing. Plenty more to 4wding than mud mate! All the young fellas (not that I'm that old) seem to love the mud.
Personally not a huge fan of mud but give me a narrow, rocky, High Country track (slow and technical) and I'm in my element..... LOL
Camped many times down at Burgoyne Gap (there is an awesome swimming hole there) and you're not too far from the Deep Creek Tracks either. Sooo much great driving around there.

Maybe see you out there.

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5th November 2014, 02:30 PM
I've only been out there (high country) once and totally loved it, can't wait to go again.
Would have loved to go there over the cup weekend.

5th November 2014, 03:12 PM
Great stuff RubberDuckie,

Burgoynes Track along with Burgoynes Gap is one of my favorites, and we did it over the last Queens Birthday weekend when it was all wet and slippery .... that added a little to the intensity, when a couple of the cars with us needed a couple of goes to get up the hills on the Melbourne side of the Gap.

Good to see you out there enjoying it.


5th November 2014, 07:21 PM
Cheers for sharing rubber duckie. Looks like you had a good trip its beutifull country up there. Looks like the rivers are pretty low for this time of year, that you tube clip is pretty crazy, the guy was pretty bloody lucky really.

5th November 2014, 10:47 PM
Thanks everyone!

@Drewboyaus, I didn't know about the swimming hole, will have to look for it next time! Did see a couple of great camping spots.
It was quite busy, passed a fair few people on the tracks (luckily not on the narrowest parts.. and the views help, on some parts you can see another convoy coming from a while away)

I also really enjoy the slow technical stuff over rocks, the Patrol did well and im not super worried about scrapes and little bumps ... but the cliff on one side was like.. you wouldn't wanna put a wheel wrong!

5th November 2014, 10:48 PM
Yeah river's real low, we weren't sure what to expect after all the rain last Mon but then it was only one storm I suppose

5th November 2014, 10:49 PM
@happygu I am so glad it was dry on Sun haha