View Full Version : 1 st Check your fuses !!!

31st October 2014, 04:10 PM
Today I spent a couple of hours chasing down a problem with my HID spotties. Bloody things wouldn't work. Out with the multimeter and chase the power. Getting 12.7 volts at the relay input side but only 4v on the output wire to the lights when the lights where turned "on" (but lights not lighting up if you know what I mean).

Wired lights direct to the battery and bingo, bright as the sun. Change the relay and still not working. Finally remember to pull the fuses and clean up the contacts, and yes, you guessed it everything now works as it should. Pulled all the fuses in the under bonnet fuse block and cleaned all their contacts just in case.

Love it when I finally chase down a problem and fix it, kick myself when I don't apply the old rule of eliminate all the easy things first. So lesson for the day, clean fuse contacts first when chasing down electrical problems and no. 2 check earths!! Should have realised what was going on when the volts dropped so much when a load was applied. Now time to crack a can and tell myself how clever I really am :clownredpuff:

31st October 2014, 05:32 PM
Onya TimE. The K.I.S.S. way of doing things is the best. Way cheaper than the "golden wheelbarrow".