View Full Version : Newbee

Shane H
29th October 2014, 02:38 PM

My name's Shane and I'm almost maybe a Patrol Y61 owner.

I've had Toyotas in the past and am currently driving a Navara D40 RX.

I've joined to get some insight into the Patrol before signing on the dotted line.

I'll save my question for my next post.


29th October 2014, 03:13 PM
welcome to the forum Shane , you'll find all your answers here,
but just jump in anytime and enjoy

29th October 2014, 03:22 PM
Welcom to the forum Shane.

29th October 2014, 03:28 PM
welcome to the forum shane, plenty of helpful advice if you need it just ask, someone will help you out.

29th October 2014, 05:29 PM
Gday Shane welcome aboard mate

29th October 2014, 06:45 PM
Welcome mate, surely the best forum on the net. If you need it, you can get it, if you want to know it, just ask it.
If you want to find it, go to the search bar for a universe of information.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of the greatest show on earth.

29th October 2014, 08:04 PM
Welcome to the forum mate

29th October 2014, 09:18 PM
Welcome Shane. I sold my Navara D40 and brought a Patrol last May. The main differences that I noticed when I changed cars were that the Patrol rides better, accelerates a bit quicker (despite the power torque data) and has less cabin noise than the Navara. But in some ways they are quite similar, I get similar fuel economy and like the Navara it is still easy to work on. In fact if you have worked on your Navara you will feel right at home under the bonnet of a Patrol

31st October 2014, 08:57 PM
G'day Shane welcome to the forum mate.

my third 256
1st November 2014, 08:20 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

1st November 2014, 11:48 PM
welcome mate

9th November 2014, 11:24 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum. It's a very usefull information base
Go Patrol