View Full Version : Y61 Traction control

24th October 2014, 09:57 PM
Curious to know if anyone has experienced problems with the traction control (TC) on their Y61 patrols. Since I bought it new beginning of this year (plated 2013) I have found the TC to be over-sensitive to the point of being a real pain in the rear. I live in the Adelaide hills and commute regularly via some winding roads. I'm not a slow driver but know after over 20 years of competing in rallying if I'm pushing too hard. Even when the roads are dry and with no wheel slippage the TC activates through some left or right hand corners and causes me all sorts of fustration. The nissan dealer claims the system is "working within specification" but this has been determined on city driving. I would love to be able to configure the system to be permanently dis-engaged to save me the trouble of manually turning there TC off each time I go for a drive. Anyone had similar issues of know of a "fix".
Cheers, Tolch

24th October 2014, 10:20 PM
What's traction control????????..

Only joking, sorry can't shed any light on the question, I drive a nice simple GQ ;):D

25th October 2014, 01:41 AM
Sad day when they fit Traction Control to Y61s.
Anyway, it's all controlled via the ABS sensors, so you could temporarily pull the ABS fuse to disable the whole system just to prove it's the TC.
Is it not possible to turn it off by pressing and holding the switch for 10 or 20 seconds?

old steve
25th October 2014, 07:32 AM
It also could be an issue with the steering angle sensor , i had a warranty claim on mine it would activate the traction control on windy roads , they tried adjusting it and that only made it worse , eventually replacing it and problem solved

27th October 2014, 07:02 PM
Had the same issue when the dealer played with mine (so to speak). Made it worse. Took them three go's to get it back to where it was with no improvement. I'm going to try another dealer and get a second opinion. I'll post the results when I know more. Cheers

27th October 2014, 07:06 PM
The dealer tells me it can't be done but I reckon their covering their back side in case I'm involved in a bingle after they're turned it off. Liability and all that stuff (call me cynical). Everything can be adjusted / turned off if you know how. Just a matter of finding the how. I'll try holding the button for an extended time and let you know. Cheers.