View Full Version : Insurance, yes another one, young person issues.

24th October 2014, 06:12 PM
Okay Ladies and Gentleman,

My insurance renewal came and I've had third party fire and theft (up to $5k) for a long time, but as the money into the project grows, and the thefts of Patrols and vehicles in general sky rockets, I thought it was about time I stepped it up a notch.

Now the issue restricting me from companies such as Shannon's are that I am 24 years old. They require you to be 25. Apparently you can not be a car enthusiast if you are under 25. Never had an accident, few speeding fines being the only mark against my name.

Going through AAMI, RACV and after 35 minutes on the phone with YOUI explaining every add on etc, they gave me an agreed value of $6500, and, wait for it, $1100 a year. WTF, can not even buy a decent bog stock GQ Diesel for that. Let alone the fact I would be stupid to pay that much for so little.

I came up with the highest agreed value of $8500 (RACV I think) through one of the companies with a premium of $1100ish being the result.

Now, as we all know, we put a hell of a lot of money into our rigs let alone the blood, sweat and tears. I have put (ballpark) $30-40k into my car (not including purchase price), and it is still in my eyes, nothing special, so there will be more to come. As I said to insurance, I do not expect to get my money back in the event of theft, and never will. But is an agreed of $15k too much to ask? It would hardly buy me a replacement 4wd let alone come close to covering anything.

I know my car is old, I understand that, but I am happy to pay a premium for a decent agreed value. It's at a point where I am too scared to park it at home so I leave it locked up and alarmed elsewhere, almost worried about some scumbag stealing it while I am sleeping in the swag next to it out bush.

What is everyone doing?

Sorry for the rant, just a paranoid enthusiast that can't get enough cover.

Thankyou in advance.

the evil twin
24th October 2014, 06:29 PM
The only way you will get an agreed value in excess of 15K is by car plus extra's of say 9,000 agreed for the car and 6,000 for the extras
A lot of the time modifications etc won't get you a single dollar extra.
It will need to be things like plus a fridge plus a drop slide, plus a custom bar and winch, plus a draw system

You will still get punished big bucks in excess etc for being under 25

I am with Shannons and if under 25's were insured it would either cost me heaps more to "share the risk" or cost you what the other mobs are charging
Sorry man and totally out of self interest I acknowledge but I am happy paying less for the lower risk.

I had an E49 Charger when I was under 25 so I feel your pain...

24th October 2014, 07:31 PM
Have you tried TCIS (http://www.tcis.com.au/), they got a deal with my 4wd to be insured by Allianz, when Allianz wouldn't insure it directly.
I rang Allianz and they said this is reasonably common as the broker has made a deal with the underwriters for certain agreements in the policy.

the evil twin
24th October 2014, 08:08 PM
Have you tried TCIS (http://www.tcis.com.au/), they got a deal with my 4wd to be insured by Allianz, when Allianz wouldn't insure it directly.
I rang Allianz and they said this is reasonably common as the broker has made a deal with the underwriters for certain agreements in the policy.

TCIS is now part of OAMPS and last year some of their prices went thru the roof.
I was with them and baled to Shannons so was Doggy but I don't know who he is with now.

Still def worth a call tho as they could still come up with a deal

DX grunt
24th October 2014, 08:09 PM
My young bloke, under 21 then, hit about 5-6 roos over a reasonably short period, and it'd cost him about $900 per crash!

24th October 2014, 10:33 PM
Mate I've been told the same by Shannon's, on more than one occasion. But then my missus has her statesman insured with them? I don't get it.

24th October 2014, 11:12 PM
Mate I've been told the same by Shannon's, on more than one occasion. But then my missus has her statesman insured with them? I don't get it.

Simple, your a male, she's a female. Didnt you know that all males under 25 are reckless hoons doing skids and racing.

I should know, I'm a male under 25.

25th October 2014, 01:53 AM
Simple, your a male, she's a female. Didnt you know that all males under 25 are reckless hoons doing skids and racing. I should know, I'm a male under 25.

I agree. My patrol is so powerful I am tearing up the bitumen. Really shouldn't let me drive anything above a 1 litre engine, with about 2hp, cause they only do mild skids.

Maybe I should just buy a skyline. I hear you can't even chirp a tyre in those.......

25th October 2014, 01:58 AM
To the op.

I agree it's ridiculous. My rig is a td42t, I was comprehensively insured with qbe and it was $82.30 a fortnight, value of car $11900.

Told em to shove it, got 3rd party fire and theft from budget direct, value if stolen $10000 for $32 a month.

I figure if I write it off, I can get 4-5k for the motor/box to someone wanting to do a conversion. Then wreck out the rest. Only put in a claim if I hit a Mercedes.


25th October 2014, 06:48 AM
Hey punderhead, I would.make sure it's definitely 10k and not like my old insurance which turned out to be "up to" 10k - when it came to making a claim on stolen GQ, they turned around and said market value = 3k

25th October 2014, 09:20 AM
But how do I go about extras being seperate from the car value? After listing everything with YOUI, including the waeco, slide etc that is all they came up with.

If I can get a good insured amount then I am more than happy to have a relatively high premium, it means I dont have to sleep in the car with the gun haha.

I will get around to trying a few more companies listed above and see what I can come up with.

I agree with the above, my AAMI third party was "up to" $5k (or market value, which ever is lower).

25th October 2014, 10:56 AM
Thoughts on a good gps tracker? Whats out there?

26th October 2014, 07:48 AM
I don't know how you got insurance with shannons when I was getting a quote we stopped the quote at 2700 per year as we were adding extras im in my fifties and the only claim I have made was for water in fuel in my old navara so I don't get it.

26th October 2014, 08:42 AM
I stand corrected on the insured amount with 3rd party fire and theft with aami. They will agree up to $10000 which doesnt make sense considering you can not get that value in full comp insurance.