View Full Version : I'm Sulkin

Gary Vansleve
18th October 2014, 07:27 PM
Gee havn't been on the forum for a couple a months an low an behold when I finally get on not one bloody message enquirin where or what has happened to me.

Not a bleedin one could have gotton run over, the patrol could have fallen on me the missus could have tied me up an been havin her wicked way with me over an over.

Oh shit just spilt me rum on the key board. Bloody hell I'm gonna go an sulk in a corner.

18th October 2014, 07:34 PM
the patrol could have fallen on me

Holy crap, is the patrol ok?...lol

Welcome back old mate!!!!

18th October 2014, 09:34 PM
Welcome to the forum Gary . Ha ha ha where have you been?

19th October 2014, 07:33 AM
why would you want to spill rum on your keyboard ????

my third 256
19th October 2014, 07:38 AM
cos he likes sticky fingers

Gary Vansleve
19th October 2014, 03:48 PM
Well ok I suppose that's a bit better at least I got some response so I may as well finish sulkin. Ouch what did ya do that for ( the missus was just lookin over me shoulder an gave me a clip across the ear sayin what a dick I am) reckons I could get kicked off the forum for bein a wanker.

Been away for last 4 weeks campin down at Brunswick Heads what a blast had such a great time. They have a great pub in Bruns an spent a bit of time there havin an ale or two listnin to some good bands. I think I got some RSI in me elbow from bendin it too much havin a sip or two.

They had Wolfmother on one night an me bein a bit of a head banger from way back an I mean way back I was in the mosh pit with the rest of em havin a whale of a time even the missus was in there ha ha .

Oh I don't want to rub it in but me an the missus are havin a year off work starting March 15 an loadin up the Patrol an van an doin some trippin around this great country of ours.

Done a couple of mods to the ute and plannin on a couple more as well will post up. Might start a dedicated build thread to keep it all neat an tidy.

Oh well goin to have me afternoon nap got used to doin this while campin hard habit to break especially at my age he he

19th October 2014, 03:56 PM
Ah so now we should be pissed at you for not updating your status with f
Photos ;)

19th October 2014, 04:40 PM
Do you need a cuddle????

19th October 2014, 08:15 PM
Just head over to the intro section first and say G'day. It something we ask members to do....Before they have their belly ache. :)

19th October 2014, 10:28 PM
Bloody hell, he's back!