View Full Version : I hate to say it, but....

11th October 2014, 04:04 PM
Apple your latest iOS is crap. My iPad and iPhone have been plagued with problems since I did the upgrade. The Internet is full of complaints on the upgrade, esp cut and paste. If ever customers were jumping ship to samsung products....this latest iOS upgrade has made it easy for them. My family alone has five members that jumped from the titanic called apple......

11th October 2014, 04:16 PM
My iPhone 5s has become very buggy since the update, as a result I'm yet to update my iPad Air.
Very unhappy indeed.....

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

11th October 2014, 04:56 PM
I've not updated the ipad yet and looks like I'm not going to !

11th October 2014, 05:07 PM
Jump I say. I jumped during android 2.1 days and honestly you'd have to pay me to use a crapple device these days

11th October 2014, 05:26 PM
As buggy as IOS8 is I still wouldn't lower myself to return to an android (said in little girlie voice) system. Apple stuff up occasionally but the oposition stuff up continuously.

The only way things could improve is if both Apple and Microsoft joined forces and they created a produced that was Apple reliable and sturdy and Microsoft user friendly.

And that's all I have to say about that . . .

Edit - you couldn't pay me enough to use anything non Apple again.

11th October 2014, 05:29 PM
I havent had any issues at all with the update? Has been working the same as always

11th October 2014, 05:52 PM
I havent had any issues at all with the update? Has been working the same as always

And that's the weird thing. Some users are reporting no problems, but the majority are.....maybe it's to do with non iOS 8 compliant apps, who knows!

11th October 2014, 06:11 PM
And that's the weird thing. Some users are reporting no problems, but the majority are.....maybe it's to do with non iOS 8 compliant apps, who knows!

Im going to guess that that is the reason.

11th October 2014, 06:21 PM
Mine isn't working with my bluetooth car kit getting one way audio, seems to be alot of complaints about bluetooth being broken. Would be ok if they let you roll back your iOS version but they don't

11th October 2014, 06:33 PM
Mine isn't working with my bluetooth car kit getting one way audio, seems to be alot of complaints about bluetooth being broken. Would be ok if they let you roll back your iOS version but they don't

I thought they fixed that with the latest update?

11th October 2014, 07:13 PM
I have the 8.0.2 on an ipad3 with no problems.

11th October 2014, 07:17 PM
And that's the weird thing. Some users are reporting no problems, but the majority are.....maybe it's to do with non iOS 8 compliant apps, who knows!

You said cut and paste was playing up? That surely wouldn't be app related

11th October 2014, 07:23 PM
Ditto with Cuppa, iOS 8.0.2 on iPad (Aus), x2 AUS 4S and 1 USA 4S seem to be working fairly well. 8.0.0 was very poor, I thought I'd bashed mine or something it was so bad and the battery life was horrible compared with previous release.

11th October 2014, 07:26 PM
You said cut and paste was playing up? That surely wouldn't be app related

I know......it's IT mate so it has the logic of a woman :)

11th October 2014, 11:58 PM

12th October 2014, 12:29 AM
Heard about this a couple of weeks ago when news was also released a bit the bending iPhone 6

12th October 2014, 01:55 AM
I thought they fixed that with the latest update?

my work iphone 5 has 8.0.2 and I have had people call me and they can hear me but I can't hear them. One report said to do a factory reset of settings but this had no affect.

12th October 2014, 05:24 AM
So i dont have to update once a week I found the best think with iPhone, is to pick it up throw it as high as you can so the laws of physics give you the best results possible:) lol best thing I did a year and a bit ago was get a s4, never looking back! Had 1 update since, And when I first looked at the screen I thought I was holding a 55" lcd! :D

12th October 2014, 08:26 AM
my work iphone 5 has 8.0.2 and I have had people call me and they can hear me but I can't hear them. One report said to do a factory reset of settings but this had no affect.

Does the 5 have that button on the left hand side that you flick,on and off for sound....check that. It was the problem on my daughters phone.

12th October 2014, 08:51 AM
I get the impression that people at Apple are perhaps less worried about consequences of failure since Steve Jobs is no longer around.

I guess I'll stick to my habit of not updating to a later iOS until the jailbreak becomes available. My iPad Mini is running perfectly with the jailbreak on 7.1.2

12th October 2014, 11:32 AM
Good point John.

12th October 2014, 11:40 AM
My son updated his iphone and could not recieve calls for a day until another update.
I have not and will not update phone or ipad until everything is definitely ok, don't believe in beta testing for Apple.

12th October 2014, 12:13 PM
Some thoughts this thread has sparked off for me.

I’ve been an Mac user since I tossed out my 486 desktop (with 40Mb HDD & Windows 98). I can’t imagine going back to Windows but have become increasingly disappointed with the direction Apple seems to be taking, especially since Steve Jobs died.

Since tossing that 486 I have had just 3 computers, a Powerbook, & two Macbook Pro’s. The Powerbook died at 7 years old. The current Macbook is an absolute beauty (Retina screen & SSD HD + 16Gb memory & 2.3Ghz i7) love it ..... Full boot up takes under 15 seconds. The old Macbook (2007 model) is still going strong after Apple replaced the main logic board 3 years ago (for free! I was in the UK at the time. “Bad news is that it’s a £600 repair but as it’s a recognised problem sir, no charge” - pretty impressive for a machine well out of warranty) my wife continues to use it daily. Each one has cost about the same as the previous one. The 2007 one is running the latest OS without a struggle. Pretty good for a 7 year old computer.

The iPad has been a good bit of gear, although if I had to choose, I’d pick the laptop every time. Apps that can only do part of the job that their laptop versions manage give me the sh*ts. I can’t be bothered with cut down ‘mobile’ versions.

I only bought my first ‘smartphone’ earlier this year. No way could I justify the cost of an iPhone. The interconnectedness with other Apple products would have been nice, but not necessary. Actually one of my major gripes about Apple’s marketing model is them not making their products so that they can easily interact with products of other manufacturers. My phone is an Android (Telstra Dave) & I reckon that sharing things like calendar & contacts should be far easier than it is. The phone itself I’m quite happy with, but I don’t use much of the Google stuff, don’t like the way they want to take over my phone.

12th October 2014, 12:30 PM
Cuppa , it's not difficult at all to share contacts and calender on and android phone......... "but I don’t use much of the Google stuff, don’t like the way they want to take over my phone." - what makes you think google are trying to take over your phone?

12th October 2014, 12:56 PM
Cuppa , it's not difficult at all to share contacts and calender on and android phone......... "but I don’t use much of the Google stuff, don’t like the way they want to take over my phone." - what makes you think google are trying to take over your phone?

Wife has an Android phone & signed up for some google something or other & seems to get heaps of google updates on a very regular basis, which install themselves on her phone when they choose (i.e. often using next g, rather than allowing her to do it at home via wifi). She also gets ads & suggestions for software downloads which suggest that her activity is monitored. I consider that to be intrusive. Don’t get it on my phone.

I realise that I can share stuff between Android & Mac if I use Googles services, but I have to sign into Google & then I start getting all that persistent Google Circles stuff etc. I did transfer my contacts to the phone when I got it, but for that to continue automatically I have to remain signed into Google & put up with stuff I’m not interested in. Choosing to sign in, transfer a new contact & sign out again is more bother than just entering a new contact on the phone manually.

Haven’t sussed out how to share calendars, but suspect it would also require me to remain permanently signed into Google.

I know that Apple & others monitor their users’ activity too, but it doesn’t seem to be as intrusive as Google.

12th October 2014, 01:43 PM
that's odd Cuppa because any updates to apps I've downloaded and I make sure they update when I'm on wi-fi only, you can turn adjust this in the phone settings........ and not once have I got any ads or anything from google circles......... as with any device or software, make sure you read all the stuff before downloading and installing but you know this already........... Google is no more intrusive than Apple or Microsoft

12th October 2014, 02:44 PM
that's odd Cuppa because any updates to apps I've downloaded and I make sure they update when I'm on wi-fi only, you can turn adjust this in the phone settings........ and not once have I got any ads or anything from google circles......... as with any device or software, make sure you read all the stuff before downloading and installing but you know this already........... Google is no more intrusive than Apple or Microsoft

Weellll, ok, gotta admit that I’m a bit lazy when it comes to learning a new to me (Android) OS. Wife probably just said yes to something she didn’t understand. I guess if I really HAD to set up realtime sharing I’d take the time to do so. I suppose it is just possible I’m blaming Google for my laziness....... but I do still have the impression that you have to tell them NOT to do something, rather than what I’m more used to with Apple where the default is needing to tell them TO do something.

Why, when I’ve never even looked at Google Circles do I continue to get annoying & regular (at least weekly) emails telling me that so & so wants to add me to their circle, even though these people tell me that it is not them sending them. Seems to be automated & no way to stop it without first joining up with & signing into Google Circles! (If indeed it’s possible at all). Catch 22.

Another thing is that so many of the Android apps want access to all sorts of stuff which is in no way related to the function of the app. Admittedly I tend to go for free apps, but inevitably the ones I choose are those that require minimal or no access to my personal info. A compass app (for example) which wants access to my contacts is just plain rude. I know that that is not Google, but it’s a system which facilitates 3rd parties who I know nothing of gaining access to my info.

12th October 2014, 07:27 PM
Google wants to take over your phone cuppa?

Does the word iTunes mean anything? Lol you have to sell your soul to Crapple to get the Damn things to work lol.

Four guys at my work have left apple and got a sony xperia z1 after seeing mine this year. I should be working on commission!

12th October 2014, 07:30 PM
I had an old htc, my wife just upgraded her iphone so i got her old iphone 5. My old htc was so much better.

12th October 2014, 08:53 PM
Google wants to take over your phone cuppa?

Does the word iTunes mean anything? Lol you have to sell your soul to Crapple to get the Damn things to work lol.

Four guys at my work have left apple and got a sony xperia z1 after seeing mine this year. I should be working on commission!

From what I've heard the z1 is better than the z2

13th October 2014, 08:18 AM
From what I've heard the z1 is better than the z2

You are speaking a foreign language!

The soul seller.

13th October 2014, 09:02 AM
You are speaking a foreign language!

He's talking about Chaco boating sandals

"Time for new Chacos. I was about to pull the trigger on a set of z1's (no toe loop), when a rafting friend said "no way dude" get the z2's (with toe loop). She said that they are much better at staying on foot during a tough swim or if your mired in a muddy Colorado river bottom. She says if you want to wear them with neo socks just collapse the toe loop."

13th October 2014, 09:33 AM
Fark the z1 if your on the tools. Well no. Just forget it.
It's so bloody weak the kids sat on it and broke the screen.

But the z2 has a reinforced alloy edge. Much stronger. But is also bigger again.
The z1 is wider than the iphone 6 but same length.

Imo I'm not happy with the latest android either.
There are so many mandatory google apps which cant be removed. My phone is near full and I can't delete the crap I don't use..

13th October 2014, 09:47 AM
Fark the z1 if your on the tools. Well no. Just forget it.
It's so bloody weak the kids sat on it and broke the screen.

But the z2 has a reinforced alloy edge. Much stronger. But is also bigger again.
The z1 is wider thannthe iphone 6 but same length.

Imo I'm not happy with the latest android either.
There are so many mandatory google apps which can be removed. My phone is near full and I can't delete the crap I don't use..

So your saying that your android is now taking away your freedom and restricting what you can do?

Kind of like what people winge apple does apart from the fact my iPhone isn't close to being full from new.

13th October 2014, 10:07 AM
So your saying that your android is now taking away your freedom and restricting what you can do?

Kind of like what people winge apple does apart from the fact my iPhone isn't close to being full from new.

I think iphone 6 with ios9 will be great.

13th October 2014, 10:27 AM
You can take away me land but ye will never take me FREEDOM

13th October 2014, 10:45 AM
So your saying that your android is now taking away your freedom and restricting what you can do?

Kind of like what people winge apple does apart from the fact my iPhone isn't close to being full from new.

Yea sorta.
But I still wouldn't pass in the simplicity of expandable memory, drag and drop music or movies or the ability to plug in a usb and have everything communicating.

13th October 2014, 11:06 AM
You can drag and drop music and vids on the apple products without iTunes. It's a third party app.

18th October 2014, 08:13 PM
Fark the z1 if your on the tools. Well no. Just forget it.
It's so bloody weak the kids sat on it and broke the screen.

Why would a pair of sandals need a screen?