View Full Version : Teatree Eradication

6th October 2014, 04:46 PM
Any thoughts on getting rid off teatree?

I have ship loads of the stuff on my property, upto 1m tall and want to get rid of the lot. For good! LOL

I have slashed a little and burned a little to see how it comes back but I think spray is the only way to kill it for good
What's a good herbicide to use??? cheap...lol

EDIT: I don't want to kill the grass and need something specific to target teatreee

6th October 2014, 04:48 PM
Your little tractor and a drag chain

6th October 2014, 05:31 PM
Rossco is your man mate...

6th October 2014, 05:36 PM
I got rid of paper bark (which we planted as a wind break, but it went feral) by spraying a brush off -round up and penetrant mix on the foliage. Then I drilled 20mm holes into the trunks and poured in straight roundup.

Believe it, or not, I still had to kill off some off shoots about 3 months later.

6th October 2014, 05:56 PM
would a brush fencing mob be interested in it

6th October 2014, 06:37 PM
Hey Kriso,

Yeah slash it and spray will work cos it will come back. Brush Off is pretty cheap and works well and won't kill your grass. Need to use some sort of surfactant tho you can just use dishwashing liquid if you haven't got anything else to make it stick.

If there's not much cut it and put roundup on the stump. . . Or if it's not too tall spray it then slash the dead stuff.

6th October 2014, 06:53 PM
Goats love the ti tree too.

6th October 2014, 07:08 PM
My .243 loves the goats..

6th October 2014, 07:15 PM
There you go, BA. The circle of life is complete at Nisshead's place.

6th October 2014, 07:22 PM
Hey Kriso,

Yeah slash it and spray will work cos it will come back. Brush Off is pretty cheap and works well and won't kill your grass. Need to use some sort of surfactant tho you can just use dishwashing liquid if you haven't got anything else to make it stick.

If there's not much cut it and put roundup on the stump. . . Or if it's not too tall spray it then slash the dead stuff.

Cheers mate, funnily enough I got some brushoff on eBay last week.

Whats the go with the dish washing detergent. I thought you just mix it with water??? and also how much detergent ???

...and yeah, goats wouldn't last long there...lol

6th October 2014, 08:12 PM

At least at my place the little blighters are killing off a large bushy Teatree..... their warren is underneath it. It’s looking very pale compared to the one next to it. I’m killing the rabbits, but they still seem to be winning.

6th October 2014, 08:17 PM
Just need something to break the surface tension a bit or else it will just bead off the leaves. Just try adding a bit see how it goes if it stll beading put some more in. The stuff from the shop will work a bit better tho.

7th October 2014, 10:32 PM
we use wetter for all of our spraying and most are 100ml/100lt,so go from there.like rossco said it just to break the water retention so it doesn't bead and run off..I spray our teatrees with it last year and knocked em good..didn't have to worry about the grass but as I was spraying the whole area.But if you just sprayed the leaf you wouldn't get much on the grass hopefully..
roundup-brushoff-and wetter should get rid of it.

7th October 2014, 10:52 PM
If you don’t go too strong brushoff wont kill the grass. It’ll yellow it for bit but it’ll come back. It will kill broadleaf stuff though, like clover etc. You do have to be pretty patient with brushoff, it can take quite a while to work. Stuff starts to look sick not long after you start to think you wasted your time spraying. LOL. Brush off is DuPont’s product name for Metsulphuron, you can buy the same stuff cheaper at most stock supply places if you need to get any more. Glysophate (Roundup) will kill the grass & pretty much anything it comes into contact with. Have never used wasing up liquid, I’ve always used surfactant sold for the purpose. A 5 litre container will last you forever.

8th October 2014, 05:49 AM
Thanks blokes, I want to keep as much grass as I can so brush off should do the job. I'll use it as per mixing instructions so hopefully it won't get killed off.

I bought a no name brand lot cheaper on eBay but with the same active ingredient so I'm ready to go...all I need now is a much bigger spray tank than my 6l hand held one...lol

EDIT: this is the stuff I bought- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121303940804?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

......on the move

8th October 2014, 09:10 AM
wear a mask and skin covering,,there was a thing last year with cheap herbicides and insectacides coming into Australia through cheaper company's and nearly all had traces of (carcengenics-I think)and ingredients that where already banned in Australia

I know everything is expensive but newfarm and one other(cannot recall) came up with the goods as to your own safety...But cover up and you should be right as you are not out there doing it everyday

8th October 2014, 09:55 PM
...all I need now is a much bigger spray tank than my 6l hand held one...lol

Pity your not closer. This is what you need. 60 litres & about 50 metres of hose. Sitting in the shed now that I no longer have the Quad.

Oh yeah, don’t get sucked in to using the dye they sell to put in the spray. You have to use at least 10 times as much as they say if you want to see where you’ve been & it gets *very* expensive.

9th October 2014, 05:32 AM
Pity your not closer. This is what you need. 60 litres & about 50 metres of hose. Sitting in the shed now . That's exactly what I need...ok, ok how much..lol It will be a good excuse for me to get a quad and another trip to Vic:)

......on the move

9th October 2014, 11:13 AM
PM sent ;)