View Full Version : Bearii Fishing Trip October 2014

5th October 2014, 06:24 PM
Here are some Pics from a Weekend spent with Threedogs,Phil & Con together with Roofy & Jane
Had a visit from JAnderson (Jeff) and his wife Lynne and son Jason

As you can see it was a family weekend and any families are welcome to attend the next Trip for Cod Opening
The Cod in the last Pic was released as it is out of season


5th October 2014, 07:29 PM
Ripper weather Bob, very jealous mate!!!

Sir Roofy
5th October 2014, 07:29 PM
was a good w/end mate made it home in time for janes footy

6th October 2014, 07:29 AM
Yeah great weekend, great company, perfect weather, bring on 1st of Dec.
Team Con was ,Bob, Roofy, Con [my mate] and my self{td}
Team Phil [my mate again] consisted of just Phil, score about 15 zip ppl
you had to be there , Up High lol

6th October 2014, 08:18 AM
Fond memories. I spent a lot of my youth there fishing. I still have family close by there.....

6th October 2014, 08:25 AM
awesome spot , but for anyone who has camped along the Murray will say the same thing where ever it is.
Been going to that particular spot for 12ish years. Love it plenty of Cockies and Hawks to keep them on their toes,
A few Koalas but didn't see any, and the big [6"] goanna didn't show up, just a great spot to relax.

6th October 2014, 09:51 AM
Our Wood supply for the Weekend


Just Boasting

6th October 2014, 10:05 AM
Is that a tyre mark in the pic lol
Bloody motor bikes

6th October 2014, 04:53 PM
How big do carp grow?, last trip the biggest was 630mm this trip Bob caught one 680mm I'm thinking that's the higher end of their length
Whats the longest anyone has caught mind you Bob's weighed in at 3.65KG and
nearly pulled him in the drink cause he had the drag locked up tight

7th October 2014, 12:02 PM
Heres a handy gadget for camp oven cooking, just point and pull the trigger, will tell you temps in C and F.
We tried to have the roast cooking at 160 but settled on an average of 180 topping out at 200C.
for around $12 well worth considering.
took the temps from the side and on the lid