View Full Version : Gu clutch noise

29th September 2014, 08:36 AM
Hey guys can't find anything in this thread but I have a noise which I can only describe as a helicopter noise type rattle and once clutch is pressed in goes away only notice yesterday morning while it was warming up and didn't notice it once it was warm. Don't remember this problem when I was at Nissan anyone else seen this before. Clutch feels good no other problems though.
Cheers toad

29th September 2014, 09:12 AM
The clutch release bearing carrier is rattling on the nose cone. When they are greased up you won't here it. Once the grease dries out it rattles again. Or, it's the bearing on that carrier. Could be either one.

29th September 2014, 09:21 AM
Cheers mudski well ill see how she goes those boxes are a pain to remove so won't remove it just to grease and quiet a rattle

29th September 2014, 11:21 AM
Yeah when I replaced the clutch in mine I greased the carrier up and was all quiet. Around two month later it went noisy again and haven't worried about it since...

1st October 2014, 05:56 PM
As long as it's not the spigot bearing squealing away.

2nd October 2014, 10:33 AM
As long as it's not the spigot bearing squealing away.

Don't believe it is as it's when the clutch isn't pressed in. Spigot works when clutch is being pushed it

2nd October 2014, 10:41 AM
Does the noise disappear when you press the clutch half way or all the way down?? It could be either the thrust bearing, gearbox front bearing or one of the cluster bearings inside the gearbox. I've heard 1 TB42 gearbox with noisy cluster bearings so far.

18th October 2014, 06:53 AM
Surely you could lube the carrier through the clutch fork hole with the boot removed? Maybe with some of that sticky chain lube in a can through one of those tubes that comes on a wd40 can? Just don't get it on the clutch... Got to be easier shot than pulling out the box, that's a painfull job!

6th May 2015, 12:07 PM
Does the noise disappear when you press the clutch half way or all the way down?? It could be either the thrust bearing, gearbox front bearing or one of the cluster bearings inside the gearbox. I've heard 1 TB42 gearbox with noisy cluster bearings so far.
As soon as foot presses tge petal it goes and if I put revs up slightly it goes and one warm it goes away hasn't changed since I've had it

6th May 2015, 12:08 PM
90mav I haven't tried

6th May 2015, 12:18 PM
Mine does the same its only the thrust bearing or carrier as mentioned I had a vl turbo that did it and I left it and that copped a lot of abuse I didn't worry until I changed the clutch and that was at least 2 years later

6th May 2015, 12:26 PM
Thanks mate

6th May 2015, 12:38 PM
Mine does it -was the same after I had a new clutch installed, was quieter initially but after a few months the helicopter is back. Kinda happy now I know what it is