View Full Version : High lift jack or Exhaust air jack

25th February 2011, 08:21 PM
Hi All,

Being a newbie to 4 x 4ing was wondering what the general consensus of the members is between Hi lift jacks and Exhaust Air jacks. Is one better in different situation or does it come down to personel choice. Interested in your opinions.


25th February 2011, 08:27 PM
as always personal choice. But i would choice anything over than Air jacks.

the evil twin
25th February 2011, 09:19 PM
Hi lift is much more versatile but much more dangerous.

If it is one or the other get a Hi lift BUT learn how to use it

the ferret
25th February 2011, 09:44 PM
A HI-LIFT is good as long as you know what you're doing, you will also need good jacking points, you can jack a vehicle up and push it sideways onto fresh ground and you can also use them as a winch. BUT, they can also cause death or serious injury when used by a novice.
Then there is the mounting problem, where are you gunna store it?
For me, I would go the HI-LIFT. If you mount it on the spare, stay away from the alloy jack holders on Ebay, Rhino do a clamp system for the roof rack, they look ok to me.
My two bobs worth.

Finly Owner
25th February 2011, 09:48 PM
I have both once I get my high lift working.

25th February 2011, 09:50 PM
High lifts are heavy to carry and VERY dangerous to use, unless you have been shown how to by a professional - as opposed to somebody who THINKS they know all about them. Exhaust jacks are lighter, easier to store and while they can be dangerous - are no where near as deadly as high lifts. Exhaust jacks also work very well in both sand and mud - which are the usual areas where you will need to lift your 4X4 up high.

28th February 2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks to everyone for their input. Seeing most of my driving will be in sandy conditions, might go for the exhaust jack.

1st March 2011, 12:21 AM
I carry an Exhaust Jack at all times. Works a treat in the sand if that is where you need it most. Had a mate roll a tyre off the bead the other week in the Otways and it was the one time i did not have the exhaust jack and he had to get the HiLift out. Man Fark that thing. Go the exhaust Jack first time every time for me thanks.

If your going to hang the HiLift on the back door or anywhere out of the vehicle you need to Bag it. Keep it out of the weather, Out of the dust and the rain. Keep it well Lubricated and tested.

I HiLift IS NOT like an awning (bolt it to your rack and forget about it till you need it, It is NOT decoration. It is a mechanical Device that if left exposed to the elements will suffer from unpredictable mechanical failure. Maintain it.

I am a BIG FAN of the exhaust Jack.

If you are mainly going to use it to lift out of things or swap wheels on the track then i will race anyone to do that task faster than with an Exhaust jack. Fast and Efficient.

my 2c

3rd March 2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks MudRunnerTD, everything you said is very valid. I'm in the process of purchasing the Exhaust Jack.

4th March 2011, 01:27 AM
are there any good instructional vidoes on how to properly use a hi lift jack? never seen one in action and wondering if I will get some use out of one

the ferret
4th March 2011, 01:48 AM
It's mostly common sense Gary, they are perfectly safe when you know what you're doing, they are a brilliant tool and have rescued and winched many a bogged vehicle over the last 80 years or so, I have one of the originals and would never part with it.
You need to talk to the old salts about safe usage, it comes with barked knuckles and bent bumpers, and sometimes, the only way out is with a Hi-Lift jack.
The main thing with them is to have purpose built jacking points on the vehicle, this in itself gives greater safety and NEVER get under the vehicle when supported by a Hi-lift or ANY other jack.
I'm sure some other mature members will chime in on the do's and don'ts of Hi-lift usage, stand by mate.

4th March 2011, 06:34 AM
That is right.
Both tools are dedicated to diff situations. Hi-lifts are not only good for lifting. Sometimes they are "last hope" tool.

I've had a day: was off-roading in deep-black-hole in the forest. Winter time. 1km distance in deep water. I did'n know foresting comp has used this way few weeks before - some of "small" tree cuts felt down into this watter. Plenty of wooden pieces, 100kg each in deep mud. Man could see them. While getting through I stacked on one of them. Winching with mechanical winch went wrong. Soon I've burned my clutch down. I have el winch on rear bumper. Pulled Patrol 50 metres on, putting rope under the body!!!. Anyway electric stopped once. I was busted.

So friend, if I couldn't use my hi-lift in this situation there.....
Gas-bag is also very useful tool. You may distance You vehicle from the tree or rock while climbing.
Waiting for other ideas of using high-lift.... not for lifting.

4th March 2011, 08:06 PM
High lift jack is good for boat anchor ................

the evil twin
4th March 2011, 08:38 PM
High lift jack is good for boat anchor ................

Yep, thats yet another of the many things an Air Bag can't do that a Hi Lift will.

I have both and if I was only allowed to carry one or the other would carry the Air bag around town or down the beach and the Hi Lift everywhere else.

I look at it this way an Airbag cannot do everything a Hi lift can but a Hi lift will do everything an Air Bag will and a lot more... especially if you can't start the engine or have trashed the exhaust (cracked mine at the turbo flange a while back a long way from home, immediately made my Air bag dead weight).

They are both brilliant for what they are designed for.

10th March 2011, 11:00 AM
I'm heading out this weekend to invest in an Exhaust Jack - after what dhuck and I went through on the weekend, it would have proven invaluable - easier to use, safer, able to be used on a variety of surfaces, etc ... money well spent me thinks ...

Finly Owner
10th March 2011, 11:07 PM
I'm heading out this weekend to invest in an Exhaust Jack - after what dhuck and I went through on the weekend, it would have proven invaluable - easier to use, safer, able to be used on a variety of surfaces, etc ... money well spent me thinks ...
I got a fantastic one on Ebay (not a cheapy type) but at a ggod price, with grip on top and bottom.

11th March 2011, 08:16 AM
I got a fantastic one on Ebay (not a cheapy type) but at a ggod price, with grip on top and bottom.

Was it one of those 4x4 ones from deals direct? That's the one I'm looking at also.

Finly Owner
11th March 2011, 10:42 PM
Was it one of those 4x4 ones from deals direct? That's the one I'm looking at also.
Yeah that's it, has own storage bag

11th March 2011, 10:50 PM
Yeah that's it, has own storage bag

Is it good quality for the money? EDIT - as in, it is relatively cheap compared to others but has exactly the same write up regarding the build materials and quality as more expensive brands?

Finly Owner
11th March 2011, 11:27 PM
Scott hang off until Sunday and have a look at mine!

11th March 2011, 11:28 PM
Scott hang off until Sunday and have a look at mine!

Done! Thanks

18th April 2011, 12:32 AM
Any chance of a pic of the Exhaust Jack? I'm looking to buy one off eBay but being a newbie don't wanna waste money spending too much and don't wanna buy a piece of junk either.


Some people are like Slinkies… not much good for anything but, they bring a smile to your face when pushed down stairs.

18th April 2011, 08:30 AM
Any chance of a pic of the Exhaust Jack? I'm looking to buy one off eBay but being a newbie don't wanna waste money spending too much and don't wanna buy a piece of junk either.


Some people are like Slinkies… not much good for anything but, they bring a smile to your face when pushed down stairs.

Love your little signature there mate!! LOL!!

the evil twin
18th April 2011, 11:51 AM
My Exhaust Bag got used in anger last month at Yeagerup Dunesin SW W.A. Bloke rolled a front tyre off in amongst the dunes and these are BIG dunes. Worked a treat and def not a situation for a hi lift with sloping loose sand faces etc.

21st April 2011, 07:16 PM
Love your little signature there mate!! LOL!!

Yeah... can't remember where I came across that one but it makes me smile when I think of it :)