View Full Version : Things your partners say to annoy you :)

26th September 2014, 06:37 AM
I love my wife dearly and enjoy her company. Sometimes the little things are funny or just plain annoying :) I have a few annoyances....When we use the radio my wife finishes with "over and out". Grrrr gets me burred up! :)

26th September 2014, 07:22 AM
A travel mate and his brother who have strong ties to the ocean all do that, why? I don't know as no one else does... over.

My wife asks a question to which I answer, then keep getting the same question. My answer must be "wrong". Well I get stubborn and stick with the original till she gives up!
It's silly things like "would I like to put my drink bottle in her back pack?" when out walking. No thanks, I cant drink it in there LOL.

I am really bad at putting things back exactly where they belong so am always being chipped about that. Funny all the stuff still fits but that's probably a bloke thing.

26th September 2014, 07:26 AM
" Let's take the land cruiser"

26th September 2014, 07:28 AM
A travel mate and his brother who have strong ties to the ocean all do that, why? I don't know as no one else does... over.

My wife asks a question to which I answer, then keep getting the same question. My answer must be "wrong". Well I get stubborn and stick with the original till she gives up!
It's silly things like "would I like to put my drink bottle in her back pack?" when out walking. No thanks, I cant drink it in there LOL.

I am really bad at putting things back exactly where they belong so am always being chipped about that. Funny all the stuff still fits but that's probably a bloke thing.

I get chipped about the same thing. I always know where it is though :)

26th September 2014, 07:54 AM
My wife doesn't have to say anything...:eek:

26th September 2014, 08:14 AM
My wife either says when asked what is wrong "nothing" which I know means " I am really annoyed at you".

The other thing is going to finish my sentence and being so far off the mark..

26th September 2014, 08:43 AM
My wife either says when asked what is wrong "nothing" which I know means " I am really annoyed at you".

The other thing is going to finish my sentence and being so far off the mark..

The word nothing normally means I did something wrong :)

26th September 2014, 09:31 AM
When my missus says don't forget................
I say what don't remember you saying that
She say last so n so
I say did you tell me in that tone of voice
Always goes well hahahaha

26th September 2014, 02:36 PM
The other thing is going to finish my sentence and being so far off the mark..

Now THAT I can relate to! Grrrrrr.

26th September 2014, 03:05 PM
Now THAT I can relate to! Grrrrrr.

When we were young it was like mind reading, what happened?

26th September 2014, 03:23 PM
Why do you need that?
You're not that young anymore.
Don't be so childish.
You can't say that to them.
You're not listening.

But I love her dearly.

26th September 2014, 03:25 PM
Why do you need that?
You're not that young anymore.
Don't be so childish.
You can't say that to them.
You're not listening.

But I love her dearly.

Do they learn those expressions somewhere? I hear them all the time :)

26th September 2014, 03:32 PM
Do they learn those expressions somewhere? I hear them all the time :)

Secret womens business I think

26th September 2014, 03:48 PM
Do they learn those expressions somewhere? I hear them all the time :)

Often think our dear ladies graduate from the same university, with the same degree!

Probably say the same about us blokes too. Different university, different degree.

26th September 2014, 04:14 PM
"You never listen to me" where my reply is "You dint actually tell me so of course I wasn't listening"

When we go out I also get "Why are you going this way? Its faster if you go ........ " I probably deserve this one as I try and choose a different route to get to places just to keep things interesting....

26th September 2014, 04:28 PM
" Let's take the land cruiser"

That's reasonable grounds for divorce!

26th September 2014, 05:14 PM
The most annoying thing she says to me is "can I store this stuff in the shed".
If its not getting used, get rid of it instead of cluttering my shed, she has retaliated with "what about all these offcuts of steel and timber etc, why don't you throw them away" I have to explain that they are small stock items for future projects.

26th September 2014, 05:20 PM
The most annoying thing she says to me is "can I store this stuff in the shed".
If its not getting used, get rid of it instead of cluttering my shed, she has retaliated with "what about all these offcuts of steel and timber etc, why don't you throw them away" I have to explain that they are small stock items for future projects.

I still have off cuts from the 80s they get used. I let her know, see, it does come in handy lol

26th September 2014, 05:32 PM
everything i said was wrong so i fixed that by moving out :) now i can only blame myself lol

26th September 2014, 07:23 PM
Silence annoys me...

What's wrong babe...nothing.


26th September 2014, 07:38 PM
'Why do you need another fishing rod'?

Don't you have enough tools?

I've organised a family get together for this weekend with my side of the family....

26th September 2014, 08:34 PM
Amazing, they are ALL the same.

26th September 2014, 08:53 PM
"You have better things to spend your money on, than buying a snorkel for your Patrol!" says my beloved, as I ring up for a quote to get a Safari snorkel supplied and fitted.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Getting the root canal done and the crack in your tooth fixed!!"

She just could be right, maybe ...

26th September 2014, 09:17 PM
So after reading all this it turns out maybe Amy is not so bad..... Yes she can read this

26th September 2014, 09:19 PM
So after reading all this it turns out maybe Amy is not so bad..... Yes she can read this

26th September 2014, 09:29 PM
Ask me what I want for dinner, then tell me we don't have it.........so why ask me???

26th September 2014, 09:38 PM
Isnt it obvious ????
Jeez, you men can be so dense...............

I think I should steer clear of this thread from now on....

That's me, unless it's black and white, I don't see it :)

26th September 2014, 09:40 PM
The missus - "Why do you need another rifle , I've only got a 22 and that's all you should ever need?"
My response - "Why do you need so many shoes, I've only got a pair of work boots, thongs and joggers. Thats all you should need"
Apparently its not the same Bang Head

Apart from that, she's alright but the "Nothing" certainly means somethings up.

26th September 2014, 10:15 PM
Come on, hurry up - during my tour of Bunnings or Masters

26th September 2014, 10:31 PM
My misses doesn't say to much.....but when she does I listen.

26th September 2014, 10:37 PM
When are you leaving your Wife?.......oops, wrong woman :)

27th September 2014, 07:08 AM
" Let's take the land cruiser"

Quoting out of context is bad. You cannot slate somebody for saying "Let's take the land cruiser" when the whole sentence was "Let's take the land cruiser to the supermarket, cos fck knows it wouldn't get anywhere else"

27th September 2014, 07:16 AM
So after reading all this it turns out maybe Amy is not so bad..... Yes she can read this

Want a straw so you can suck up a bit harder????

27th September 2014, 10:52 AM
You can't go 4wding cos you'll put new scratches on it.
Take out the rubbish.
Mow the lawns.
You going fishing again.
Why is your car still dirty.

Go hang out the clothes.
Can you vacuum.
Don't mix colours in the wash
Don't drink from the bottle.

27th September 2014, 10:55 AM
Best i get......can you come and get me? Call the RACQ, no i dont like strange men......remind me again why we took out roadside service for you???

27th September 2014, 11:35 AM
I'm listening.....