View Full Version : Funny Stories - tell us yours!

DX grunt
1st July 2010, 12:23 PM
After reading Plasnart's 'air horn experience', thought I'd kick off a new thread about funny stories - maybe not so funny at the time, but now that it's over, you can laugh about it.

Well here's mine.

Driving along this perfect gravel road at 110 (WA), saw this sign ' cattle grid'.
Didn't think much about it, until I went over it at at 110. Well, YEEEE HAAAAA.
Hit my head on the roof and saw stars!

Won't be doing that again in a hurry! LOL


1st July 2010, 12:51 PM
An old friend who had always been a dirt bike rider finally got a 250 road bike and thought he would give it a go.

Everytime he goes around a corner he sticks his leg out. God help him if his foot touches the asphalt.

He has now been called "postman Pete".


Like the image above but on a 250 roadbike doing 80km's with a nice soft asphalt landing if his foot touches the ground.

Nice work Pete. :)

1st July 2010, 01:11 PM
I bought an old DS80 motorbike off a friend for 5 bucks when I was 13.

Cleaned it all up, just got it going and was racing around the streets and parks nearby all through school holidays.

My old man didn't like this one bit so he put a wet piece of paper ontop of the spak plug.

Next day I got up and took it for a ride deep into the state park nearby and when the paper dried out.....NO SPARK!

Back then I never thought of checking spark and had to push it for miles home.

I ran out of energy and stashed it in the bushes.

Eventually got home, dad was laughing and told me what he had done.

I raced back down there and it was already stolen....Great trick by the way.....I was devastated.....Dad was happy!

1st July 2010, 01:25 PM
I had just picked up my Mav only owned it for 36 hrs & took it around to show my brother who at the time owned a MQ ( ditched it for a TOJO traitorous bastard ) & of course we had to take it for a spin my brother driving. So we head out to our stomping grounds & ended up cutting across lake Hindmarsh which is the biggest fresh water inland lake in OZ & is currently dry. The ground surface is pretty rough & is covered in thick stubble up to waist height but is a regular short cut across to track we use. So where crawling along when suddenly he stalls it & yep you guessed it we had a flat battery & on top of that no phone reception its 3am by this stage we are miles from anywhere & its pitch black so needless to say I though we were screwed. So we got out & pushed it back over ground we had already driven on & rolled it backwards & forwards about ten times over the same 6 foot of ground to flatten it out as much as we could & between the 2 of us managed to roll start it. We got the hell out of there & headed strait home & the next day the Mav got 2 new battery's & a new duel batt system with duel start.

It wasn't funny at the time but is now a well told story about the Mav's first 4WD outing.


DX grunt
1st July 2010, 09:03 PM
When my kid was a baby weighing 12kg, he wouldn't sleep. The only thing that would put him to sleep was to go for a drive. So I drove out of town about 10k and he still wouldn't stop crying, so I turned the engine off, got out and cuddled him for a while and eventually he fell asleep. Put him back in his car seat and go to start the car and... nothing.
I had to carry this 12kg dead weight about 6km home coz I was out in the bush in the middle of nowhere. The chapping in between my legs was unbearable for days. LOL

1st July 2010, 09:15 PM
When my kid was a baby weighing 12kg, he wouldn't sleep. The only thing that would put him to sleep was to go for a drive. So I drove out of town about 10k and he still wouldn't stop crying, so I turned the engine off, got out and cuddled him for a while and eventually he fell asleep. Put him back in his car seat and go to start the car and... nothing.
I had to carry this 12kg dead weight about 6km home coz I was out in the bush in the middle of nowhere. The chapping in between my legs was unbearable for days. LOL

Funny story, but obviously not at the time.

Thats the only way I can get my baby to sleep. only in my partners car though, jeez she would scream going for a ride in my 4wd....lol

2nd July 2010, 10:33 PM
Just bought the new 4x4 a while back and had a couple of mates in the car.

Went down to get chinses food after a big night the previous night.

Decided to take the "detour" home and charged up some of the old miners hills.

Completely forgot about the chinese food we just purchased.

There was hokkien noodles, seafood and weird sauce smeared all over my car.

Ended up driving back down and got pizza...haha

Bad night i tell ya.

4th July 2010, 07:03 PM
Driving along a beach track at Lucky Bay (near Kalbarri), me leading and my mate in his 80 series about 200m behind.
The track became really soft and narrow so I gave the order to turn around as soon as you find a suitable spot.
I managed to turn around okay and was waiting for my mate to come along when I hear on the radio he had found a spot but was no hung up on a sand hump and stuck.
Returning I found him front-on to a dune and the rear stuck on a raised part of the track.
Down onto the beach I hooked up the snatch strap.
With the ladies watching beside his car and my mate in the car ready to go we communicate on the radio and I take off.
But as I took off in low first it boggerd down a little before I grabbed second and the tyres bit.
Meanwhile seeing my car bog down his wife yells "He's bogged too", so my mate gets out of the car to look.
Next minute his car goes shooting off the sand hump and rolling down the small bank onto the beach while he is standing there mouth open.

The ladies damn near wet themselves.


4th July 2010, 07:15 PM
Driving along a beach track at Lucky Bay (near Kalbarri), me leading and my mate in his 80 series about 200m behind.
The track became really soft and narrow so I gave the order to turn around as soon as you find a suitable spot.
I managed to turn around okay and was waiting for my mate to come along when I hear on the radio he had found a spot but was no hung up on a sand hump and stuck.
Returning I found him front-on to a dune and the rear stuck on a raised part of the track.
Down onto the beach I hooked up the snatch strap.
With the ladies watching beside his car and my mate in the car ready to go we communicate on the radio and I take off.
But as I took off in low first it boggerd down a little before I grabbed second and the tyres bit.
Meanwhile seeing my car bog down his wife yells "He's bogged too", so my mate gets out of the car to look.
Next minute his car goes shooting off the sand hump and rolling down the small bank onto the beach while he is standing there mouth open.

The ladies damn near wet themselves.


Lol.... Thats gotta be up there as one of the funniest for sure.


DX grunt
10th October 2010, 11:24 AM

Tell us your funny stories.