View Full Version : Woes continue (after a short break)

18th September 2014, 05:05 PM
Hey all,

New problem has raised its ugly, yet somewhat familiar head (although be it a different issue).

Driving along (either at 50, 60, 70, 100km/h) hit a small bump in the road, and get what seems to be a grinding/rumble/slight vibration from the front end.
Hit another bump, and it disappears.
Does not happen every time I hit a bump, very inconsistent...

Ideas or suggestions of what it could be or what to look at?

Any info would be much appreciated.



18th September 2014, 06:12 PM

Can you go over the same bump in the same piece of road and reliably make the sound happen?

Can you further describe the grinding sound?

Does it vary with speed, clutch in/out (coasting) ? Steering? Braking? Above or below a certain speed? When car is cold or warmed up? Louder out passenger or drivers windows? Can you hear it through the floor?

Any info would be much appreciated.

18th September 2014, 06:58 PM
It may sound silly, but check that your hand brake isn't binding on. Occasionally, my handbrake was and it manifested itself as noises from the front left wheel.

18th September 2014, 11:29 PM
1998 GU Wagon

Going over same bump does not make it happen.

Grinding, like rough metal on metal.

No variances, same under all conditions.

Have checked handbrake, all seems fine.


19th September 2014, 12:14 AM
Silly question but have you checked the brake pads, sometimes they can wear eneven and the metal on the pad will rub on the disc

19th September 2014, 12:30 AM
Yeah, no such thing as a silly question IMO.

Brakes are all fine.

No regularity or specifics to it, no association with speeds, rpm, anything...


19th September 2014, 04:55 AM
So when you hear this sound it stays Constant even if speed or rpms change?

19th September 2014, 05:53 AM
My auto hubs were making an intermittent sound like that. But I don't think yours has them.
Have you tried engaging and disengaging the hubs.

19th September 2014, 10:25 PM
It's the same regardless of rpm/speed.

Funny you mention hubs.
I had put free wheeling hubs on when I had the last issue (came with auto hubs, wasn't them though) and I was wondering if it had something to do with them.
I pulled them off and there seemed to be some play along the splines allowing the inner gear to move towards the locking ring gear in the hub assembly.
Not sure if that might have been enought for teeth to touch over bumps, were still nicely greased.


20th September 2014, 12:17 AM
I have read a post, a while ago, that too much grease can cause the hub to move.

20th September 2014, 10:10 AM
It's the same regardless of rpm/speed.

Funny you mention hubs.
I had put free wheeling hubs on when I had the last issue (came with auto hubs, wasn't them though) and I was wondering if it had something to do with them.
I pulled them off and there seemed to be some play along the splines allowing the inner gear to move towards the locking ring gear in the hub assembly.
Not sure if that might have been enought for teeth to touch over bumps, were still nicely greased.

I wouldn't be surprised, manual hubs are not just simple swap for auto hubs. Did you check and corrected excessive clearance using different size snap rings? Also did you fit "egg" spacer if yours are Nissan OEM hubs?


20th September 2014, 05:31 PM
There wasn't an excessive amount of grease, but definitely enough to keep things nicely lubricated.

The snap rings couldn't be changed in size as these were already at tolerance for the groove.
Thicker spacer behind the snap ring, and 'egg' ring all used.
Part of it I think is that both shafts has some end float allowing the shaft gear to move outwards towards hub gear.
