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15th September 2014, 10:52 AM
Thinking of buying a double camping cot for bush camping. Anybody had any experience of them?49301

15th September 2014, 10:58 AM
Never seen or used these ..... we just used to take our normal portacot

15th September 2014, 11:28 AM
Edit, as the pic just appeared.

These are great in hot climates. Jet tent make one called 'bunker bed'.

15th September 2014, 11:30 AM
Mate has one seems ok there is another style on Ebay which are cheaper.
Most here use a stretcher under a side awning, with a swag on top

15th September 2014, 11:39 AM
yep stretcher under the awning is good although i also have a rooftop tent but for budget the stretcher and awning are great.

16th September 2014, 12:31 AM
Edit, as the pic just appeared.

These are great in hot climates. Jet tent make one called 'bunker bed'.

They look good and solid but I bet they are pricey

16th September 2014, 01:04 AM
They look good and solid but I bet they are pricey

Not as much as you'd think, I was seriously thinking about getting one until I scored a swag cheap, just need a decent cot to hold my weight now, looking at maybe an Oztent King Goanna stretcher

http://www.kulkyne.com/au/Jet-Tent-Bunker.html?gclid=CjwKEAjwnNqgBRDdgOitrZPj6yYSJACM 86tDJSfVqHkb2Apktp-uEQjz-UiolQnSbYRxhDe6RA9GqxoCkyTw_wcB

16th September 2014, 08:24 AM
They do come with a storm cover [fly] for crappy weather,
only downside I see is very bulky to pack, only 2 would fill the rear of a GQ

16th September 2014, 09:38 AM
looking at the bag in this video Threedogs, the Oztent Bunker is quite a bit less bulky than a swag


16th September 2014, 12:36 PM
Oztrail also have there own version almost identical to the bunker and a lot cheaper

16th September 2014, 05:25 PM
They are pricey yes and big when folded up. Was thinking of it as an alternative to a roof top tent. Trying to avoid carrying too much on the roof. That and I just like the look of them. My camps are usually simple, so this will be like a hotel.

16th September 2014, 06:13 PM
Thought I'd mention I have a jet tent bunker and it is the best thing I've bought. It folds up nicely, not as big as you may think, and it is very versatile and comfy! Love it.
Pictured on the left.

16th September 2014, 07:07 PM
I just bought a bivvy bag and it was delivered today. Basically a compact swag and can still be used on a stretcher and anywhere else you could use 1.

Needed something with lower side entry until I can use the swag properly and this fit the bill nicely and was cheap.


21st September 2014, 07:16 PM
Hi we have one, single tho, love it and heaps more comfy than my Boab swag. Its not the canvas type and can get condensation in it if its all sealed up but no probs. Kids like using it to and put an extra self inflating mattress in it and comfort!!

21st September 2014, 09:15 PM
I have a bunker too and its awesome. I was in the market for a dome swag then stumbled on the bunker, at around the same price as a decent brand swag ($389 delivered from Snowys)
A friend bought one as soon as he saw mine and we used them for a couple nights down Yeagarup, he also commented it was the best nights sleep when camping ever, I agree!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10428354_10152383345181033_2883983323279988579_o.j pg

21st September 2014, 09:17 PM
A lot of my mates are now converted too after seeing my bunker. Definitely a nice piece of camping kit!

27th September 2014, 04:35 PM
I have a question for those running bunkers. My one has a few deficiencies, that I've noticed. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong but yeah...
Dumb question time. Do you sleep with the head on the narrow end or the open end ??? Reason I'm asking is my bunker XL slopes down at the high end, and I'm not a fan of sleeping with elevated feet. This is with fully stretched out and setup.

The other thing is, the high end poles at the top want to come inwards toward each other, and with the canvas over it, this doesn't allow the canvas to be stretched and is left somewhat loose on top.

And the other thing is, I just read the manual and it tells me to extend front and rear poles... The only 2 poles extending on my XL are the high end ones?


27th September 2014, 11:37 PM
Head at the high end Eric. Unless you sleep with you legs up....

27th September 2014, 11:51 PM
I have a question for those running bunkers. My one has a few deficiencies, that I've noticed. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong but yeah...
Dumb question time. Do you sleep with the head on the narrow end or the open end ??? Reason I'm asking is my bunker XL slopes down at the high end, and I'm not a fan of sleeping with elevated feet. This is with fully stretched out and setup.

The other thing is, the high end poles at the top want to come inwards toward each other, and with the canvas over it, this doesn't allow the canvas to be stretched and is left somewhat loose on top.

And the other thing is, I just read the manual and it tells me to extend front and rear poles... The only 2 poles extending on my XL are the high end ones?


Eric got a bit of Pussy in is Bunker! They must be good!

27th September 2014, 11:54 PM
That's it! I'm going to buy ten of them.....

27th September 2014, 11:58 PM
looking at the bag in this video Threedogs, the Oztent Bunker is quite a bit less bulky than a swag


Hodge have you watched this video mate? It might answer some of your questions. They look great! I really do have enough gear though! But I like it!

30th September 2014, 08:41 PM
Thanks for a good laugh you lot LOL. I saw that video, even before I bought my bunker, and definitely setting it up correctly.

While I'm here I thought I'd mention about camping with this thing in cold weather. Because it is not fully enclosed, air/cold gets past the front, and sides fly, even though it was very comfy, it was farking freezing, compared to a regular swag which is fully enclosed. Now this is a XL bunker, which has a thinner fly material compared to the single bunker which has the full canvas so don't know what they go like in cold.
Just another little downside I experienced when we camped up the HC recently where it got below 0. BUT... can't wait to start using it in summer/warmer weather as this things ventilation looks really good...

7th January 2015, 11:39 AM
Bringing this one back up to the surface...
My Bunker XL is being replaced due to a problem with the front legs / scissor mechanism becoming loose and front (head end) dropping down. I mentioned this in one of my previous posts.

They make you cut the logos out of the existing one and send logs back, then they send you a new one.

They are sending me another one and is apparently a whole new design, sturdier, this problem has been fixed and canvass has been re-designed a bit too. Will get mine sometime this week or next week. Will report back on it. Can't wait as I really like the bunkers!

7th January 2015, 11:56 AM
Good service one of my camp chairs I sent to my mate at the airport years ago, he removed every bolt on the scissorsaction.
He replaced them with a SS bush flared at both ends, It will never break now.
Maybe the same could be done to these cots for longevity.
I dont use that seat anymore I retired it for a fancy TJM number with solid arm rests

So its main place it what under an awning or out in the weather,?
How good in a big summer down pour?

8th January 2015, 07:31 PM
Well here is the New bunker design. Different center structure setup, now has bottom lock-in mechanism at feet and much sturdier scissor mechanism at front. A little bit thicker fly canvass too. Very very comfy!


9th January 2015, 10:36 AM
I have had the single cot tent for an number of years-they are excellent - only proviso I would add is - buy one of those roll out hiker mattress - the padded mattress that comes with the cot tent isn't thick enough

9th January 2015, 10:56 AM
box the oz-tent came in priceless lol.
looks the goods to BTW