View Full Version : Turbo oil return line

1st September 2014, 10:34 AM
Hi guys,

Sorry for all the questions but I know I can get good answers/help here. I'm slowly working my way through the mav replacing and fixing what I can.

The oil return line from the turbo looks like crap and I want to replace it, can I just replace it with some heater hose or do I need to use something special seeing as it has hot oil running through it?


1st September 2014, 10:37 AM
Use a hose rated for carrying oil and with a good temp rating.

1st September 2014, 10:38 AM
What's that type of hose called I need?

1st September 2014, 06:14 PM
What's that type of hose called I need?

I can't remember the name of it but if you have a pirtek store near you just tell them what it's for and they'll sort you out.