View Full Version : 4 x 100 watt spotlights

Patrol 1993
11th August 2014, 09:38 PM
Could someone please let me know if I can put 4 x 100 watt spotlights on my 1993 Patrol.
It has a 4.2 Litre petrol engine.
I will be using relays.
Will the current drawn from the standard battery be too much for the battery to handle?
Will the alternator be able to handle the load?
Or should I stick to only 2 spot lights.

Thanks, Neil.

the evil twin
11th August 2014, 10:19 PM
The electrical system will handle the load quite adequately but in this day and age there are better solutions that will give a higher light output at lower current draw.

A Patrol I bought recently had 4 x 100 watt and 2 x 55 watt incandescent spotlights.
It now has a a 240 watt light bar and 2 x 55 Watt HID which gives much more useable lighting on and off road at a little over 1/2 the same current draw

11th August 2014, 10:25 PM
Yeah a Light Bar in a heart beat mate.

12th August 2014, 06:37 PM
You might have a problem when Idleing - ie off road and the revs a low - on road doing 100kmh should be fine

Patrol 1993
12th August 2014, 09:40 PM
Hi The Evil Twin.
What would a set up like that cost?
Where would be the best place to get it?
I live in Brisvagas.


12th August 2014, 09:42 PM
Have a look in the vendors section here for LED. Light Co. Great vendor with a great product and great service. Payl will sort you out mate.

12th August 2014, 09:43 PM
Ebay, 4x4 outlets, forum sponsors, happy to show mine so you can see the difference