View Full Version : Oil Leak

4th August 2014, 07:51 PM
Hi, we own a 3.0L TDI 04 GU Patrol, when we bought it, a couple of days later we noticed that it had an oil leak, it was found out that we needed a new inter-cooler and turbo, so, we got one. We then found out that it had been doing lots of corrugations, seeing that the wheel arch had split, we fixed that too. But its only been a month or so since we had the turbo and inter-cooler fixed, we have now noticed that there is yet again oil leaking from her. Please if you have any idea what it could be or if its a common fault with them, please tell me. Shes cost us a fair bit of money to fix and shes to good off road to get rid of! So if you have any information, it would help so much! Thanks.

4th August 2014, 08:51 PM
Dont forget to post up an introduction on yourself its something we ask of all members.

If you dont know where the leaks are coming from get out the degreaser and start cleaning then watch for the oil to start leaking again, if the intercooler has been replaced maybe the hoses have worked loose?

Where is the oil looking like its coming from ?

4th August 2014, 10:05 PM
Not sure, but the bottom of the diff and along the housing is wet all the time. But it also looks like its dripping from somewhere around the engine because the steering linkages and all that get wet aswell.

5th August 2014, 01:05 AM
Any leak will hit the diff and steering