View Full Version : Thin end of the wedge?

17th July 2014, 08:49 AM
Hmmmmm........not liking where this appears to be heading......


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17th July 2014, 09:03 AM
The cant f^$king leave it alone can they...... bloody pisses me off that there is nothing that cannot be left.

17th July 2014, 09:59 AM
Geez! Soon we will be trading our big muddies for low profile roadies to go high country bashing. What next? How about spending that money on roads that actually need fixing is my first thought.

17th July 2014, 10:10 AM
Geez! Soon we will be trading our big muddies for low profile roadies to go high country bashing. What next? How about spending that money on roads that actually need fixing is my first thought.

Exactly...... cant get them to work on roads that need upgrading or proper repairs to but hey lets build I road in the middle of nowhere so our mates can build a resort!!!!

17th July 2014, 10:18 AM
How about a sealed road for my local fire station????

17th July 2014, 10:34 AM
Thems with money in their eyes can’t see anything more than $’s.
OUR HERITAGE, the country that is OURS, is being stolen from us right across the continent...... legally!
The profit makers don’t care that they leave a wasteland in their wake, just so long as their pockets are bulging.
Who the hell votes for these morons & their puppet masters? Someone does. I guess they hope their own pockets might get a little. Short sighted eh?
Federal or State - the right wing agenda is the same.

17th July 2014, 01:04 PM
for what its worth the Tullamarine freeway was paid for when finished in 1972 , I refuse to pay tolls on any of our road systems.
As for the Alpine way its only $$$ driving it and but personally cant see how or where funding would come from, Not that many go Skiing and 4x4ing
for that matter, yes it will boost tourism, but I cant see it being a winner, once ppl vote it will be swept under the carpet.
Or bring in Clive Palmer I say lol