View Full Version : Heater not working? air lock?

9th July 2014, 12:05 PM
Hi guys,
my heater isn't working on my 99 gu tb45 on gas.
i think their might be an air lock.
is there a way to get an air lock out of the heater core hose without taking the core out?


9th July 2014, 12:14 PM
Possible it could be clogged with goo make sure the
lever is working and fully opening , to allow full water flow.
If you think you have an air lock park nose up and invert a coke bottle in the radiator to raise your fill point.
Should remove a lot of air this way make sure heater is on hot and working

9th July 2014, 12:51 PM
thanks for the advice, did what you said but seems that theres no more air coming out of the radiator.. any other suggestions?

9th July 2014, 01:17 PM
With the engine at running temp, feel for heat on the rubber heater hoses, this may give you a indication of where the hot water is getting stopped, if the heater is on, and only one heater hose entering the firewall is feeling hot, your core will most likely be blocked, or the tap is not working.

If this is the case, in the engine bay, pull both hoses off where they enter the firewall (only when the engine is COLD again), put your garden hose in one hose entering the firewall, and turn it on soft, water should flow easy back out the other hose, this will confirm water is flowing through the core. (make sure heater tap is open)

Ive seen big brown poo like blockages come out of heater pipes before doing just this.

If you clear a obvious blockage, put one hose back on, and fill the other hose with water until it flows out of the engine side (to get rid of air), you will still need to bleed the whole system again (as 3D suggests), but this should be enough to check the heater now works.

If you do get a poo from the core, you need to carefully monitor the coolant level, and the core for leaks , as sometimes the poo causes corrosion, but at the same time, the poo stops water getting to any corrosion holes so you don't actually see a leak until the poo is gone.

9th July 2014, 01:25 PM
Poo was the word I couldn't think off, lol

9th July 2014, 01:37 PM
Poo was the word I couldn't think off, lol

Yeh, I thought what other description can I use, but when you see one come out, there really is no better way to describe it, fortunately they don't smell that bad though (lol)

9th July 2014, 01:45 PM
rlmao yeah once you've seen it once it never leaves you

9th July 2014, 03:30 PM
Hi Corey,
Good to see you back on the forum, sorry can't help with the heater but good info from 04OFF and TD, the coke bottle works.
Let us know how you go.

9th July 2014, 06:34 PM
Got it sorted! took the heater hose off and put pressured air through the radiator cap! big blockage but got it out! thanks mate! been a while!! working on my other project.. 63 vw bus :)

9th July 2014, 07:45 PM
Welcome back Corey!

9th July 2014, 11:17 PM
how you been mudski?

9th July 2014, 11:52 PM
Great! Still doing the apprenticeship?

10th July 2014, 08:18 AM
was it poo,,, in as a visual thing and texture lol

15th July 2014, 09:40 PM
Great! Still doing the apprenticeship?

yea mate! just turned second year. boss has been away so just been doing my own jobs.
Bit more money to fund the hobbies!
hows work for you?