View Full Version : Tips on how to remove the Pilbara Dust staining on my white Patrol

6th July 2014, 12:35 PM
Thanks in advance for the replies,

Any tips on how to whiten my Patrol, it is getting a bit of an off colour as it was finally washed for the first time in 8 years most of the colour of the red dirt didn't budge.


6th July 2014, 12:53 PM
Ok, so sounds like you will have early paint that has no clear coat, I suspect your paint will feel a bit furry, and white will come off on a rag if you rub the paint work ?

Could you post a pic of the stain/s ?

I doubt you will be able to remove your stains without some sort of cutting compound/polish, I would expect the whole paint job could do with a buff up after 8 years, the trick will be to use as mild a cutter as you can get away with, as your paint layers will be thin and easy to polish through.

If you can remove the stains without going through the paint, you will be best to polish the whole car, then use a decent thick wax over the lot, to do it properly you need to wax it twice, with each application at least a day apart (so you don't remove the first layer putting the second one on)

With regular future washing, wax will be your best chance of keeping the paint protected from further stains and looking good, unfortunately no matter what you do, it will most likely it will still start to all flatten off again after 6 months anyway :(

6th July 2014, 04:11 PM
Try some ct18 its the only thing I found would get the red centre dirt off our car, dilute spray on and let it sit keeping it moist spraying at intervals then wash as usual.

6th July 2014, 06:07 PM
could use a clay bar, but its one of Gods greatest creation for longevity lol

6th July 2014, 08:23 PM
I'm not quite sure what a clay bar is in real life but:

Went up the Cape last month, and early on there was some unseasonal rain, whilst we were in clay type country. The car stayed that colour all month, and when it was cleaned with a pressure washer, it's now whiter than it has ever been.

So maybe there is something in this clay bar thing.

6th July 2014, 10:23 PM
Pickup some meguiars ultimate polish compound and a couple of polishing pads. Doing it by hand will be your safest method without doing any damage.

7th July 2014, 08:22 PM
I did mine immediately after getting back. Just used a Karcher and plenty elbow grease with a wet rag. It's a bit late now but suggest you wash regularly so it doesn't get into the paint. Haven't attempted the engine yet which is covered in dust. Any easy way of cleaning the engine apart from a wet rag and one piece at a time?? Bit wary of getting the Karcher near it in case I ruin a computer or something.