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2nd July 2014, 05:14 PM
Federal MP Bob Katter says the feral pig population in north Queensland could explode after state and federal funding cuts resulted in the removal of control programs.

Mr Katter is seeking an urgent meeting with Environment Minister Greg Hunt in an attempt to secure funding after locals warned of the environmental havoc being caused by feral pigs.

Feral pigs are a scourge on the northern Queensland landscape, damaging the environment, fouling freshwater ecosystems and destroying agricultural land.

The integrated feral pig program has removed 7,000 pigs from an area covering more than 180,000 hectares in the past seven years.

The Cassowary Coast Council says it can no longer afford to run the program after the funding cuts and is warning of "catastrophic" consequences.

"Without this program our region is going to be hit extremely hard," said councillor Mark Nolan.

"A big part of the population breed in national parks and they border with cane and banana land, so councils are now going to be asked to fund the program along with land owners.

"But in real terms, it's going to be a much diminished program and the damage to the environment will be catastrophic. There's no doubt about that."

Parks and Wildlife Service says onus on farmers

Hinchinbrook Council is facing similar cutbacks to its feral pig control program, despite reducing economic losses to the sugar industry from $1.2 million to less than $500,000.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service executive director Jason Jacobi says the department cut funding to the program because pig removal is the individual farmers' responsibility.

"They're in the cane farms and breeding there because that's where the food source is," he said.

"Sure there are pigs in our national parks and that's why instead of spending our money on cane farms I intend to invest in eradicating pigs from national parks.

"Each landholder is responsible for removing pests from their own lands. I can't justify propping up a program anymore on land that is not ours to deal with.

"If this is such an important issue for the sugar cane industry and if in fact it is saving millions of dollars in productivity, then where is the sugar cane industry? Why aren't they at the table providing funding?"

Feral pigs causing huge problems: Katter

Mr Katter says the feral pig population is causing "tremendous problems".

"I've been to meetings where 5 and 10 per cent of the sugar cane crop has been taken by feral pigs. They're harboured in our national parks and our World Heritage areas," he said.

"It's all very well for the Government to say: 'Well, we're going to take all this land and all the rights over this land off you' - the people that live there in north Queensland - 'We're going to take it all over but of course, we're not going to look after it'."

Mr Hunt says while funding for the original feral pig control schemes has lapsed, other programs are now available for councils to apply for.

"This week I am visiting north Queensland and I will be announcing the first of the feral pig eradication funding," he said.

"The previous government cut [the funding].

"We have not just reinstated it but we have added a total of $7 million jointly between the Commonwealth and Queensland governments, because frankly these feral pigs rampage through wildlife and do enormous damage to Australian native species."

But Mr Nolan says they feel abandoned by the Government, and says native wildlife is under threat.

"Cassowaries could be wiped out by this decision," he said.

"They're already a threatened species and with the wild pig population exploding, they're going to get in and ravage their nests, eat their eggs and we got a lot of cassowary adults that get struck by cars.

"The impact of this decision, plus motor vehicle strikes will see, I believe, a huge impact on the population of cassowaries.

"We might have to change the name of our region in the near future because that's a real threat to us."

2nd July 2014, 07:48 PM
With estimates of 23 million feral pigs in Australia all parties involved need to work together, eradicating programs like this will ensure further growth in feral pigs levels of destruction.

Hunters and Farmers alone will never have a big enough impact on feral pig numbers without support of governments at all levels.

2nd July 2014, 10:00 PM
here's an idea open state and crown land to hunters in qld the same way nsw does

2nd July 2014, 10:01 PM
There was an article last week about the Feral pig problem in the southern states of the USA, Louisiana specifically, amazingly they said the same thing, hunting alone won't solve the problem.
SO... they are going to use poison (a big GREENIE no-no in the old country) but the poison they are going to use is .. sodium nitrate, yes the stuff in bacon, ham....


just add smoke

2nd July 2014, 10:34 PM
Pre1997, it was a better country to hunt in....

2nd July 2014, 11:16 PM
there was a feral pig running around in a town not far from here a couple of weeks ago..getting into trouble with the locals http://www.colliemail.com.au/story/2345606/feral-pig-on-rampage-through-town/

3rd July 2014, 08:10 AM
David Ireland highlighted this back in the early 80s,
Might be like the Buffalo and Camels you're never going to get rid of them.
Wild dogs in the high country is another, goats, or is funding covering all FERALs
or just pigs

my third 256
3rd July 2014, 08:20 AM
net years meetup QLD for a big shoot up of all the pigs and cane toads

3rd July 2014, 08:27 AM
net years meetup QLD for a big shoot up of all the pigs and cane toads
when asked what the best way to kill a cane toad was, one of the Pollies said a 3 wood but it was years ago

3rd July 2014, 01:54 PM
I’ll do my best to help out this weekend....

3rd July 2014, 08:01 PM
When we had Barmah State park we could shoot and trap the pigs, now it’s a National Park they are protected.

3rd July 2014, 08:22 PM
Just found this. Note the carrying of knives is illegal in NP's "It is also an offence to carry a weapon in a park including firearms, crossbows, longbows, knives or to have a dog in a park. Driving on closed tracks in those national parks carries fines of up to $2952."

3rd July 2014, 08:30 PM
And yet applications have been made to let businesses into protected areas. 1 rule for some and another for $$.

3rd July 2014, 09:33 PM
When we had Barmah State park we could shoot and trap the pigs, now it’s a National Park they are protected.

I did a lot of shooting there in the 70/80's....great place.

4th July 2014, 11:04 AM
Just found this. Note the carrying of knives is illegal in NP's "It is also an offence to carry a weapon in a park including firearms, crossbows, longbows, knives or to have a dog in a park. Driving on closed tracks in those national parks carries fines of up to $2952."

I always have a knife on my belt when fishing up the Murray, Parks have visited us afew times even black Saturday when we had a BBQ with us.
did not say a thing, would depend if he was cranky or not, Brian Twoomy is a DPI up Echuca way, good bloke too

4th July 2014, 11:23 AM
Just found this. Note the carrying of knives is illegal in NP's "It is also an offence to carry a weapon in a park including firearms, crossbows, longbows, knives or to have a dog in a park. Driving on closed tracks in those national parks carries fines of up to $2952."

And iof you are caught "sticking pigs" in a NP you can lose your firearms......I fail to see the correlation. I don't hunt illegally.

4th July 2014, 12:45 PM
Just get them to hire me and I'll get up there and go nuts!!!!

4th July 2014, 01:08 PM
Just get them to hire me and I'll get up there and go nuts!!!!

But will you do any hunting??? ha ha ha!!!!

4th July 2014, 01:17 PM
As much as I can eat....

4th July 2014, 01:20 PM
As much as I can eat....

Ha ha ha ha....

Funny how places we are not allowed to hunt have problems with ferals.... go figure !!!

I never hunt illegally for a feel it is not worth the risk no matter how silly I think it is I am not prepared top lose my car, guns, licence over it.

I have carried a gun in a National Park as I was travelling through...

4th July 2014, 01:24 PM
Yea I'm hot gunna risk it..
We're heading out Sunday toothed pines for a target day..
Should be good

4th July 2014, 01:26 PM
@ family4x4 I only carry a GP folder and we never take dogs anywhere we go.
Been ages since I went Hunting pigs [back] but we never took firearms only a few dogs[BIL] and a Knife,
Probably talking a good ten years ago easy.

4th July 2014, 01:27 PM
I have taken my Jack russells heaps while 4wding.... bloody stupid.

4th July 2014, 03:24 PM
I always have a knife on my belt when fishing up the Murray, Parks have visited us afew times even black Saturday when we had a BBQ with us.
did not say a thing, would depend if he was cranky or not, Brian Twoomy is a DPI up Echuca way, good bloke too

I carry a knife with me everywhere, never without it. If they looked in 4bee they would find 7 or 8 knifes, axe, tomahawk and even a Mantachie.

4th July 2014, 04:27 PM
I carry a knife with me everywhere, never without it. If they looked in 4bee they would find 7 or 8 knifes, axe, tomahawk and even a Mantachie.

Same here mate.... I carry for hunting for work and for camping and rather than unloading my car all the bloody time and then forget to put back in thats where they live...

4th July 2014, 06:20 PM
I think it's a law they enact if you are being a sh1thead. Most of us are safe...

4th July 2014, 06:22 PM
G'evening NP99,

Farkk, when I first read your thread title, I thought you were describing those new Senators that have just taken up their positions in Canberra. lol

Kind regards,


4th July 2014, 06:24 PM
G'evening NP99,

Farkk, when I first read your thread title, I thought you were describing those new Senators that have just taken up their positions in Canberra. lol

Kind regards,


Mate, don't get me started......:)