View Full Version : Whos at Fault on Dirt Roads?

14th February 2011, 08:40 PM
We have some new neighbours that have moved in who have about 3 teenagers.

Lets say they don't have the dirt road etiquette of driving slow on rough dirt with blind corners. One of them nearly hit the misses today driving too fast around the corner.

Before I pay them a visit, is it still the 50/50 blame if there is an accident on dirt roads?

I always thought that if there is an accident on dirt roads and one person was doing 15km and the other is doing 55km and couldn't stop in time it can still be no ones fault as there are no lines?

Ive told her to just stop the car so if they hit you then your car will be stationary so it can't be your fault, etc.

Time to meet the new neighbours but not with a basket of cookies this time...lol

14th February 2011, 08:46 PM
Sorry dont' even know the road rules on Tar road, No chance knowing about dirt..... I believe its everyman 4 themselves on the dirt *L*, why wouldn't they still be at fault anyway, sounds like neg driving 2 me

14th February 2011, 08:48 PM
Mate I would not worry about whose fault it is yet just go and let the parents know what their ferals are doing on the road, are they riding licenced bikes with helmets and do they have their licence to ride on a public road.
The parents will either talk to their ferals or not, if it continues inform the Police.

14th February 2011, 08:49 PM
yeah they would be at fault but it would be hard to tell when It's a 1.5 lane dirt road and theres no "which side of the road is who" as everyone is in the middle.

Guess you could tell the 25m skid mark from vehicle A versus a 1m skid mark from vehicle B but???

14th February 2011, 08:52 PM
Mate I would not worry about whose fault it is yet just go and let the parents know what their ferals are doing on the road, are they riding licenced bikes with helmets and do they have their licence to ride on a public road.
The parents will either talk to their ferals or not, if it continues inform the Police.

They are registered cars, just Corollas, Commodores, etc....Wouldn't worry me much with the Patrol but now that I have a daughter in a VT commodore I fear for the worst sometimes.

Arggh....Parenthood...lol...I'm turning into a crazed dad who runs down the road in his jocks with a shotty chasing hooligans...lol

14th February 2011, 08:55 PM
Time 2 sell the VT and get the missus and bubs into a Patrol with big steel bull bar!

14th February 2011, 08:56 PM
Time 2 sell the VT and get the missus and bubs into a Patrol with big steel bull bar!

She can't drive manual.

I'm going to have to save up and get an auto Toorak Tractor....lol....(Soccer mum car for interstaters..lol)

14th February 2011, 09:03 PM
Waddya mean "turning"? That happened long ago my friend. Remember my first trip to your place I found you at the front gate in your denim overalls, bare feet and shotty!

Redneck by the sounds of it Plassy, out possum huntin...lol

14th February 2011, 09:05 PM
She can't drive manual.

I'm going to have to save up and get an auto Toorak Tractor....lol....(Soccer mum car for interstaters..lol)

I know of a Auto, needs work, sell it 2 ya for 10g, its only worth 2g but i need the money 2 buy my house, so how about it AB???? It's got a nice ARB Bull Bar already installed *L*

14th February 2011, 09:07 PM
Bearing gifts might be a good way to say hello, then a quiet word about safe driving on the road out front.

Might turn out to be people you want as nieghbours.


Finly Owner
14th February 2011, 09:16 PM
Yeah go over with bourbon in hand , about half way through bottle, mention something like "you realise if your boys keep speeding along the lane, I'm gunna end up with them as bonnet ornament, and I hate having to wash road kill of my patrol"


14th February 2011, 09:39 PM
Arggh....Parenthood...lol...I'm turning into a crazed dad who runs down the road in his jocks with a shotty chasing hooligans...lol

Photos please!! LOL

14th February 2011, 09:43 PM
just explain to them how some big dude is going to stretch them a new one when they end up in gaol for running someone down.
If that doesnt work ring dob in a hoon

14th February 2011, 09:45 PM
Yeah go over with bourbon in hand , about half way through bottle, mention something like "you realise if your boys keep speeding along the lane, I'm gunna end up with them as bonnet ornament, and I hate having to wash road kill of my patrol"


In your jocks just so they know you are seriously a nutter!!!! LMFAO!!!

Mate - in all seriousness, you have to live beside these people .. calm approach as detailed above and if that doesn't work then make sure before you go postal, get some mates over and park out the front for long enough for the family to see you and them (preferably in singlets etc with tatts hanging out, tinnies on the bonnet, etc) - then go and see them to discuss the situation and let them know that the blokes they saw the other day were getting an update on their location just in case they were thinking of ignoring you!! Subtly letting them know that you could be a prick too and make life just as hard for them if they choose to not be decent neighbours!

Sir Roofy
14th February 2011, 09:58 PM
If it was me id go meet the niebours disguss the situation,explain its a shared road/lane,im guessing its a nothru road
other wise you would have a speed limit up,if it happens again go to the cops you cant have hoons endangering your family or theres

14th February 2011, 10:36 PM
In your jocks just so they know you are seriously a nutter!!!! LMFAO!!!

Mate - in all seriousness, you have to live beside these people .. calm approach as detailed above and if that doesn't work then make sure before you go postal, get some mates over and park out the front for long enough for the family to see you and them (preferably in singlets etc with tatts hanging out, tinnies on the bonnet, etc) - then go and see them to discuss the situation and let them know that the blokes they saw the other day were getting an update on their location just in case they were thinking of ignoring you!! Subtly letting them know that you could be a prick too and make life just as hard for them if they choose to not be decent neighbours!

How many Patrols can we fit in 7acs?...Im tipping a few & im also tipping there will be plenty of members up for a W/end at Andy's if need be...........

Be smart about it (as I know you are) but if the sh!t hits the fan we can & will be there in less than 24hrs im tipping mate so don't stress. (12 gauge & all)

15th February 2011, 05:56 AM
Photos please!! LOL

I agree with a few of the earlier posts, you have to live beside these people so try to sort it out the most cival way possible. Approach the parents in a friendly way and hope they take your concerns seriously.
Failing that there's always the redneck solution!


15th February 2011, 07:52 AM
t AB at first......lololololCrack up Tony......lolololol I had to look twive to make sure that wasn't AB at first.....lolololol

15th February 2011, 08:51 AM
if there's a beer involved, I'll come over! Not so impressive in a singlet though! Hope you get is sorted out, I know what you mean when you have kids.

15th February 2011, 08:56 AM
if there's a beer involved, I'll come over! Not so impressive in a singlet though! Hope you get is sorted out, I know what you mean when you have kids.

Sh!t .... if there's beer involved I'll head down from brissy to help out - might have to stay a few days though!! LOL!!!

Oh, and got the singlet thing covered, multiple tatts, tuckshop lady arms, a beard, a rough head, and some hillbilly mp3's on the stereo if needs be!!! lol

15th February 2011, 09:50 AM
Sh!t .... if there's beer involved I'll head down from brissy to help out - might have to stay a few days though!! LOL!!!

Oh, and got the singlet thing covered, multiple tatts, tuckshop lady arms, a beard, a rough head, and some hillbilly mp3's on the stereo if needs be!!! lol

photos required to back this up lmao .........................pass me ma shotgun ma

15th February 2011, 09:53 AM
photos required to back this up lmao .........................pass me ma shotgun ma

"Cletus, get off yer sister!!" ... (cue banjo music!!) LMFAO!!!!

15th February 2011, 09:57 AM
hurts when one laughs that hard

Sir Roofy
15th February 2011, 10:18 AM
Aband of brothers and sisters,what more could a man or gal ask for ,its good to know that we can stand united

15th February 2011, 10:48 AM
Aband of brothers and sisters,what more could a man or gal ask for ,its good to know that we can stand united

100% Agree roofy, bloody awesome.

15th February 2011, 03:18 PM
I am leaving the country if i happen to upset one of you lot.

Bloody ferals lol lol lol lol

15th February 2011, 05:07 PM
OH damn what a thread. Some of the comments are hurting. AB you could always do what I have done a couple of times (though I live in the burbs, on a 50KM/h speed limit with kids playing in the dead end part of the street), throw rocks at them and from the sounds of it mate there is no shortage of them out front of your place. I know this is not a good idea but these mongrels are speeding and family is at risk. Family first and thats not the political party.

15th February 2011, 07:37 PM
So many comments, so many ideas...lol....Crazy buggers!!!

15th February 2011, 07:41 PM
Maybe print this thread off and put it in their mailbox AB.

Sir Roofy
15th February 2011, 07:44 PM
Lol had thoughts of it my self

15th February 2011, 08:30 PM
as i understand it if the road you are using has a name then it is a registered road which means that road rules apply weather it is dirt or tar the vehicles on that road must be registered with drivers with drivers lic which is the law here in w.a.

my son was in a car accedent on a dirt track where he let his unlicenced cousin drive they hit a tree and wrote off his triton my son was fined and my nephew was fined charged dangerous driving and had his licence suspended for 12 mths