View Full Version : World cup players taking a dive

15th June 2014, 10:09 AM
I know its a tactic but what is it with nearly every player taking a dive rolling around bawling their eyes out.
If you are a good player on $75mil or what ever show me don't take a dive ,
soccer players over paid academy award rejects.
While I'm at it way too much hair product as well, play soccer FFS

15th June 2014, 10:19 AM
because they can

15th June 2014, 10:28 AM
I can't really get into the game because of the diving.

It is pathetic grown men going down like they have been shot because someone touched them. I fail to understand how the worlds most popular sport has been allowed to have such a blight inflicted upon it and readily accepted.

15th June 2014, 10:37 AM
2 years ago I played soccer after 8 years playing rugby league
I was a defender I'm built short but stocky I loved bashing the opposition legally buy taking the ball off them then throw a shoulder or hip at them and send them flying! The would all cry foul once the ref actually said you ran into him how did he foul you!
The professional game is a joke and a waste of time. Watching games from the 70 to early 90 is fun though they played like men but like every sport the more money the less they play

15th June 2014, 12:37 PM