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View Full Version : To the Kiwi members of the forum..

13th June 2014, 08:57 PM
I'm currently on holidays in the South Island of NZ. Bloody hell, $2.15 a litre for ulp :(
You guys are doing it tough.....
This is one of the best places on earth. We are taking the helicopter flight and hike over the fox glaciers tomorrow. I love the cold ....I'm the only one wearing a polo shirt on the South Island :)

14th June 2014, 05:51 PM
I'm smashed from the glacier trip. Just fantastic. Pics to follow :)

15th June 2014, 12:51 PM
I'm currently on holidays in the South Island of NZ. Bloody hell, $2.15 a litre for ulp :(
You guys are doing it tough.....
This is one of the best places on earth. We are taking the helicopter flight and hike over the fox glaciers tomorrow. I love the cold ....I'm the only one wearing a polo shirt on the South Island :)

Not jealous, Hope you have a great trip, no not jealous at all, Bas^%$^*^&*(*( LOL


15th June 2014, 12:58 PM
I'm currently on holidays in the South Island of NZ. Bloody hell, $2.15 a litre for ulp :(
You guys are doing it tough.....
This is one of the best places on earth. We are taking the helicopter flight and hike over the fox glaciers tomorrow. I love the cold ....I'm the only one wearing a polo shirt on the South Island :)

Hope you get to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery this planet has to offer. Hopefully you will be in Queenstown for the Winterfest! Absolutely awesome! The view of the Remarkables with snow on is one of the best.

15th June 2014, 01:09 PM
Have a great trip. I did the helicopter flight and landing on both the Glaziers when i was there 9 years ago. Before i went i bought a 2lt container from the supermarket. When i landed i had the container in my backpack, i scooped up a full container of Fox Glazier and took it back to my Motel room and into the freezer, I drank duty free Bailey's over Glazier for 2 days. Awesome.

17th June 2014, 08:16 PM
You guys are right. Queenstown is beyond fantastic :) So much beauty, not just the landscape :)

18th June 2014, 04:48 PM
Welcome to our country :) South Island certainly does have some spectacular mountain views. I haven't been that way since I was about 10.

I'm up in the sub tropical zone of Northland, top of north island. Pretty miserable weather lately tho, floods n whatnot.

Lots of 4wd tracks Down there I'm told.

Enjoy your stay anywho :)

19th June 2014, 10:06 PM
Home at last :) some pics to follow in the next few days.

19th June 2014, 10:12 PM
So glad you had a great time in Queenstown. I was lucky enough to live there for 4 years! One of my favorite places in the world! Cant wait to see the photos.

20th June 2014, 08:39 AM
I noticed ch7 sunrise program is broadcasting from there.