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12th June 2014, 12:56 PM
Holy Shag-Mollie Lounge Lizards,

I just found this news article in the US, I hope we do not get these Farkers over here. lol

Is the testicle-eating fish spreading across the country? Exotic piranha relative caught in family lake on the West Coast

By James Nye
Published: 06:14 AEST, 2 June 2014

The infamous Pacu, known as the 'testicle eating fish' or 'ball cutter' seems to have spread from coast to coast.

After the news last week that a New Jersey pensioner reeled in one of the exotic fish, notorious for reportedly killing men by ripping off their genitals, comes the news that one was caught in August in a quiet family lake in Washington state.

Snaring the five pound, 17-inch pacu, a relative of the piranha native to the Amazon and Pacific Islands, fisherman John Denton was stunned to hook the scary looking fish with its distinctive human-shaped teeth.

Told by one of his neighbors who used to work in an aquarium that he believed the fish to be a pacu, Denton put the fish into water and waited to take it to the local pet shop - where the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife could come an inspect it.

Although part of the same family, the pacu has thicker, sturdier teeth that resemble human ones, unlike the piranha, which is renowned for its deadly serrated incisors.

Pacu's are legal to own in the United States and can grow up to 4 feet long, which is why the owner may have worried and released it into Lake Ki.

In 2011, one intrepid British angler traveled to Papua New Guinea to catch pacu, known locally as 'The Ball Cutter'. Jeremy Wade, 53, hunted for the legendary pacu after hearing reports of the fish killing local fishermen by castration.

The 'Ball Cutter' it is said to use its man-like molars, which tear off the testicles of unwitting hunters, leaving them to bleed to death.

'I had heard of a couple of fishermen in Papua New Guinea who had been castrated by something in the water,' said Wade on his British television program 'River Monsters'. 'The bleeding was so severe that they died. The locals told me that this thing was like a human in the water, biting at the testicles of fishermen. They didn’t know what it was.'

However, Jeff Holmes, of Fish & Wildlife, said that the likelihood of a population starting in the temperate north west is unlikely.



12th June 2014, 01:10 PM

12th June 2014, 02:01 PM
Big problems in the States with ppl buying all these exotic pets then letting them go in the wild where they flourish.
FYI there are more Tigers in the States in captivity than there are in the wild Go Figure'
I like to keep mine up nice and high BTW but what can you do ha ha ha

12th June 2014, 02:15 PM
Lol i remember reading about that fish a while back and also the about the Candirù ( or pencil fish, toothpick fish or vampier fish ) that can swim up your pee stream and make itself a new home in your urethra......


12th June 2014, 02:20 PM
Wicked looking fish.
God only hopes no one is stupid enough to let some go here.

12th June 2014, 02:22 PM
@ MEGO the world is full of weirdo's we're lucky to be amongst the only sane ppl left lol

12th June 2014, 03:02 PM
Wicked looking fish.
God only hopes no one is stupid enough to let some go here.

G'day Mego,

Especially when the Bastard's can grow to 4 feet!

PS, Farkk we already have Crocs & sharks, we certainly do not need Ball Cutter's lol



12th June 2014, 03:11 PM
@ MEGO the world is full of weirdo's we're lucky to be amongst the only sane ppl left lol

More like, were not as stupid. Lol

12th June 2014, 03:15 PM
G'day Mego, Especially when the Bastard's can grow to 4 feet!

The Amazonians must have some mighty big testes.

12th June 2014, 03:29 PM
we have Bull sharks,they're pritty nasty little buggers.

12th June 2014, 03:43 PM
The ball cutters swim towards disturbance in the water, looking for fallen seeds and such. Some numpties introduced the fish to bolster some fishing communities in PNG, but it has backfired. The fish go after flesh when food is scarce.

12th June 2014, 04:10 PM
we have Bull sharks,they're pritty nasty little buggers.

One of the most testosterone filled fish in the ocean , over at moreton island they are absolutely ferrel during crab season , they follow the boat from pot to pot to get the old bait , also had a few tug o wars with them while rinsing the bait bins ,

13th June 2014, 03:01 AM

Testicle-eating 'ball-cutter' fish could be heading for UK after being spotted in France.
Dec 04, 2013 By Jessica Best

The pacu fish, known to bite off male swimmers' testicles, has also been found in Sweden



A testicle-eating fish nicknamed the "ball-cutter" could be swimming towards the UK after being found in French waters. The razor-toothed pacu fish, which has been known to bite off male swimmers' testicles, was spotted in the River Seine in Paris.

French police took a photo of the beast normally found in the Amazon, and said it measured 1ft. The South American species was also seen in Sweden last month when a fisherman hooked an eight-inch specimen in the Oresund Sound, and promped a warning to men to keep their trunks on when heading for a dip.

The pacu can grow up in 35in and weigh up to 55lb in their natural habitat in the Amazon basin and Papau New Guinea. They are very similar to a piranha fish, but have flatter, stronger teeth designed for crushing, and fisherman have reportedly bled to death after having their testicles bitten off.

Fish expert Henrik Carl said the pacu was not normally dangerous to people but it has got "quite a serious bite". He said: "There have been incidents in other countries such as Papau New Guinea, where some men have had their testicles bitten off." "They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth." "It normally eats nuts, fruit and small fish, but human testicles are just a natural target."

PS, Bloodyaussie is safe, he only has to worry about the baby ones. lol



13th June 2014, 07:23 PM
There was a episode of River Monsters about that fish