View Full Version : Best Penetrating Oil?

19th May 2014, 01:30 PM
Hey guys,

Can anyone recommend a really really heavy duty penetrating oil?

I have a barrel that was threaded into a receiver in the early 50's, think it was put in by King Kong as I'm having a devil of a time trying to remove it.
I reckon I need to soak the bejesus out of it in some penetrating oil to try and make things easier on myself as I don't want to damage the receiver.

WD-40, RP7, CRC and the like have failed miserably.

Any ideas?

Sir Roofy
19th May 2014, 01:59 PM
heat it up till glowing that will do it

19th May 2014, 02:16 PM
Thanks Roofy,

Will that run the risk of frailing the receiver though? Don't want to run the risk of copping a bolt in the face, I've heard that can be a bit uncomfortable.

19th May 2014, 02:29 PM
Prep H or KY will do the job, shite sorry wrong thread lol

Heat or shock will normally shift most things

19th May 2014, 03:21 PM
Hahaha, I don't have any KY mate, I don't drive a GU.

Present company excepted:-)

19th May 2014, 03:32 PM
How deep are your pockets? There are some good ones out there but you will pay for them. If your worried about to much heat use a combo of heat and penetrant.
Also try doing it up sometimes you can get it moving just a touch then undo it.

19th May 2014, 03:45 PM
I swear by trying to tighten a touch first before undoing.... rost off was what we used in the bike trade..??

19th May 2014, 03:49 PM
Even try a can of "Freeze it" from Bunnings
Too much heat changes the temper too much

Sir Roofy
19th May 2014, 04:10 PM
thanks roofy,

will that run the risk of frailing the receiver though? Don't want to run the risk of copping a bolt in the face, i've heard that can be a bit uncomfortable.

let it cool by its self and hope it does,nt
and stick some penetrine in it as it cools
and its all care no responsabilty

19th May 2014, 04:36 PM
Is it possible to use an impact socket tool,
you can put screwdriver ends in them

19th May 2014, 06:25 PM
Yield in gold Can with a white lid . It's not the cheapest but It is farkin good Stuff

19th May 2014, 06:49 PM
Is it possible to use an impact socket tool,
you can put screwdriver ends in them

It's a rifle..... no way of using a socket.

Send me pics Pete ..

19th May 2014, 07:40 PM
Its just the FN mauser(60yrs old) being a stubborn git of a thing, original military barrel has probably had a squillion rounds through it over the years and flings lead wild at anything over about 25m.

I found a diy recipe for a penetrating oil thats supposed to work better than most of the brand name offerings, uses a 50/50 mix of ATF and acetone, might give that a go as I've got both of those in the shed.

I must have some kind of thing with barrels, my Enfields barrel was loose when I got it:confused:

21st May 2014, 09:44 PM
Okay, I can officially vouch for the abilities of a 50/50 acetone /auto trans fluid mix as a penetrating oil.

Throw out your wd40, crc, rp7 and just fill a spray bottle with some of this.

Sir Roofy
21st May 2014, 10:04 PM
okay, i can officially vouch for the abilities of a 50/50 acetone /auto trans fluid mix as a penetrating oil.

Throw out your wd40, crc, rp7 and just fill a spray bottle with some of this.

had win did we

21st May 2014, 10:45 PM
Big win mate, one love tap on the action wrench and she came good. Very satisfying. Made the action wrench from scratch from some flat bar and some rhs box section, cut the barrel blocks, with that home brew oil it was easy as. just shows what you can do with some basic tools.

21st May 2014, 10:49 PM


Sir Roofy
22nd May 2014, 01:53 PM


cant open the pics mate

22nd May 2014, 01:59 PM


FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You new to this internet thingy mate ...bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

22nd May 2014, 02:18 PM
It's a rifle..... no way of using a socket.

Send me pics Pete ..
wasn't thinking of a socket,,, just the flat screwdiver attachment, Received a PM so all is good now

22nd May 2014, 04:47 PM
Blame Andy's shonky pic upload widget. Will link from photobucket when I get in front of my PC.

FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You new to this internet thingy mate ...bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

22nd May 2014, 07:04 PM
Okay, here we go..

Start with one of these(1951 FN Mauser 98 30-06 ex military issue)

Mix together 50/50 acetone/auto trans fluid, pour into a spray bottle and liberally apply to receiver where barrel screws in(safety first though kiddies, gloves and goggles)

Leave overnight

Make one of these(action wrench to fit the receiver)

Use some hardwood(oak in this case) to make some barrel vise blocks

Set the whole shooting match(no pun intended) in a BFO bench vise(thanks BA), applying rosin to the blocks and a dab of gorilla strength to the vise

Liberally apply one of these to the end of the wrench

Et Voila!

Screw in new barrel and stock and bar up at the rifley goodness

Add embarrassing pic of BA for poops & giggles

22nd May 2014, 07:13 PM
You shit me.......

22nd May 2014, 07:20 PM
You love it! Also, you have mail.