View Full Version : How do I relax on holidays ????

DX grunt
10th February 2011, 08:42 PM
Dear, people

I have a serious question. I'm about to go on holidays with the wife, her son/wife and grandy - for 2 weeks.

I have a pretty stressful job that involves shift work and I need to learn how to unwind and chill out and relax and do 'nothing' for 2 weeks.

Son in law has a tinny, so the fishing problem is solved.

I've never done this before and would like some help and coping strategies, to assist in completely unwinding.


Thanks. (see what I mean_ lol


10th February 2011, 08:47 PM
It takes me a solid month to unwind mate so It's been a long time.

I can say the following....Don't stay at home on the forum and or do the same things you do after work.

Do different things and get out of the house. Get the tinny out, take the gasmate and cook up a well planned feast as well.

Don't drink alcohol all night and get into the habbit of waking up at 10am every day....Bed at midnight, up at 8am and explore!!!!

Also, don't get caught up too much working on the property on your break. I have lived on my property for only 3 years and have spent every spare time possible building, fixing, repairing things and have not just enjoyed the free time.

10th February 2011, 09:03 PM
Not agood one for advice on this Rossco because I usually have to come home from a holiday to relax,
Holidays can be stressful because you try to cram so much in a short time. The only thing that I can swear by mate is DO NOT turn the mobile on and just take the time to enjoy the days without rushing around to get it all in.
A tiny on the water is a great start mate. Just sit back and enjoy the tranquility. Try not to watch any tv and as Andy says, stay away from the computer.
Just spend some quality time with the family.

Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 09:04 PM
Go to a car show where there are old cars, not suped up late models. Wonder around trash and treasure/flea market with missus, go to a drivin movie, visit a mate and have beer around his fire, or play some pool with him. Visit someone to reminisce about old times.

Hope this helps.


10th February 2011, 09:11 PM
Get rid of your watch, do not listen to the news or read newspapers.
That is what I do.

DX grunt
10th February 2011, 11:33 PM
Thanks guys.

I did forget to mention that we are going away camping for 2 weeks. That's where I need to learn to chill out. To learn to do nothing except fish, walk along the beach, RELAX ect. lol

Nearest phone coverage is about 1km up this whopping big hill. I'm sure I'll be fine. Just had a bit of a 'moment' when I asked this question. lol

Thanks for the replies.


11th February 2011, 12:15 AM
well the guys have said it all really.......... it's great to unwind, playing with the kids, fishing, walking etc etc but also remember, you gotta take time out for yourself, find a quiet spot somewhere by yourself even for just half an hour each day and just do nothing........ just sit or lay down and just chill, watch the waves, listen to the see - gets me everytime lol

11th February 2011, 12:18 AM
Thanks guys.

I did forget to mention that we are going away camping for 2 weeks. That's where I need to learn to chill out. To learn to do nothing except fish, walk along the beach, RELAX ect. lol

Nearest phone coverage is about 1km up this whopping big hill. I'm sure I'll be fine. Just had a bit of a 'moment' when I asked this question. lol

Thanks for the replies.


Rosco mate I think ya just answered your own question, that is definatly the best way to unwind.

11th February 2011, 09:19 PM
Get there, setup camp and everything else you need to do ,even if it takes a day, once that is done RELAX

11th February 2011, 09:22 PM
To be honest, I'm sort of relaxed around the time I start packing the car - we're pretty low stress with that, and once I know I'm going, it just seems to alter the whole demeanor ...

11th February 2011, 10:24 PM
I am quite confused, because the translator is not translate good enough the word “grandy” you use..
Are you talking about your granpa and granma, or you are talking about yous grandkids.. (sorry google cause it :) )

That was for the translator…

For the relaxing here from me:
After you put everything on work in the camp, and light the camp fire, call the grandy and start talk all about world you know – stories, fairytales. That will be educational for the kid, and kind relaxing for you. You will remember thinks, thought for lost in your memories.

But that is as I see it. I am good listener and like to hear stories of other people.
You may find out that you are a good storyteller. Who knows.


11th February 2011, 10:26 PM
pass another beer dear !!!!!!!
the following two weeks in traction was very relaxing lmao

11th February 2011, 11:09 PM
I am quite confused, because the translator is not translate good enough the word “grandy” you use..
Are you talking about your granpa and granma, or you are talking about yous grandkids.. (sorry google cause it :) )

That was for the translator…

For the relaxing here from me:
After you put everything on work in the camp, and light the camp fire, call the grandy and start talk all about world you know – stories, fairytales. That will be educational for the kid, and kind relaxing for you. You will remember thinks, thought for lost in your memories.

But that is as I see it. I am good listener and like to hear stories of other people.
You may find out that you are a good storyteller. Who knows.


You're doing a good job of the translations mate!! Hope you are enjoying it!!!

11th February 2011, 11:09 PM
pass another beer dear !!!!!!!
the following two weeks in traction was very relaxing lmao

LOL!!! Love it!!!

11th February 2011, 11:44 PM
Hey Rossco,

I'm jealous. 2 weeks camping away from it all.....

Leave the phone behind. DO NOT give in to the temptation to "check your messages".

Hang out with your (little?) grandkid, point out spider webs and animals and clouds and stuff..... That is way more important than work. Way way more...

Have a great time!


11th February 2011, 11:52 PM
I am quite confused, because the translator is not translate good enough the word “grandy” you use..
Are you talking about your granpa and granma, or you are talking about yous grandkids.. (sorry google cause it :) )

That was for the translator…

For the relaxing here from me:
After you put everything on work in the camp, and light the camp fire, call the grandy and start talk all about world you know – stories, fairytales. That will be educational for the kid, and kind relaxing for you. You will remember thinks, thought for lost in your memories.

But that is as I see it. I am good listener and like to hear stories of other people.
You may find out that you are a good storyteller. Who knows.


must be talking about grandkids, he's not a young fella anymore you know lol