View Full Version : Possible recall fault?

10th May 2014, 08:58 PM
G'day I am just after some advice on my 2007 gu Nissan
patrol. I have just recently had my vehicle fitted with the new accelerator pedal (due to recall) at a local Nissan business in south australia and my vehicle hasn't been running well since. When the vehicle is cold it will start fine and idle fine but when driven a few hundred meters or when changing gears between 1st and 2nd gear it will shut down as if the ignition has been turned off.
Sometimes it may do this a couple of times but once it gets going the car runs fine. I would take vehicle back to port Augusta agent but when I
got my vehicle back from them I drove back to quorn approximately 40kms and
found that they had left one of the injector return lines unlplugged which
had sprayed diesel all over engine bay and up the back of vehicle. The reason why they had touched this was to do an injector function test after I
had told them not to worry about as the vehicle had been running fine for well over a thousand kms. The vehicle had a minor flutter while climbing a
steep rise weeks before and lost a little power but didn't present the problem again so cancelled the inspection but they went ahead with it anyway. weather this was a communication issue with the girl on the desk and the mechanics I don't know but I did see the girl take note of the
cancellation. I have taken the vehicle to another 4wd mechanic and he found
an air leak from the hoses to the fuel filter but the stalling issue still remains. I'm thinking this May be an electrical issue can u please help as I am moving my young family to a station in Western Australia next month and need my vehicle running as good and reliably as it was before the recall.
Cheers Ray

10th May 2014, 09:00 PM
take it back to them and get them to sort it!!!!!!!.............. especially if everything was running ok before hand

10th May 2014, 10:33 PM
Thanks clunk but have spoken to the manager of the dealership and all he was worried about was getting 5 grand out of me for new injectors. Won't be using that mob again. New mechanic says car runs fine apart from the stalling when cold. no problems with injectors. Will speak to him again Monday.

10th May 2014, 10:37 PM
dont be soft with them, demand that they fix the problem they caused, if they still dont come to the party then further action will need to be take up with Nissan.

actually if I remember rightly, I'm pretty sure there was someone on here not so long ago who had the same issue. Had the recall done but still had issues afterwards, pretty sure he managed to get it sorted but for the life of me I just cant remember who it was.... sorry

11th May 2014, 08:48 AM
100% agree with Clunk here mate. Your under NO obligation to have the injector work done by Nissan. Nissan IS under an obligation to repair your car.

Go hard, do not pay, make noise.

11th May 2014, 10:06 AM
Righto you've won me over. I'm just worried about them wrecking my pride and joy. Would much rather take my business else where the bloke I'm using now has had 30yrs experience working on diesels and knows what he's on about. But I will take it back to Nissan see if they can repair the damage and compensate me some how.
Thanks for the advice.

11th May 2014, 11:33 AM
here is the thread that clunkasaraus was talking about.

my third 256
11th May 2014, 12:30 PM
have spoken to a mate who workes for nissan and they have been using the old pedal sensors to get rid of them

11th May 2014, 01:00 PM
Very interesting thanks for that wouldn't surprise me if they did do that. U know that feeling when u know your being fleeced that's the feeling I had the day they did the recall. Annoying thing is I took the car for a drive with the wife and kids this morning and didn't have problem ran sweet. Yesterday though stalled three times within about 100mtrs so I dunno.

Bo55gq tonka
20th May 2014, 09:54 PM
welcome to the forum :)

21st May 2014, 08:55 AM
Write down , times events and names, 2trollfam had a similar issue.
I put it down to "Racing"[bad term] the motor when cold and motor shutting down.
Tried it again after motor was warm and all went well.
I think there are sensors on board to stop revving the motor when cold, safety factor