View Full Version : why this forum?

10th February 2011, 01:37 PM
hi, just wondering why this forum was started. dont want to cause trouble or anything, but really, why? as far as i see it, it's in direct competition to p4x4, it has the same content. but patrol4x4 has got history, its got most of the answers there already. having multiple forums on the same topic isnt really helping anyone, it would be much better off having everyone helping in 1 spot. but now youve got a few knowledgable people here and a few there, whats the point of that?

ps- im talking about tech, not chit-chat.

10th February 2011, 01:44 PM
The way I see it is, Why not. If nobody started anything just because somebody had already done it then we would all be in a lot of trouble and Nissans would still have leaf springs if they existed at all. Now I know this is not the real reason for starting this forum but what the hell my post count is low so I did it anyway hehehe.

10th February 2011, 02:05 PM
Hi mate, for starters this forum is not in competition with anyone. It's a free site that does not make any money so there is no competition to be made?

As GEC stated, why not?

I like Patrols, I love our land and I know a lot about websites. This forum has brought in a great network of good people and we have made many new friends as a result of this.

I have had the best fun running this forum and we now have a great network which anyone can freely join in.

Unlike other forums, this one is moderated heavily to keep out smartass attitdues and abuse. We encourage less knowledgable people to ask questions without being ridiculed and making them reluctant to ask further questions and stopping newbies from learning the most important things such as safety awareness and training.

Hope you enjoy it!

10th February 2011, 02:09 PM
Whilst I have not visited Patrol4X4 I have found this site to be extremely friendly with lots of knowledge and expertise in all areas. In my opinion if you only had one Forum you would have to fit into the culture of that Forum . With more than one you have a choice.

10th February 2011, 02:15 PM
hi, just wondering why this forum was started. dont want to cause trouble or anything, but really, why? as far as i see it, it's in direct competition to patrol4x4, it has the same content. but patrol4x4 has got history, its got most of the answers there already. having multiple forums on the same topic isnt really helping anyone, it would be much better off having everyone helping in 1 spot. but now youve got a few knowledgable people here and a few there, whats the point of that?

ps- im talking about tech, not chit-chat.

I'll try and answer your question.

There is a lot of bitching and carrying on over on the other Patrol forum. Frankly, I know a lot of people were sick of it. Nissanpatrol.com.au tries very hard to be a family friendly site without the elitist jerks that tend to pop-up on Patrol 4x4. We also try and be as "beginner" friendly as possible. Someone asks a question which seems quite obvious to others, doesn't really need to be met with "USE THE SEARCH NOOB" or other derogatory remarks. It's nice if everyone uses the search feature, sure, but there is a mature way to go about telling someone.
I've noticed people here to say, "Try the search mate.. but here's your answer anyway".. this kind of mentality is what I think this forum is about.

As for having answers in both forums.. where is the actual problem? I'm confused. More resources for everyone is a good thing. Both sites don't share every single piece of information. You will find something new on either site and you can bounce between them. Sometimes you might ask a question on one site and not receive a reply. So if there was only one site, you're stuffed. Also, if something happens to one of the sites, people can jump on the other one for a browse. I don't see the harm.

People stay here because we're a friendly bunch and are willing to help. We have a wide age range here and I think that simply strengthens this site. I haven't see one bad post on this forum yet (apart from a few spammers, but AB fixed them good and proper.) Everyone tries to be constructive instead of flaming someone for their lack on knowledge.

The best part about this site, people meeting each other and having a good time. We've had a couple of forum meets in Vic so far and I'm sure there have been or will be some in other states. We are planning a big forum meet up in a yer or two which we hope many members will rally for and come along. This is the kind of community we seek to build here and I believe it's coming along nicely.

You will always have people who are one-eyed. Look at Collingwood supporters lol! People will either come and stick around, or they'll leave. We have people signing up everyday and many of them stay and become an active member. What AB has done with this forum is truly remarkable in my opinion. I was on Patrol 4x4 for quite a while and I never felt as comfortable there as I do here. The site has grown pretty big in a relatively small time frame which goes to show you that there was/is plenty of room for 2 patrol sites.

Lastly, there is far more to this site than "Tech". People come for the Tech but stay for the "Chit-chat" too.


10th February 2011, 02:28 PM
Well said Timbo.

"Community" is a very big key ingredient here and its that sense of "Community" that keeps a lot of us around. Not only from here in Australia but this is also a global community with members from the Middle East, Brazil and I think I have even seen a few from the US.

So neRok, although you may not see any reason for this forum, we all do and all of the members here will welcome you no matter your background or beliefs. Thats the Aussie way of helping out your mates and I can think of no better reason as to start an online community than that.



10th February 2011, 02:34 PM
Hi mate, for starters this forum is not in competition with anyone. It's a free site that does not make any money so there is no competition to be made?

As GEC stated, why not?

I like Patrols, I love our land and I know a lot about websites. This forum has brought in a great network of good people and we have made many new friends as a result of this.

I have had the best fun running this forum and we now have a great network which anyone can freely join in.

Unlike other forums, this one is moderated heavily to keep out smartass attitudes and abuse. We encourage less knowledgeable people to ask questions without being ridiculed and making them reluctant to ask further questions and stopping newbies from learning the most important things such as safety awareness and training.

Hope you enjoy it!

Couldn't have put it any better old mate...............

I would like to add:

With each different forum comes a different atmosphere which makes that forum unique even when talking about the same subjects.

A forum isn't just about its subject matter either its about the community off ppl behind it, ppl with a common interest talking to other ppl with the same interests which brings about friendships that would had otherwise never need found from all corners of our Great Country & not to mention around the world.

As AB has already said its free for all including you so why not stick around & get to know us, you never know you may find you like it here as we have.

All the best & I really do hope you enjoy the forum.


10th February 2011, 03:04 PM
Hey mate - some good points raised above - the point of why not? the point of not starting something just because someone else has already done it (not that this is a paid service, but talk to any entrepreneur and 80% of their money comes from existing ideas that they have grabbed and made better), the point of sociability and friendliness, the point of culture (a big one), etc, etc

Let me put it this way - do you have a favourite restaurant? A favourite mechanic? A favourite place? Why? Why do you like them? You more than likely drive past 10 other restaurants to go to the one you like, you more than likely drive past plenty of other mechanics and service centres to go to the one you trust, and you definitely at some point drive past dozens of places that OTHER people would list as their favourite place only to get to the one you feel best about - you get my point?? Different strokes for different folks mate. I am a member of Patrol4x4 (and others) and no doubt there is good people and heaps of good information on it, however there is a definite element at times that is restrictive and not conducive to free flowing banter like this one, and a lot of people are turned off by that. It really isn't meant to be all so serious.

Just to put things in perspective, I am 115kgs, I have multiple tattoos, I drink, I smoke, I swear, I used to do amateur boxing, I am by NO means a prude, and most importantly, I am extremely easy going (and funny, did I mention funny?? LOL) and I stopped using their site about 3 months ago - my point being it was not because I'm a fairy and because I couldn't 'hack it', it was just because it wasn't for me based on some things I saw and the general feel at times - and that's actually OK - I don't go round bagging that site by any means, but I won't be held to ransom on not casting a truthful, unbiased opinion of my personal experience on there though - it was very hard to crack into it and feel a part of things (did nearly 500 posts, so not like I just dipped my toe in the water - they had a major crash and my account only shows about 50 posts now though - all that information was lost - another thing that sh!t me), it had a bit of a "big boys club" feel to it, and certainly didn't make me feel as welcome as this one did (maybe it was just me, maybe it was just timing - who knows, as I'm sure others would ridicule me for my opinion as they have had a quality experience over there - again, different stokes for different folks). People come here and generally speaking, the atmosphere of the forum is very relaxed, very friendly (no, we're not losers who need to find friends online - just have a simple common interest and aren't overly dogmatic in displaying our knowledge at every chance), very informative about multiple topics, and has a strong sense of making all and sundry feel welcome irrespective of their technical knowledge of all things 4WD.

Good question you posed though mate - one that is discussed on here often in general banter. I've been on here for about 4 months, I've since met 6 of the members from here face to face and had a few beers (didn't meet any from the other forum even though there are literally mulitple in my direct area - not through lack of trying either) and I am now organising a trip that is the thick end of 7,000 klms early next year to meet up with more - what more can I say than that regarding the character of the individuals on this forum and the value I place on them and their advice/comments in such a short time.

10th February 2011, 03:24 PM
Well said BigRig

10th February 2011, 03:31 PM
well said big rig.
first impressions mean alot to some ppl and for me....
it's a lot more friendly in this forum therefore I'm more inclined to stay and be involved. no doubt I'll find the knowledge base good too.
the welcoming party once you intro yourself is one example that is conducive to a more relaxed atmosphere
as to why this forum was started...well that's been answered.
Also I don't know if it was my setting too but I got sick of the timing out after I log in at the other site and having to log in each time was a pain.
oh yeh and the site's more user friendly and more intuitive to navigate.

Dark 1
10th February 2011, 04:28 PM
Good question you posed though mate - one that is discussed on here often in general banter. I've been on here for about 4 months, I've since met 6 of the members from here face to face and had a few beers (didn't meet any from the other forum even though there are literally mulitple in my direct area - not through lack of trying either) and I am now organising a trip that is the thick end of 7,000 klms early next year to meet up with more - what more can I say than that regarding the character of the individuals on this forum and the value I place on them and their advice/comments in such a short time.

Aww Scotty, am i one of those 6 mate. Putting a tear in my eye, feeling the love. Roflol.

Nerok as said above you can go online, ask for tips/advice , opinions , have a laugh, say g'day & always get a response[ comedic or other]. Patrol 4x4 does not have the same interaction or feeling, unless your one of the chosen few.
Get invoved mate, you'll most likely hang around.

10th February 2011, 04:42 PM
Aww Scotty, am i one of those 6 mate. Putting a tear in my eye, feeling the love. Roflol.

Nerok as said above you can go online, ask for tips/advice , opinions , have a laugh, say g'day & always get a response[ comedic or other]. Patrol 4x4 does not have the same interaction or feeling, unless your one of the chosen few.
Get invoved mate, you'll most likely hang around.

Actually ... I forgot you!!! ROFLMFAO!!!!!!

Sorry neRok, make that 7!!!! Kelvin (tuf42), Tim (Finly Owner), Tony (YNOT), Dave (dhuck), Ryan (Ryan! lol), Adam (redman), and Tim (cadbury).

I am seriously f¥cking giggling like an infant ... Sorry mate!!!!!!!

10th February 2011, 05:07 PM
hi, just wondering why this forum was started. dont want to cause trouble or anything, but really, why? as far as i see it, it's in direct competition to patrol4x4, it has the same content. but patrol4x4 has got history, its got most of the answers there already. having multiple forums on the same topic isnt really helping anyone, it would be much better off having everyone helping in 1 spot. but now youve got a few knowledgable people here and a few there, whats the point of that?

ps- im talking about tech, not chit-chat.

Welcome to the forum neRok, it always nice to post an introduction before asking questions, it helps to get everyone on side.


10th February 2011, 05:23 PM
Welcome to the forum neRok, it always nice to post an introduction before asking questions, it helps to get everyone on side.


God youre single minded!!!!! Everyone else missed that based on wanting to get in and respond, but not ole Tony!!!! ... LOL!!!!

neRok - yeah, we encourage everyone to say g'day and tell us a bit about their rig in the introductions section before they set off on other posts - just a courtesy thing ... I've read yours on Patrol4x4 - your rig looks to be a bit of a weapon in the making - is the V8 installed yet?? Throw up some happy snaps mate!!

10th February 2011, 05:26 PM
Beat me to it Tony, well done mate.

Sir Roofy
10th February 2011, 05:31 PM
welcome aboard nerok''''''lots of good ppl on hear and good knowledge


10th February 2011, 05:33 PM
The more the merrier I say
This one is the more touchy feely site (emotively only, do not take that as an invitation Ross) where others are "whose got the biggest B^LL$" type sites
Both have good contributers, both have good info and both have a search ability.
Use both or use either, entirely up to you.

Welcome BTW


10th February 2011, 05:58 PM
well its been good hearing some opinions on the matter, i remember spotting this forum when it was infant and thought 'why' back then. ive only signed up today to give some better service manuals, thought i may as well pose the question. unfortunately i dont have much time for forums these days, so ill stick to the ones i know.

yeah, we encourage everyone to say g'day and tell us a bit about their rig in the introductions section before they set off on other posts - just a courtesy thing ... I've read yours on Patrol4x4 - your rig looks to be a bit of a weapon in the making - is the V8 installed yet?? Throw up some happy snaps mate!!yer thats me. v8s poised but not in. big tip for anyone playing at home, finish one car before starting another, or another 2 lol.

10th February 2011, 07:04 PM
Oh good 1 neRoK,

Quickly quickly rattle the cage before the monkey wakes !!!

Dont see a harm having many forums,whats it hurt ???
Im only new on this site and many contacts have been made and invites have been directed personally at me for events
Oops ,when was the last time people were personally asked ,rather than "where havin a meet ,whos comin " ??? on patrol4x4
Its a totally different atmosphere and definately more social/friendly

Im on four Ford forums as well and my knowledge on them is alot less than Patrols
But ya never can stop learning

10th February 2011, 07:07 PM
i dont have much time for forums these days, so ill stick to the ones i know.

Does that mean u won't be sticking around on this one???? Will post my reply in regards 2 your original Q when i get a chance

10th February 2011, 07:07 PM
because of lack of English may i just say that: this is the most friendly forum i ever visit.
and just want to quote all posts above.

p.s. in google translator it seems funny
p.s. p.s. is that mean any sense to you my post?

10th February 2011, 07:08 PM
because of lack of English may i just say that: this is the most friendly forum i ever visit.
and just want to quote all posts above.

p.s. in google translator it seems funny
p.s. p.s. is that mean any sense to you my post?

You make perfect sense mate!!!

10th February 2011, 07:13 PM
because of lack of English may i just say that: this is the most friendly forum i ever visit.
and just want to quote all posts above.

p.s. in google translator it seems funny
p.s. p.s. is that mean any sense to you my post?

after my 10th bourbon it all makes sense :) only kiddin... made perfect sense...... and your English is probable better than mine anyway :)

10th February 2011, 07:22 PM
I think weve all missed the correct answer to the question
"Why this forum???"

"Because we freakin can"

10th February 2011, 07:41 PM
well its been good hearing some opinions on the matter, i remember spotting this forum when it was infant and thought 'why' back then. ive only signed up today to give some better service manuals, thought i may as well pose the question. unfortunately i dont have much time for forums these days, so ill stick to the ones i know.
yer thats me. v8s poised but not in. big tip for anyone playing at home, finish one car before starting another, or another 2 lol.

Thanks heaps for that mate, we all really appreciate it, the more info around and shared by these types of forums the better it is for everyone, well done.:thumbup:

10th February 2011, 08:33 PM
Thanks for replying back to the thread though neRok, It's good to get these questions every now and then.

At the end of the day though mate I'm having the best time of my life meeting these clowns and starting this site has brought "extra" happiness to not only my life but many people here.

We are going to build a great friendly community here, I hope you can join in every now and then.

I have hosted a meet up at my house with strangers I have never met. I have had another person travel 1000 km's, stay at my house and helped him load up a wood heater the next day hungover as ten men lifting a 200kg metal box into a van.

Good, friendly blokes here who will step out of their square to help other people on here without the who's got the biggest????

10th February 2011, 08:37 PM
because of lack of English may i just say that: this is the most friendly forum i ever visit.
and just want to quote all posts above.

p.s. in google translator it seems funny
p.s. p.s. is that mean any sense to you my post?

Thank you damianovdd. I appreciate your post.

Do not worry about your English. Google does translate bad but just ask questions and I will fix correctly. :)

Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 08:52 PM
Well neRok I was going to post a welcome , but, from reading your last post I guess you'll being going back to "patrol 4x4". I once asked a question there and was ignored, came here asked same question, was answered politely, treated as a new neighbour straight up, and have never looked back. Only one other patrol forum has my name in it and that's the patrol club I belong to.

I've heard enough about other forums to know that we can be proud of : who we are, who chooses to have membership here, the family members represented here, the age range here, and the broad range of mechanical, legal, play area knowledge we have here.

I personally bask in the knowledge that members that share their time here and at your forum, spend a vast amount of their time here enjoying the company of like minded, friendly humans whom have one common interest: NISSAN PATROLS of all sizes, shapes,and models and not having to be the most expensive useless mod, while doing anything to draw unwanted attention.

DX grunt
10th February 2011, 08:58 PM
G'day neRok.

Welcome to the forum. Feel free to share your experiences with us. After 25 posts you'll have access to a manual, so I'd encourage you to keep talking.

25 posts isn't that hard to achieve.

Looking forward to seeing some pics of your rig on this forum.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

10th February 2011, 09:13 PM
why is anything started, knowledge is power and with enough power i can rule the world *LMAO*

Guess its all about choice in the end, why have a Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Big W, K-Mart....etc they all do they same.........rip u off for something that's not worth the price they charge....but with this there is no charge..............feel free 2 donate....but if you don't want 2 that's your choice.

I donated 2 the forum when i could and what i could afford 2 at the time, and will do again in the future....

As most regular members would know I only joined the forum 2 download the GQ factory manual....and what can I say 1522 posts later....and I guess administrator of the Google Earth members map..........I'm still here and even if they wanted 2....they can't get rid of me.

I have yet meet any of the members on this forum but would love 2, even if it wasn't for a drive, just a drink and catch up in person. I have personally (PM) chatted 2 a few of the members that i have meet and basically regard them as family.
I have a few members sending me DVD's ( one day! ) so i can convert and post them on the forum.... I don't get anything out of it.............it's something you do for friends when they might not have the time or inclination 2 do......The members map i do not get paid 2 do.... but i enjoy doing it and i believe the members like 2 be added 2 the map.....they don't have 2........in the end there choice.

I have viewed plenty of 4x4 forums over the years other than 4x4patrol, and btw they didn't start the forum scene 4 Patrols so they are not offering anything that any other site is offering, but yet this is the only one i have joined and stayed with...but as i said in the end that is my choice.

Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 09:13 PM
G'day neRok.

Welcome to the forum. Feel free to share your experiences with us. After 25 posts you'll have access to a manual, so I'd encourage you to keep talking.

25 posts isn't that hard to achieve.

Looking forward to seeing some pics of your rig on this forum.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

Patrol 4x4 members are 50 posts. LOL

10th February 2011, 09:20 PM
Welcome to the forum neRok, it always nice to post an introduction before asking questions, it helps to get everyone on side.


This made me laugh Tony.....I mean really laugh!!!!.....lol....I am going to organise some awards for the easter 2012 meet up mate and this one is going in the memory bank!!!

There's no flies on Tony!

10th February 2011, 09:21 PM
Not a man of many words unlike some Scotty........LOL Well said by the way mate and to all the other members who spoke out while bitting your tounges. Ha
Not into chat rooms and forums because there is always some knob that thinks theyre better than everyone else, well guess what your NOT. Your no better than me or any other on site. Yer you might know a lot about a certain subject but hey I know something about something that you dont know, wow that was confusing but that what we like, down to earth people. You dont get that on other sites that i have found.

I joined this site to ask 1 Q and run but wow, these guys treated me like i was paying them for info..... friendly and respectful.
And guess what Im still here because of that and glad i am because have got to know some really decent blokes.

Got tech advice from one, mechanical from another, career advice for my young lad from another, bought Aussie made products from another and even offered assistance to a member in another state. You dont just do that S*** for anyone, you do it because the are extended family even though I have never met them. All im trying to say is that is the sort of people you have on this site. A really good bunch and if it wasnt for someone breaking away from the bullshit and starting a new site (the best site by the way) i wouldnt of had the oppertunity to get to know some really great people. Have ver found such a family friendly site.

Thanks to Andy, well done and to the Mod squad for keeping this site such a good place to be involved in.
Thats my 2 bobs worth, if you dont like it dont read it.... Ah too late you already did.

Cheers Pete

10th February 2011, 09:22 PM
G'day neRok.

Welcome to the forum. Feel free to share your experiences with us. After 25 posts you'll have access to a manual, so I'd encourage you to keep talking.

25 posts isn't that hard to achieve.

Looking forward to seeing some pics of your rig on this forum.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

It's good to have some company on the sarcasm side of town!


10th February 2011, 09:30 PM
Cheers Toddy, I picked up on that one buddy........LOL

10th February 2011, 09:49 PM
P.s: 2 my other post.

A fellow member had posted some useful info up on converting Auto locking hubs 2 manual which i needed 2 do and even though after taking my hubs apart 2 convert them and finding that what he said on his post and what my internal hubs looked like where different, it only took a personal message 2 him, he send me his mobile#, I gave him a call and he helped me sort my issues out. He does not no me from a bar of soap besides a couple of chats on the forum, he does not get paid 2 help me out, but yet he still found time 2 guide me through what i needed 2 know :)

Thanks again Tony 4 for your time and patience dealing with a not so mechanical mined person :)

I know i wouldn't find such assistance on any other forum.

10th February 2011, 10:04 PM
Well I guess that about answers that question but I'll give one thing to you neRok, you managed to ask the one question that brought out the truly passionate nature of the members here & one that we all share for this forum, so thanks & I think you have your answer.

P.s. thanks for the link you posted & its a shame you don't have the time to spend to get to know us here cos im tipping you would have enjoyed it.

P.p.s. Did I also mention im a member at Patrol4x4.com as well

10th February 2011, 10:15 PM
Now as to why is there a need for this forum? It's the Constitution. It's Mabo. It's the vibe.

Just tell em he's dreamin...!!!!

10th February 2011, 10:32 PM
Not a man of many words unlike some Scotty........LOL Well said by the way mate and to all the other members who spoke out while bitting your tounges. Ha

Cheers Pete

Thanks Pete.

You're right I'm not a man of many words. I'm about as good at writing well written, articulated replies to questions like this as Scotty is (by his own admission) answering in depth mechanical questions. But my thoughts about this site have been echoed by all the other members replies in this thread. I am a member of 5 different 4WD forums one of which is patrol4x4, this is where I found out about this forum-remember the locked gate saga? Since joining here I find it such an enjoyable place to be that I rarely visit the other sites now.
I spend a lot of time on here helping people with their mechanical questions, and I do it because I enjoy it.
A forum is just a group of people with a similar interest, and we have a great group here. I've met several members already, spoken to others on the phone, and I look forward to meeting more of you at future meet ups.

Cheers to all.


Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 10:35 PM
a true gent who asks for nothing in return and truly listens to your question. You are truly a rearly found Friend, Tony.

10th February 2011, 10:41 PM
Cheers Tim, thanks mate.


10th February 2011, 10:44 PM
Thanks Pete.

You're right I'm not a man of many words. I'm about as good at writing well written, articulated replies to questions like this as Scotty is (by his own admission) answering in depth mechanical questions. But my thoughts about this site have been echoed by all the other members replies in this thread. I am a member of 5 different 4WD forums one of which is patrol4x4, this is where I found out about this forum-remember the locked gate saga? Since joining here I find it such an enjoyable place to be that I rarely visit the other sites now.
I spend a lot of time on here helping people with their mechanical questions, and I do it because I enjoy it.
A forum is just a group of people with a similar interest, and we have a great group here. I've met several members already, spoken to others on the phone, and I look forward to meeting more of you at future meet ups.

Cheers to all.


Tony you are a gem of a bloke & one who has my complete respect & admiration, not to mention my profound gratitude.......

Here's to ya mate.

Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 10:49 PM
Tony you are a gem of a bloke & one who has my complete respect & admiration, not to mention my profound gratitude.......

Here's to ya mate.
Wait til ya meet him Paul, he's quiet (unlike me) and polite, and bloody lanky hahahahaha.

10th February 2011, 10:53 PM
Wait til ya meet him Paul, he's quiet (unlike me) and polite, and bloody lanky hahahahaha.

He's a Virgo & so am I so we'll get along just fine.

Finly Owner
10th February 2011, 10:56 PM
He's a Virgo & so am I so we'll get along just fine.
Ahhhh, me Libra -> scale of justice/harmony/balance/peace keeper/weigh up choices.

10th February 2011, 11:31 PM
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times....... well maybe about 10 or 15................. top forum with a top bunch of blokes. As a newbie to 4wd'n, patrols and 4wd forums, I found this place when searching for a user manual for the Q, not the workshop manual coz i already had one. Was never really one for forums due to the fact that most people were to ready to put others down and that sort of thing just doesn't interest me. It's very welcoming here, the guys don't belittle you for not knowing what they know and I for one am bloody greatful for that because I sure as hell have a lot to learn.
Well that's my 2 pennies worth.

Thanks guys

DX grunt
10th February 2011, 11:41 PM
I think lawnbowls has a bit of competion on his hands. lolol

11th February 2011, 12:04 AM
I think lawnbowls has a bit of competion on his hands. lolol

hahahahaha yeah but at least lawnbowls actually took part in his own thread.................. will we ever see them again lol

11th February 2011, 08:15 AM
Tony, I remember the locked gate saga. Ranger Ray was like a dog with a bone. You can thank Ranger Ray for NP's popularity LOL!

11th February 2011, 08:41 AM
Well as most are aware im to a member of patrol4x4

Im a bit of a patrol nutta,
But personally NOT being involved in general day to day banter or conversations or General chit chat topics

Why wouldnt people do that ???

Isnt that where friendships are made ???

Youll be really surprised what things we all have in common outside of Patrols

11th February 2011, 08:55 AM
Thanks Pete.

You're right I'm not a man of many words. I'm about as good at writing well written, articulated replies to questions like this as Scotty is (by his own admission) answering in depth mechanical questions. But my thoughts about this site have been echoed by all the other members replies in this thread. I am a member of 5 different 4WD forums one of which is patrol4x4, this is where I found out about this forum-remember the locked gate saga? Since joining here I find it such an enjoyable place to be that I rarely visit the other sites now.
I spend a lot of time on here helping people with their mechanical questions, and I do it because I enjoy it.
A forum is just a group of people with a similar interest, and we have a great group here. I've met several members already, spoken to others on the phone, and I look forward to meeting more of you at future meet ups.

Cheers to all.


You are the pinup boy (not for looks though!! lol) of the people on this site and the reason they are here mate. Easy going, not 5 foot tall and 10 foot up themselves, helpful, respectful, and always wanting to have a two way conversation.

Another example to put things in perspective - that trip when dhuck first came out with us: long story short, things turned to sh!t as the afternoon wore on with 2 of the 5 cars suffering mechanically - one of them being dhuck's. But there was absolutely zero panic, dhuck had never met us before and lived a bloody long way away. He stayed with us to assist myself with my brothers car (which was dead) and came back to my mates joint where we proceeded to work on the cars until about 10pm that night (over a couple of coldies of course). No stress, no drama, and a true acceptance that this stuff just happens, so let's all work together to get it sorted - just another example of the type of quality, genuine people on here (all I've met seem just the same). Could've cracked the sh!ts and gone on about it (he had a cracked transmission case leaking everywhere), could've said "all the best, but I've gotta get out of here and sort my truck", etc - but instead chose to stay, look over my brothers rig, work on his rig, did I mention have a few coldies? LOL, and go out of his way to assist. Again, we'd only met for the first time that morning, so he certainly wasn't obligated to hang around.

That is the difference for me - nothing to do with a bunch of words on a computer screen, it's the actions of people that define them, and in most situations reveals them, and from what I've experienced thus far, I want to meet more people like that, and I reckon I'm in the right place to do so.

I like it, I love it, I more of it!!!!!

11th February 2011, 08:58 AM
He's a Virgo & so am I so we'll get along just fine.

Who's a virgin? Where did we have to list that information?

Ooohhh ... I see now ... Virgo ... Phew .... LoL!!!

11th February 2011, 09:05 AM
Who's a virgin? Where did we have to list that information?

Ooohhh ... I see now ... Virgo ... Phew .... LoL!!!

Ya bloody tool.......lolololol

11th February 2011, 09:25 AM
You on the turps already ????

11th February 2011, 09:34 AM
You on the turps already ????

Not far off mate!! Why? You on your way down! LOL!!!

11th February 2011, 04:35 PM
This can all be summed up in a few short statements:

1: We are friendly
2: We are a community
3: We are a family (of sorts) Patrol family
4: We are a friendly family community (can't help myself on being repetitive on this one)
5: There is fun to be had and friends to be made (as Bigrig has stated)
6: We are a friendly family community of fun friends (again can't help myself)

Cheers to all who frequent this forum. I do not say alot, but I am here several times a day. I am sorry to say "this is a bloody great forum".


Pete's GU3
11th February 2011, 07:12 PM
YEAH ...me to ...i dont post a lot of stuff but i get on and read heaps ....its like a second family ...the other patrol 4x4 site is ok . but i like this one . its laid out better . got nicer colours , is easy on the eye, just a lot more professional looking.....and heaps of talent out there ............................

11th February 2011, 07:23 PM
This is the best forum EVA, and weird too. ( In a good kinda way)
I like wierd.

11th February 2011, 08:45 PM
Onya Kat..........

11th February 2011, 10:14 PM
This can all be summed up in a few short statements:

1: We are friendly
2: We are a community
3: We are a family (of sorts) Patrol family
4: We are a friendly family community (can't help myself on being repetitive on this one)
5: There is fun to be had and friends to be made (as Bigrig has stated)
6: We are a friendly family community of fun friends (again can't help myself)

Cheers to all who frequent this forum. I do not say alot, but I am here several times a day. I am sorry to say "this is a bloody great forum".


blo#dy good on ya Dave

i have to say this but i bet he wont be back

my third 256
12th February 2011, 06:20 AM
if your not going to stick around why post a very argumentative topic
was it your intention to stir things up / to show your mates on the other forums
what havic you can cause
if that is you intention go back to the sites you know

12th February 2011, 08:16 AM
if your not going to stick around why post a very argumentative topic
was it your intention to stir things up / to show your mates on the other forums
what havic you can cause
if that is you intention go back to the sites you know

You're sexy when you're angry and direct!!!!! LMFAO!!!!

I thought this myself mate, and whilst I didn't check last night, I have jumped on the other forum to see if its been mentioned .. couldn't care if he had, I was just going to make sure I jumped in on the conversation and see what transpired!! I too can stir the pot!!!!

12th February 2011, 08:36 AM
I thought that too but look how good the response was from everyone here...lol


12th February 2011, 08:56 AM
Its really the same with all other forums,
Have a look around
IF ya dont like the way it works well ya dont join up
Cant be THAT hard
Then IF you do , ya dont use a user name and parade your from else where
Then start bagging the forum out

Kinda portrays really how you are

DX grunt
12th February 2011, 09:10 AM
Membership - people - is what makes up any on-line forum.

We are all people who come from all walks of life, varying in age, with different life's skills, knowledge and experiences.

As a Cert IV workplace trainer/assessor, I have found in my experience, the art of common sense has diminished, if not gone. People either know something or they don't

Having said that, there are many, many people who have not been exposed to lots of things, and they have not had the experience to learn from that exposure - including me.

Here's my story........ Before I left home at 17 to join the Navy, I lived just outside a small country town (population 100). We lived beside a river, and lots of hills. We had to make our own fun because technology had not caught up with us to enable us to sit infront of a computer screen all day.

I've been an office jock most of my life. I was in the Navy for over 8 years and mainly on seagoing ships. I missed out on so many basic life skills especially in technology and working 'hands on' from the ages of 17 - 25 because I was too busy bouncing around in the ocean. I don't have a trade and now I'm paying the price.

I guess where I'm going is about making choices in life. I am a member of and respect the other Patrol forums and will not bag any of them. We are all members of different forums for various reasons - I don't know why people prefer some forums over others - it's none of my business.

What I can say, is that I am more than happy being here. Nothing is too much trouble for anybody and experiences ranges from novice to guru whether it be technical or otherwise.

My 'home base forum' is the Western Patrol Club forum, but NissanPatrol.com.au is my preferred national forum. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but from what I've seen, we pretty well self regulate as well as having fun. The combination of both makes me feel part of a 'family' where I can sit back and relax and be in an 'adult learning environment have fun, learn, and contribute what knowledge. If my best isn't as good as your best, I'm sorry. The aussie way is to help 'mates' out, and that, to me, 'sticks out like a sore thumb', by members of this forum.

Other outcomes from this online forum has also been developed friendships, meetings, sharing of wisdom and knowledge, and equally important, a 2012 'national' gathering.

Thank you to all who have had their say. Thank you to all those that have thought about this thread, and for whatever reason, haven't put pen to paper. I have stayed quiet until now. I'm not going to say any more. Thanks for reading.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

12th February 2011, 09:19 AM
Membership - people - is what makes up any on-line forum.

We are all people who come from all walks of life, varying in age, with different life's skills, knowledge and experiences.

As a Cert IV workplace trainer/assessor, I have found in my experience, the art of common sense has diminished, if not gone. People either know something or they don't

Having said that, there are many, many people who have not been exposed to lots of things, and they have not had the experience to learn from that exposure - including me.

Here's my story........ Before I left home at 17 to join the Navy, I lived just outside a small country town (population 100). We lived beside a river, and lots of hills. We had to make our own fun because technology had not caught up with us to enable us to sit infront of a computer screen all day.

I've been an office jock most of my life. I was in the Navy for over 8 years and mainly on seagoing ships. I missed out on so many basic life skills especially in technology and working 'hands on' from the ages of 17 - 25 because I was too busy bouncing around in the ocean. I don't have a trade and now I'm paying the price.

I guess where I'm going is about making choices in life. I am a member of and respect the other Patrol forums and will not bag any of them. We are all members of different forums for various reasons - I don't know why people prefer some forums over others - it's none of my business.

What I can say, is that I am more than happy being here. Nothing is too much trouble for anybody and experiences ranges from novice to guru whether it be technical or otherwise.

My 'home base forum' is the Western Patrol Club forum, but NissanPatrol.com.au is my preferred national forum. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but from what I've seen, we pretty well self regulate as well as having fun. The combination of both makes me feel part of a 'family' where I can sit back and relax and be in an 'adult learning environment have fun, learn, and contribute what knowledge. If my best isn't as good as your best, I'm sorry. The aussie way is to help 'mates' out, and that, to me, 'sticks out like a sore thumb', by members of this forum.

Other outcomes from this online forum has also been developed friendships, meetings, sharing of wisdom and knowledge, and equally important, a 2012 'national' gathering.

Thank you to all who have had their say. Thank you to all those that have thought about this thread, and for whatever reason, haven't put pen to paper. I have stayed quiet until now. I'm not going to say any more. Thanks for reading.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

Awesome post mate - well done!!

Does pose the question though ... whilst you were in the navy, did you ever happen upon Seaman Staines?? LMFAO again!!!!!

Sorry - couldn't resist!! Seriously top post!! You are one of the many reasons I am still here - your easy going, wanting to contribute nature comes through in just about every post, and people like you are few and far between these days - so it's good to have a place where they can amass such as this one.

12th February 2011, 09:21 AM
as in another thread, god help us

DX grunt
12th February 2011, 09:28 AM
Awesome post mate - well done!!

whilst you were in the navy, did you ever happen upon Seaman Staines?? LMFAO again!!!!!

Can you please go to the shop and buy me a long weight? I'll give you the money when you get back. LMFAO

12th February 2011, 09:29 AM
Can you please go to the shop and buy me a long weight? I'll give you the money when you get back. LMFAO

LOL!!! No worries mate, I'll get some striped paint and a left handed screwdriver whilst I'm there!!

12th February 2011, 09:32 AM
I'm surprised it's taken 7 pages for this thread to get hi-jacked!


12th February 2011, 09:35 AM
Goes to show how devoted the members are about their forum.

DX grunt
12th February 2011, 09:42 AM
I'm surprised it's taken 7 pages for this thread to get hi-jacked!


Bigrig started it and it went downhill from there. lol

12th February 2011, 09:47 AM
That's gotta be a record. It's usually 7 posts!!

LMAO.............. I wouldn't be laughing so hard if it wasn't true.....lololol

12th February 2011, 09:47 AM
Bigrig started it and it went downhill from there. lol

I'm still here mate!! My mother always said "if you haven't got something nice to say about someone, then make sure they are out of the damn room!!!" ... LOL!!!!

Leaving now though ... abuse away if you must!!! LOL ....

12th February 2011, 10:07 AM
Oh no not another thread gone

Im gunna have to find another forum lads

If these topics keep goin :offtopic:

Theres just not enuf Nissan "content" here

I need my fix !!!!!
Ah bugger it ill get the fix from the fridge :beer:,:beer:,and more :beer:
Then sit back and enjoy the friendly banter that is here

DX grunt
12th February 2011, 10:12 AM
I'm still here mate!! My mother always said "if you haven't got something nice to say about someone, then make sure they are out of the damn room!!!" ... LOL!!!!

Leaving now though ... abuse away if you must!!! LOL ....

When I was a kid and eavesdropped on adult conversations my mum used to say "Little pigs have got big ears" Now I know what she meant. lololol

19th February 2011, 12:20 PM
Well, what can I say.......all has been said above.
The only thing I can say is there is NO other Patrol forum like this one. People are actually welcome to stick around and ask questions when needed.

Over and out!

19th February 2011, 08:13 PM
I'm pretty new here, but have been a regular on other forums, including moderating, for over 7 years. I also take an interest in forum community dynamics. With that background in mind - My first impression of this forum is overwhelmingly one of friendliness & welcome. If I end up buying a Patrol I think this is a place I where I could 'hang out'. I haven't spent much time on the other Patrol forum, only because I have felt my needs have been met here. I guess I might go to the other for info if I couldn't get it here though. If there were insufficient 'room' for both Patrol forums one would be showing signs of withering & dying. I see no such signs here. I'm guessing the other is well patronised too? Some want forums to be their advisor/library - there just to use. Some want the social side that goes with being part of a community. Both are valid, & different forums can reflect different priorities to suit.


19th February 2011, 08:18 PM
I'm pretty new here, but have been a regular on other forums, including moderating, for over 7 years. I also take an interest in forum community dynamics. With that background in mind - My first impression of this forum is overwhelmingly one of friendliness & welcome. If I end up buying a Patrol I think this is a place I where I could 'hang out'. I haven't spent much time on the other Patrol forum, only because I have felt my needs have been met here. I guess I might go to the other for info if I couldn't get it here though. If there were insufficient 'room' for both Patrol forums one would be showing signs of withering & dying. I see no such signs here. I'm guessing the other is well patronised too? Some want forums to be their advisor/library - there just to use. Some want the social side that goes with being part of a community. Both are valid, & different forums can reflect different priorities to suit.


Top post mate!! About the best I've heard it said thus far. The library vs community analogy is spot on.

Finly Owner
19th February 2011, 08:23 PM
I'm pretty new here, but have been a regular on other forums, including moderating, for over 7 years. I also take an interest in forum community dynamics. With that background in mind - My first impression of this forum is overwhelmingly one of friendliness & welcome. If I end up buying a Patrol I think this is a place I where I could 'hang out'. I haven't spent much time on the other Patrol forum, only because I have felt my needs have been met here. I guess I might go to the other for info if I couldn't get it here though. If there were insufficient 'room' for both Patrol forums one would be showing signs of withering & dying. I see no such signs here. I'm guessing the other is well patronised too? Some want forums to be their advisor/library - there just to use. Some want the social side that goes with being part of a community. Both are valid, & different forums can reflect different priorities to suit.

I agree mostly, but, once you have posted 25 times here, the library is open for business. And being social forum 25 post can be easy just by welcoming other new members and being cheeky in general banter and afl threads. After all on average 4-5 new members each night.

Just my line of thought.


19th February 2011, 08:25 PM
I agree mostly, but, once you have posted 25 times here, the library is open for business. And being social forum 25 post can be easy just by welcoming other new members and being cheeky in general banter and afl threads. After all on average 4-5 new members each night.

Just my line of thought.


Who asked you??

Just jokes big man!!! LOL - good point, but I suppose they are all libraries in a way - just some promote conversation, and some say "shhhhh"!!!

Finly Owner
19th February 2011, 08:34 PM
Who asked you??

Just jokes big man!!! LOL - good point, but I suppose they are all libraries in a way - just some promote conversation, and some say "shhhhh"!!!

So I'll sshhhhhh, Ok long enough I'm back

Sir Roofy
19th February 2011, 08:34 PM
Ok thats all very well,
but once your here why would you want to leave theres serious stuff, humour&side splitting laughter even just a giggle to ones self,why its even gone international what more could you ask for in just a short time

19th February 2011, 09:06 PM
Ok thats all very well,
but once your here why would you want to leave theres serious stuff, humour&side splitting laughter even just a giggle to ones self,why its even gone international what more could you ask for in just a short time

Coz some people are only in it for the manuals and what ever tech info they can get, other are on here as you said ............ for a jolly good time and I for one am enjoying more and more as time goes on

20th February 2011, 12:01 AM
Top post mate!! About the best I've heard it said thus far. The library vs community analogy is spot on.

Agree too Scotty, that was a well forum user educated response which made perfect sense....Thanks Cuppa!

20th February 2011, 12:06 AM
Coz some people are only in it for the manuals and what ever tech info they can get, other are on here as you said ............ for a jolly good time and I for one am enjoying more and more as time goes on

I guess you have to understand the user as well. Something stuffs up in your Patrol. Do a "keyword" search in Google in most times a forum will turn up where someone has asked the exact 5 word sentence you typed into Google.

Ok, you might have found the answer, click the link and go in to the site.....The post sends you to a link to download that manual which will give you the answer. Sh!!!!!t I need 25 posts to get my answer......Wang up a few posts and off you go.

A lot of people just need answers....The internet is based on getting answers now now now....

20th February 2011, 12:12 AM
I guess you have to understand the user as well. Something stuffs up in your Patrol. Do a "keyword" search in Google in most times a forum will turn up where someone has asked the exact 5 word sentence you typed into Google.

Ok, you might have found the answer, click the link and go in to the site.....The post sends you to a link to download that manual which will give you the answer. Sh!!!!!t I need 25 posts to get my answer......Wang up a few posts and off you go.

A lot of people just need answers....The internet is based on getting answers now now now....

That's pretty much what I was trying to get at AB, I myself initially came here for the info but had a change of heart after reading all the banter and wise cracks and all the information you guys share, it's incredible and has definitely become more of a social thing for me too.

20th February 2011, 12:29 AM
That's pretty much what I was trying to get at AB, I myself initially came here for the info but had a change of heart after reading all the banter and wise cracks and all the information you guys share, it's incredible and has definitely become more of a social thing for me too.

For sure mate....I just typed that waffle and got to the end of the story and completly forgot what I was initially trying to say and thought to myself did I even answer the quote I was quoting...lol...I just pressed submit mate!!!

20th February 2011, 12:33 AM
well it is late over there AB hahahahaha

21st February 2011, 03:17 PM
Well I just got lost and found myself here, can some please explain where "here" is?

Doesn't matter, I like "here" it's so warm and cosy, mmmmm "here" is good.

the evil twin
21st February 2011, 03:55 PM
Well I just got lost and found myself here, can some please explain where "here" is?

Doesn't matter, I like "here" it's so warm and cosy, mmmmm "here" is good.

Hmm ... unless your frolicking in a swimming pool. Then "warm" is not necessarily "good"

Now, more to the point. Where is here? ... or, if here is where you found "yourself" or possibly found your "self" or if you found either of your "self's" were you really lost before you found "here".

I look at it this way. Here is the only place in space you aren't so "here" isn't necessarily "here" in all reality as "here" can be anywhere except where you aren't. Unfortunately this introduces the concept of "there" as "there" isn't "here" but "here" can be "there" or "there" can be "here" either a moment ago or in a moments time hence the expression "here we go again" when we are back "there" were we were already "here" but at a different time.

Simple really...

21st February 2011, 04:17 PM
ur a crack up ET *LMAO*

21st February 2011, 04:17 PM
Now I'm really lost...lol

21st February 2011, 05:10 PM
Spock has sore head now. ET is evil. Need beer to understand proppa.

Also a warm spot in a swimming pool is NOT a good thing, it usually mean someone has had a wee wee.

21st February 2011, 06:03 PM
Ya wanna read that when the amber fluid kiks in
Ya get a serious case of "WTF"

21st February 2011, 06:39 PM
Holy cow mate, if you want the manuals then please just join in the conversations, welcome some people and introduce yourself.

If you genuenily have questions then please post them up in their own posts so others can see them better and help you mate.

People won't see them here thats all.


Cowboy, I have deleted all of these threads as no one will be able to see them here.

If you genuenily need help then just put up new posts for each question mate.

21st February 2011, 07:09 PM
Ya wanna read that when the amber fluid kiks in
Ya get a serious case of "WTF"

never mind when the amber fluid kicks in mate, you get a srious case of WTF when you're sober roflmao

the evil twin
21st February 2011, 07:20 PM
Hehehe... Being a Gemini means never being alone... I just listen to the voices in my head. I know they aren't real but they do have some great ideas

21st February 2011, 07:23 PM
Hehehe... Being a Gemini means never being alone... I just listen to the voices in my head. I know they aren't real but they do have some great ideas

you'd get on well my my missu ET, she reckons she talks to her self all the time hahahahahahaha

Finly Owner
21st February 2011, 11:31 PM
Hmm ... unless your frolicking in a swimming pool. Then "warm" is not necessarily "good"

Now, more to the point. Where is here? ... or, if here is where you found "yourself" or possibly found your "self" or if you found either of your "self's" were you really lost before you found "here".

I look at it this way. Here is the only place in space you aren't so "here" isn't necessarily "here" in all reality as "here" can be anywhere except where you aren't. Unfortunately this introduces the concept of "there" as "there" isn't "here" but "here" can be "there" or "there" can be "here" either a moment ago or in a moments time hence the expression "here we go again" when we are back "there" were we were already "here" but at a different time.

Simple really...
Confushes said wat tha?

22nd February 2011, 06:41 PM
Hmm ... unless your frolicking in a swimming pool. Then "warm" is not necessarily "good"

Now, more to the point. Where is here? ... or, if here is where you found "yourself" or possibly found your "self" or if you found either of your "self's" were you really lost before you found "here".

I look at it this way. Here is the only place in space you aren't so "here" isn't necessarily "here" in all reality as "here" can be anywhere except where you aren't. Unfortunately this introduces the concept of "there" as "there" isn't "here" but "here" can be "there" or "there" can be "here" either a moment ago or in a moments time hence the expression "here we go again" when we are back "there" were we were already "here" but at a different time.

Simple really...

Confushes said wat tha?

Ditto Tim, but I like it

Finly Owner
22nd February 2011, 09:38 PM
Ditto Tim, but I like it
As do I!..............

26th February 2011, 12:26 AM
I dunno, I like both forums. (Meaning: I will be an outcast in both places...)