View Full Version : Dual battery isolator replacement.

8th May 2014, 01:26 PM
I have a Piranha DBE 150-S battery isolator that the auto elec says is cooked.Been doing some research and cant seem to find a 150 amp isolator. Can it be replaced with a 140 amp isolator.

Cheers for any replies.

8th May 2014, 01:47 PM
I would says yes but Et or Yendor would know better
You're only turning it into a DBE-140-S

8th May 2014, 03:16 PM
Most likely the answer is yes. Depends what ‘appliances’ you have running off both batteries when the motor is running as to what current handling capability you need. If you only have fridge, lights etc the 140A will be more than sufficient, in that case you could even go lower to something like the Redarc SBI12 100A if you wanted.
The highest current handling capacity (@ 12v) I’ve seen on a VSR is the 200A version of Redarc’s SBI. The higher current carrying capacity can be desirable if a winch is being used & the alternator output is high enough to make it worthwhile. If the alternator output is high enough the higher VSR current carrying capacity can help the alternator to do a better job of keeping up with ‘re-supplying’ the 2nd battery rather than acting as a bottleneck, thus extending potential winch times.

8th May 2014, 03:16 PM
the DBE140s would probably be a better unit anyway....... if it's fried do some research as there are plenty of other options out there for dual batts these days.