View Full Version : 52 Free Thoroughbred Horses - Barnesville QLD

9th February 2011, 07:14 PM
My brothers wife is putting the word out on this and has asked that I put this on the forum, you never know I guess.

ATTENTION ALL HORSEY FRIENDS: HELP: 52 thoroughbred horses need homes. Will go to Sugarcreek this Saturday for slaughter. Gentleman died and his son wants nothing to do with them. Most broodmares are broke and some are in foal wean...ling, yearlings, 2 yrs and 3 yrs old most are gelded. *FREE and papered*. Friend of the deceased is trying to find homes 4404634288 or 4404634288 Barnesville QLD, OH.

9th February 2011, 07:33 PM
Must be some horsey forums around, have those been informed.
Sounds like the son is F*^%&&^%&&^%@#%$^&&*&*((*&^$%##@!#$%^&(((&^%^$# scumbag.

9th February 2011, 07:42 PM
Yeah she's posting them up on those forums tonight too.

I can't believe someone could have a cold mentality like that. Lets carve him up and make dog food!

9th February 2011, 07:46 PM
Yeah she's posting them up on those forums tonight too.

I can't believe someone could have a cold mentality like that. Lets carve him up and make dog food!

Dogs would not touch such a LOWLIFE, has she been in touch with the RSPCA, maybe they might have some ideas.
I just cannot believe that the is an Oxygen Thief like that around.

9th February 2011, 07:49 PM
She has about a zillion horsey mates and she just pasted it on Facebook so I'm sure heaps of them will take them on as a lot of them are in mega acerage in victoria and NSW.

It would be a good score if you had land...My 11 acre bush block can hold a few rabbits and foxes but horses would struggle....lol

9th February 2011, 07:55 PM
Just posted it on my FaceAche page, I would strongly encourage everyone on this forum to promote this anyway that you can to save these lovely animals.
Thanks, One Very P!ssed off Dogmanhttp://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/

9th February 2011, 08:11 PM
I am lost for words so I will use Doggies.

Sounds like the son is F*^%&&^%&&^%@#%$^&&*&*((*&^$%##@!#$%^&(((&^%^$# scumbag.

9th February 2011, 09:21 PM
Mmmmmm ... horse steaks, horse sausages, horse kebabs, horse d'oeuvre's (get it Hors d'œuvre's - you know, those little starters at crusty parties!!!) .... LMFAO!!!!

I'm just toying kids - my wife and the ten year old daughter are horse fanatics and ride them whenever they can (wife is pretty advanced). Just told them about this and apparently we are moving out this weekend to an acreage property so we can take some!!! I'm all for it so long as I don't have to pack!! LOL

The son sounds like a heartless little worm, and hopefully the horses will find good homes ... 52 free horses that are broken etc shouldn't be that hard to giveaway you would have thought ...

There is a member on here who has horses and a bloody big property (you know who you are champion!!), so he might be able to suggest some places they can be sent (unless he wants them himself of course!). The missus knows another bloke in Menangle just south of Camden who has property and horses, and will ask him for any ideas tomorrow also.

Finly Owner
9th February 2011, 11:15 PM
I just tried to find a place here that usually advertisers here in paper that rescues horses but was not able to find it. i'll try to remember , otherwise google Tamboinne times and Jimboomba Times and call them and they may have her number AB