View Full Version : Camping nightmare

25th April 2014, 06:58 PM
Just got home from one of those camping trips that were a nightmare!

Myself and my daughter had a cold virus the entire trip. Non stop snot, coughs and headaches. Then the worst happen, my 3 week old boy caught it which was a disaster as you can't do anything to help them and had to leave camp to find docs.

Finally got home to find I'm locked out of the house because johno was shooting on my property and accidentally dead locked the front door to which I have no key....lol...Are you missing a mudflap too BA??

He must of missed the driveway exit fell down into our steep gutters and ripped his flap off.

Anyways to top it off got home, rabbits have eaten through chicken wire, destroyed my entire vege garden, one chook has been completely plucked of its feathers and the misses has gone to hospital as the boy is getting worse with the mucus in his lungs.

Funny thing is I was walking up to get the bins cursing and saying what the f else can go wrong, next minute...bins didn't get picked up!!!!

Rant complete!

25th April 2014, 07:00 PM
My abused chook...

Ready to cook I guess, half the work already done...lmao

25th April 2014, 07:02 PM
Geez that's not too flash AB, hope it gets better.

25th April 2014, 07:20 PM
Far out man, can only get better from here

25th April 2014, 07:30 PM
Jesus AB, that's pretty shit. What the hell happened to your chicken?

25th April 2014, 07:33 PM
Jesus AB, that's pretty shit. What the hell happened to your chicken?

It was getting picked on a little bit by the others but we locked them in the pen for the last week as we just got back from camping on the Murray.

The others must of been bored and plucked its feathers. Poor bugger, not sure how its going to last through winter.

25th April 2014, 07:36 PM
Fark, chicken bullying.

Sounds stupid, but do you have any little baby jumpers? Might do the trick.

25th April 2014, 07:40 PM
Fark, chicken bullying.

Sounds stupid, but do you have any little baby jumpers? Might do the trick.

Yeah these are our pets so I want to try and keep them. I just got off the phone to my old lady and apparently one of her friends has a chook jumper for these exact occasions...lol

That's going to be a funny site seeing a chook wearing a knitted coat running around!!

25th April 2014, 07:42 PM
I hope your little bloke recovers quickly AB.

25th April 2014, 07:45 PM
I hope your little bloke recovers quickly AB.

Thanks mate, we only just got home and Leah thought she would take him to bulk billing in Eltham for a check up but they didn't like what they heard in his little lungs and sent her off to mercy hospital.

Shame, Leah is buggered from the trip as well...

25th April 2014, 07:53 PM
Sounds like a rough weekend. Hopefully things can only get better

25th April 2014, 07:54 PM
Jebus Andy thats crap! You can handle ypurself being sick, you just whinge and get on with it. But when one of your kids get it, especially at the age of your two gems, it makes it a whole lot worse as you feel so helpless.

25th April 2014, 08:15 PM
hope you and your little tikes get better soon mate........ looks like the chook is half ready for a ringed neck lol

25th April 2014, 08:21 PM
Mate as long as the young bloke is OK, the rest does not matter.

25th April 2014, 08:45 PM
Hope the young bloke is OK. Keep us posted and hope everything else gets sorted

25th April 2014, 08:57 PM
I'm feeling guilty about taking the family away when we were sick now!!!!!

Just got this sent to me, poor bugger needs oxygen as his lungs are full of crap and he's lacking oxygen and getting tired.

25th April 2014, 09:15 PM
Don't beat yourself up to much, you weren't to know. I'm sure you went away with the best intentions of having a great break and a family time. As others have said it's all up from here.

Bush Ranger
25th April 2014, 09:23 PM
I saw a picture of a chook that looked a bit worse than yours. It had a caption under it saying `` I`ve had a rough week, so don`t piss me off``.
Hope the knee high to a grass hopper gets better quickly.

26th April 2014, 01:20 AM
Poor locky has severe bronchitis and we have now been transferred to the royal children's. I look and smell like a bum, haven't showered for a week.

26th April 2014, 08:06 AM
All the best to your little one AB.

26th April 2014, 08:14 AM
Far out never good to hear any of that, especially the little one catching crap like. That hope the little one and all of you get better asap mate.

26th April 2014, 09:03 AM
Poor locky has severe bronchitis and we have now been transferred to the royal children's. I look and smell like a bum, haven't showered for a week.

Ahhh f@ck mate no good! Hope he gets well ASAP
On a lighter note. Look and smell like bum? Bout normal ay :)

Sir Roofy
26th April 2014, 09:19 AM
Well what can i say,i hope the little fella gets well soon
and mia will be ok but you ya big loaf wait till leah gets home
boy are you gunna cop it

hope all goes well mate

26th April 2014, 09:36 AM
Never good when little ones get sick,
As for the hen, a good chook will do that

26th April 2014, 12:49 PM
Far out Andy hope the little one gets better soon mate.

Sent from me using Forum Runner

26th April 2014, 12:52 PM
You sure no one has been tampering with the chooks lol

26th April 2014, 01:13 PM
Slowly getting better. Touch wood hell be back home in a few days.

Tried to take him off the oxygen but he struggled so couple more days and hopefully all good!

Poor little man, really sucked going home without him lastnight!

26th April 2014, 01:44 PM
aahh hope he gets well soon mate, not a good thing at all.

26th April 2014, 02:53 PM
Not good at all AB, little bloke looks like he is in good hands though. It is never easy to see one so tiny sick or vulnetable, especially when they cannot tell us.

I was like that when I was a baby, from what I am told and they usually grow out of it with age which is a little positive hopefully?

As for your chook it will either be low protien which is why they them as they are usually moulting at this time and need high protien feed or look at the others and the one who is in the best shape may be the culprit who plucks and that one will have to go, the rest should stop.

26th April 2014, 04:01 PM
Looks like he's in the best place AB, they are tougher than you think. Been in similar situations ourselves a few times so know what you're going through.
Take care and enjoy him when he gets home.

26th April 2014, 06:27 PM
I tell you what, keep your kiddies away from ice. We saw a young girl at hospital last night on Ice who had literally scratched and ripped her face apart, she was strapped on the bed in a glass room screaming like a banshi!!!

Scary drug!!!

27th April 2014, 07:58 AM
Hows the little one 2day Andy???

Sorry 2 hear of your camping nightmare

27th April 2014, 08:49 AM
Hows the little one 2day Andy???

Sorry 2 hear of your camping nightmare

Thanks mate. He's off the drip and taking small amounts of formula but they tried removing oxygen feed but still no good.

He will be ok but just needs oxygen support as his lungs arnt strong enough.

About to head in now.

Sir Roofy
27th April 2014, 08:54 AM
thanks mate. He's off the drip and taking small amounts of formula but they tried removing oxygen feed but still no good.

He will be ok but just needs oxygen support as his lungs arnt strong enough.

About to head in now.

here,s hoping he will be up and waiting for you,all the best mate

27th April 2014, 09:08 AM
All the best mate hope he gets well soon

27th April 2014, 09:10 AM
All the best for the kiddy AB, try not to beat yourself up over it, these things can happen mate.

27th April 2014, 04:18 PM
what a bugger AB,hope he gets well very soon and cuddles all round for the young fella mate.from the Williams tribe

27th April 2014, 04:41 PM
Fark me! What a disaster. and here I was thinking of you last week sitting on the bank of the Murray pulling in cod, sinking a few cans and soaking up the sun :)

Anyway, hope Lachlan gets back to normal soon mate

27th April 2014, 07:56 PM
Sounds like a shocker mate sorry to hear.

my third 256
28th April 2014, 08:39 AM
i give our chooks a couple of hand fulls of dog biscuites soaced in water to make a mash once a week
had the same problem as you AB and within a few months feathers were growing back

28th April 2014, 08:59 AM
Hope Lachlan is soon home with you all.
Thoughts are with you

Sir Roofy
28th April 2014, 09:28 AM
Thinking of the little man hope alls well and better today

28th April 2014, 12:38 PM
Thanks gents, great news so far!

He's been off oxygen for an hour so far and he's managing to breath on his own.

Fingers crossed he keeps it up.

28th April 2014, 12:50 PM
Far out Andy, hope the little one gets better soon mate. I'll cross my fingers and toes aswell for Lochy for a speedy recovery !!

28th April 2014, 02:52 PM
Thanks gents, great news so far!

He's been off oxygen for an hour so far and he's managing to breath on his own.

Fingers crossed he keeps it up.

Good news mate

28th April 2014, 04:06 PM
Thanks gents, great news so far!

He's been off oxygen for an hour so far and he's managing to breath on his own.

Fingers crossed he keeps it up.

Sounds like he is a fighter AB. Just like his dad. I know what you are going through mate. My daughter put us throught hte wringer when she was 18 months old with kidney issues resulting in a stay at the childerens hospital for a couple of weeks. She got her license the other day. Kids are tough. Looks like he is in the right place thanks to his parents.

Glad to see he is on the mend.

28th April 2014, 07:44 PM
Mate I am so sorry for locking the door??? I did not remember doing that and thought I left things as I found them.... I only went into the house to use your toilet as I was there for 10min and I got a hot belly !!!! he he!!!

As for the rabbits they were everywhere when I arrived, I fired one shot and because I forgot to stick a dry jag down the bore it was oily and bloody missed... rooky mistake.

After I fired one shot every rabbit on the property went to ground the pricks....

As for the boy you know how I feel mate... speak to you soon!!!!

28th April 2014, 07:52 PM
Mate I am so sorry for locking the door??? I did not remember doing that and thought I left things as I found them.... I only went into the house to use your toilet as I was there for 10min and I got a hot belly !!!! he he!!!

As for the rabbits they were everywhere when I arrived, I fired one shot and because I forgot to stick a dry jag down the bore it was oily and bloody missed... rooky mistake.

After I fired one shot every rabbit on the property went to ground the pricks....

As for the boy you know how I feel mate... speak to you soon!!!!

Don't even stress about it mate I was just giving you curry. Leah freaked but I have sneaky way to get into the house....Santa Claus ain't got ship on my chimney skills...lmao

28th April 2014, 07:54 PM
Don't even stress about it mate I was just giving you curry. Leah freaked but I have sneaky way to get into the house....Santa Claus ain't got ship on my chimney skills...lmao

Cheers.... oh and the chooks will pick on another if it is sick..

28th April 2014, 09:28 PM
Hope the little gets better quickly Andy. Sucks when the kids get sick...

29th April 2014, 11:01 AM
Hey AB, Glad to hear that your wee man is on the mend. They are pretty resilient little buggers but it doesn't stop us stressing as parents. As for your chook... now you know where the phrase 'Pecking Order' comes from...

29th April 2014, 03:41 PM
Thanks blokes the little man is heading home today which is great but now I'm in tassie...grrr

29th April 2014, 06:02 PM
Thanks blokes the little man is heading home today which is great but now I'm in tassie...grrr

Glad to hear mate, you'll be enjoying daddy time soon mate...gives you something to look forward to:)

29th April 2014, 08:28 PM
Great news, Andy. Now you can travel with your mind at ease.

Sir Roofy
29th April 2014, 09:00 PM
thanks blokes the little man is heading home today which is great but now i'm in tassie...grrr

great news mate now dont you get crook in tassie

29th April 2014, 11:26 PM
Thanks blokes the little man is heading home today which is great but now I'm in tassie...grrr

I'm a bit slow to catch up on this thread with all the hassles you had. Glad to see he's picking up and heading home.