View Full Version : Crap Easter Sunday

20th April 2014, 08:45 AM
Well what more can be said. Easter Sunday and my birthday, got a call at 7am only to find out that my brother in law, a 43 year young man had a heart attack over night. He collapsed in the Caboolture Hospital Emergency, had to be revived before being transferred to Prince Charles hospital. All appears to be ok this morning, but will be remaining in for a few tests. Will be heading there soon to see him. His missus said that he will not be getting anything for Easter. His response was grand. "That is fine. I have been resurrected".

Happy Easter all. Have a great day.

Sir Roofy
20th April 2014, 08:51 AM
Sorry about your birthday mate happy birthday for today great that your brotherinlaw has made it
and gets stronger as the days go by

20th April 2014, 08:52 AM
Happy Easter and Happy burf-day Duck

Sorry 2 hear about your bro in law, great news that he has been resurrected :)

20th April 2014, 08:59 AM
Happy birthday mate. Man you brother in law got resurrected on the same day as Jesus!!(apparently if you believe in that) Now theres a yarn for him to spin! Wish him well mate

20th April 2014, 09:07 AM
Happy birthday dhuck and I'm glad things ended well for your bro in law

20th April 2014, 09:39 AM
Phuck, 43 is not old at all for that sort of crap to be happening !

Sounds like he's very lucky to still be around Dave.

You having a birthday when most pubs are all closed, is more than enough reason to celebrate it all on a different day anyway mate ! :)

20th April 2014, 09:42 AM
Phuck, 43 is not old at all for that sort of crap to be happening !

Sounds like he's very lucky to still be around Dave.

You having a birthday when most pubs are all closed, is more than enough reason to celebrate it all on a different day anyway mate ! :)

Stocked up on grog yesterday mate. All is good. Will hammer it when I get home from the hospital.

20th April 2014, 09:51 AM
Happy birthday mate........

As for your brother I am sticking my head in the sand...

20th April 2014, 10:05 AM
Happy birthday Dhuck.
Sounds like your brother in law was lucky to survive a wake up call, obviously in good humour with the resurrection comment.

DX grunt
20th April 2014, 10:11 AM
Happy birthday, Dhuck.

Glad to read the BIL is recovering.

Take care out there.


20th April 2014, 11:10 AM
Happy Birthday Dhuck
Glad your BIL is Recovering

20th April 2014, 11:27 AM
Good news and he is in the right place to get it sorted out.

And while he is there as he is over 40 suggest he gets his PSA (prostate) level checked as should all the rest of you who are over 40years old.

From 40 on all males need to get a PSA check annually to determine the base line so action can be taken if there is any increase.
Digital examination may not find an issue in time.!!!

If PSA levels increase above 3 to say 4 5. 5 or say 7 or 7.5 DO NOT IGNORE IT

The only fail safe step is a Tesla 3 MRI - which is not covered by Medicare; heres another cause to get into; so spend the $550 (two tyres?) before your specialist does a biopsy. My guy said without the MRI the biopsy would have missed my cancer!!

Sorry for the rant but am speaking form experience !!


20th April 2014, 12:04 PM
happy birthday Dhuck your BIL was at the right place to have a heart attack
good the hear it all worked out.Now down those drinks and open some prezzies, lol
check to see if he can walk on water stranger things have happened. re name him Bruce almighty[insert name]

20th April 2014, 12:19 PM
Hope it gets better, good to see he still has his sense of humor, that one liner is gold.

20th April 2014, 01:18 PM
Happy birthday mate, sorry to hear about the bil but it's good to hear he is doing well.

20th April 2014, 01:58 PM
Happy Easter, Happy Birthday and Best wishes to you, your Brother-In-Law and your family, Dhuck.

20th April 2014, 04:26 PM
Well we just got back from the hospital. He went to Caboolture hospital at 4:30 this morning and crashed. They revived him and sent him to Prince Charles Hospital. We got to the hospital just before midday. They found a twisted artery, straightened it and put in a stint before we got there. Praise for the Dr's there, considering it is the main Coronary hospital up here. He looks and feels good. doesn't even look like anything happened to him. Thanks for all the well wish's peeps.

Love the way this forum gets up for others. Cheers

PS: Finally on my 2nd beer. Happy birthday to me. I just turned 23. lol I wish.

20th April 2014, 04:43 PM
Beauty good to here mate

20th April 2014, 05:08 PM
Enjoy those beers mate and have a great birthday. Your BIL certainly knows how to steal the show, he chose the right place to crash. Good I hear all is working out for him and he can get on top of it now.

20th April 2014, 05:17 PM
All the best for today mate, and your BIL as well

20th April 2014, 05:41 PM
Mate its not a crap day, your brother inlaw is still alive and your still alive and its your birthday, to me sounds like a big cause for celebrations, happy birthday mate :)

23rd April 2014, 09:25 PM
Mate its not a crap day, your brother inlaw is still alive and your still alive and its your birthday, to me sounds like a big cause for celebrations, happy birthday mate :)

What he said!

Happy Birthday Dhuck! Any day above ground is a good one...

25th April 2014, 07:27 PM
Sorry for the late reply mate and sorry to hear the bad news on the brother in law!!!!

25th April 2014, 08:04 PM
Sorry for the late reply mate and sorry to hear the bad news on the brother in law!!!!

All is good mate. Seems you have not had a great time as well.