View Full Version : Changed Fan Clutch & Thermostat.

6th February 2011, 09:54 PM
Hey people just a little bit of your expertise to see if Im heading in the right direction, I replaced the fan clutch without any problems , for anybodys Ref it came out with fan attached just sneaked passed the radiator shroud, thought id give it a go first to see if it would save me some time, got lucky on that one.
Pulled the old thermostat out gave it a rinse and took it inside popped it in a pot of water and on the stove turned it on and watched as the water slowly got hot, the water was nearly boiling before the thermostat started to open, Im not sure if this is even a way of checking to see if it works or not but hey the wife didnt see me in the kitchen. So i filled the pot up with cold water and popped the new thermostat in turned the plate on waited, only had to wait for bubbles to form on the bottom of the pot to see the thermostat start to open. So ive got my new thremo in my new fan on new coolant checked the lot kicked the old girl in the guts, ran it for 15mins seemed to be no dramas turned it off and watched the fan clutch free wheel for 30odd seconds ? The clutch fan locks up after a while, not sure if this is correct as the old one seemed to be semi locked all the time. Taken it for a drive for the best part of an hour but the motor never seemed to get hot enough dosent smell like its hot all seems good on the gauges.

sorry for the drawn out tale, Regards Rob.

6th February 2011, 10:00 PM
So whats your question here Rob?

6th February 2011, 10:19 PM
Sorry mate carried on for so long i forgot to ask,mmm
( 1 ) Checking the thermostat by putting it in hot water is it a rough guide as the old one had to sit in boiling water to open, so if it is just confirming the thermo is knackered.
( 2 ) Should the new fan clutch free spin.
Regards Rob.

6th February 2011, 10:32 PM
The thermostat opening really depends on the temperature rate on it. this is printed on the thermostat itself & come in different ranges depending on what you ask for at the time of purchase.

When checking a thermostat in the way you described, you should use a thermometer in the water as well so you can check its working within it temperature range.

The fan sounds like its working fine from what you have described in your post. A clutch fan will be firmish to turn by hand when the engine is cold & you will find it easier to turn after the engine is worm (not hot)

7th February 2011, 09:06 AM
Best bet is to just replace a thermostat once removed
Patch is pritty much right regarding checking water temp and different thermostat rates

7th February 2011, 11:01 AM
Thanks Gentlemen replaced the Thermostat the only one I could get without driving into town was one 10c lower than the original which was 88c, the local bloke swore black and blue that this would be better, so far alls good.
Thanks once again, Regards Rob.