View Full Version : Well it's finally done

Gary Vansleve
29th March 2014, 03:14 PM
G'day folks.
Finally got the hernia op done. Went in on Wednesday got out Thursday. Turns out to be a double hernia in the one spot so to speek doc says I will be laid up for quite awhile.

Should check out the landin gear now I hnow what John Holmes musta gone through shit massive not kiddin should take some pics so I can show off. On second thoughts what a horrible idea I tell ya it's not a good look.

Waitin to go in in the pre op an was helpin a nurse to catch a fly that was buzzin arround then when I gets in the theatre I spot a nurse chewin on some gum. Bloody hell I thought what have I gottin myself into. Just as well the nurse was good lookin I tell ya. I hadn't been shaved yet an I thought this is lookin good to have her shave me might be in for sympathy touch up if you know what I mean.

Got nohin they put me out first musta looked at the evil glint I had in me eye.

Gets home an the first thing the missus does is give me a little bell to tinker when I need her to get me somfin. Well I thought this is lookin up gave her a few tinkles an sure enough she comes arrunnin askin me what I need. Shit I can get used to this.

Knew it wouldn't last the next day I went to ring the bell she had taken the dong outa the bell so no more ding dong. Oh well it was good while it lasted somehow I think I screwed up using it to many times when will I learn.

Then to top it off she catches me in the shed polishin me tools na not that one ya daft twits me spanners tells me she is goin to go an get me mum to give me a talkin too I got outa the shed quick smart I tell ya.

29th March 2014, 03:54 PM
Good luck with your recovery mate. It will take some time.

I had a big motorbike crash 15 years ago and spent some time Iin Hostpital, I remember 2 nurses coming to give me a sponge bath, I remember saying to them "been waiting my whole life for this" they smiled, I don't remember another thing! Damn those drugs!

29th March 2014, 05:10 PM
Good luck with the recovery mate.

Gary Vansleve
29th March 2014, 05:15 PM
Yeah mate should be right just gotta lay off the heavy stuff. Hope to be out campin in a couple a weeks. Don't know if I will recover from the financial cost. Am in full private health an still gotta fork over some dough bloody hell. Money could a been spent on somethin worth while.

29th March 2014, 05:19 PM
Good luck on the recovery mate!!!!

Sir Roofy
29th March 2014, 05:21 PM
don't go upsetting the misses mate they have a long memory and say remember when
good luck mate don't over do it

29th March 2014, 06:02 PM
Good luck mate and take it easy.

29th March 2014, 07:35 PM
Good luck mate. Enjoy the waitstaff

29th March 2014, 08:06 PM
good luck with the recovery and take it easy, I didnt and tore the gauze had to go back in and get it fixed again, as for the gum chewing nurse I would be concerned where the old gum ended up? if ya start farting bubbles your in trouble LOL

29th March 2014, 09:47 PM
Good luck with recovery mate.

30th March 2014, 07:19 AM
ahh nurses with MR,, damn those drugs, did you check your butt for texta colour marks and candle wax.
Theatre nurses have birthdays to you know, lol

Gary Vansleve
30th March 2014, 01:43 PM
Cheers people.

Yeah theedogs I did check myself out ya never know with the nurses. I take me hat off to em wonderfull people an a lot of em have a wicked sense of humour I tell ya. Years ago went in for local procedure got all dressed up for theatre an remember puttin on some paper undies as part of the deal . The nurses rolled me in an set me up on the table an we were all havin a good laugh talkin shit as you somtimes do .

These two nurses came up to me tellin me nursing was great especially when we can do this, Next thing ya they both grabed me paper undies an ripped them straight off me I felt violated. All the people in the theatre broke up laughin a fit even the doc what a kack.