View Full Version : Over heating? Something to Consider...

26th March 2014, 12:10 AM
Hi all,

Just had a mate purchase a 2012 GU patrol. He got it home and was out driving, when he went up a hill, it started to over heat. traveled fine on the flat but would always over heat when aimed at a hill. Coolant was all good and all hoses etc in great condition, including thermostat. He took it back to where he purchased it from and told them of the problem and they said that they would look at it and get back to him.

When he got it back, the problem was still there so he returned it for them to look at again. After all the checking, they finally found what the problem was,,,,

The radiator was 70% blocked with casting sand! A problem that you would have thought would have been dealt with long before the vehicle even hit the road but apparently there have been several cases recently of this happening.

Something to consider...

26th March 2014, 08:59 AM
There has been a few Gecko ... not heaps, but a few, and we can't even blame cheap Chinese manufacturing ...:tongue:

Least it has been diagnosed and fixed ... good stuff.


27th March 2014, 11:21 AM
thats what happens wen u cut corners with manufacturing, u get defects with products all the time