View Full Version : Public interactive maps, thoughts?

15th March 2014, 10:50 AM
I'm curious what peoples thoughts are in relation to the multitude of open source public maps of the high country etc.
MudMap have one, Hema now have one. My concerns are that I don't really want to tell everyone about my favourite campsites or fishing spots because then they become crowded and more than likely no longer a good spot to go to.

15th March 2014, 10:57 AM
Don't post them up then. I cant imagine you'd get hundreds of people go to a campsite anyway just because you've posted it on a map. I like it, when I'm going to an area I check out what people are saying about all the campsites.

15th March 2014, 11:00 AM
Agreed with Winnie on this

15th March 2014, 11:21 AM
That's interesting? I did not kow this feature existed? Is that on MM2 ? So through the App you can click on a camp site that someone has added via their own POI and it becomes logged within the App for all to see and you can read their rating of it??

Interesting. Could be awesome! I don't think it would see camps being over populated. It might see a few more using it throughout the year and next time you go there someone might already be there but so be it. Has some real potential also for finding very good spots and read about large groups dumping into sites and loud groups.

15th March 2014, 11:22 AM
MM2 has this feature similar to HEMA's campsxaustralia being built into their app

15th March 2014, 11:38 AM
That's interesting? I did not kow this feature existed? Is that on MM2 ? So through the App you can click on a camp site that someone has added via their own POI and it becomes logged within the App for all to see and you can read their rating of it??

Interesting. Could be awesome! I don't think it would see camps being over populated. It might see a few more using it throughout the year and next time you go there someone might already be there but so be it. Has some real potential also for finding very good spots and read about large groups dumping into sites and loud groups.

That's pretty much it. It's pretty good and you can upload photos of the campsite fr people to look at too. What type of facilities are there etc.

15th March 2014, 11:39 AM
I'm not being critical of the concept because as Winnie and Daz suggested there are some great points behind the concept. I guess I'm just iffy about posting some of my favourite bush camp locations because up until now they have been "off the grid" so to speak and that's the reason I go there.

15th March 2014, 11:45 AM
I'm not being critical of the concept because as Winnie and Daz suggested there are some great points behind the concept. I guess I'm just iffy about posting some of my favourite bush camp locations because up until now they have been "off the grid" so to speak and that's the reason I go there.

Obviously though mate if there a spot you want kept a secret don't post it up. I added a couple of spots along Donnellys Creek Trk

15th March 2014, 11:51 AM
I'm not being critical of the concept because as Winnie and Daz suggested there are some great points behind the concept. I guess I'm just iffy about posting some of my favourite bush camp locations because up until now they have been "off the grid" so to speak and that's the reason I go there.

If you plot the course to and from your little piece of paradise Drew, is it there for all to see or do you have to upload it? I have the Hema maps and didn't even know that this could be done!

15th March 2014, 12:05 PM
It needs to be uploaded, the new HEMA app which is similar to the MM2 app also needs to be uploaded but it also has a geocwche feature from ohotos taken with apple devices etc

15th March 2014, 12:30 PM
I'm just playing around with the new hema explorer app. I messaged hema to ask if I can use my hema hema raster maps which I already own. They said no.

Keeping in mind these maps in dvd cost me $199,and app was $49.

However me and a mate are pretty confident we found a back door way to be able to use them. So far so good. However a rooted android device is needed to disable and enable certain app modifiers which normally you would not have access to. Bit of mucking about but it works. Although much easier to use these maps on Ozi.

15th March 2014, 12:46 PM
Drewboy I reckon your concerns are well founded. I’ve been using Camps Australiawide since Camps 3, they are now up to Camps 7. During that time there have been other free & low cost camps databases appear. The WikiCamps.app has become popular, Hema have the Camps 7 on their navigator with turn by turn navigation to reach the Camps. The CMCA have their own version called GeoWiki. For a while this was also produced in paper form (called the Wanderer’s Mate) & copies placed into all Kea hire camper vans.

I have witnessed over the past 14 or so years camps which were previously people’s ‘special places’ appear in these databases with the result that their use has grown exponentially. Today many camps are suffering as a result. Over use brings with it not just ‘crowds’, but their shit, their toilet paper streamers, their cans, dirty nappies etc etc. In short they are being spoiled by their popularity. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. Those nearest the bitumen are worst affected, but the spread is becoming wider ranging.

The CMCA are promoting a ‘Leave No Trace’ scheme - quite laudable - except for the fact that in conjunction they are promoting the conversion of existing camp spots to being resyricted to ‘complying self contained vehicles only, shutting out everyone else. I have no problem with this concept if these LNT camp spots are established on private land & in addition to existing public camp spots, but not to replace them.

I could go on, but won’t...... it’s one of my ‘soapbox’ issues.

My advice - keep your special places to yourself & close friends who you know will do the same - once someone makes public mention it is not long before it will end up in one of those databases.

15th March 2014, 02:08 PM
Sharing of all those 'secret' spots has always happened. Previously it has been on a small scale. Word of mouth and smaller forum circles eg this site, and other dedicated camping sites. Someone sharing their spot had to make a deliberate decision, and was unlikely to share it across every single forum/camper they see.

Now it's pretty easy to share. For those on fb, how often do you find out news/photos people wouldn't normally tell you in person, except for the ease of passing it on digitally/lack of understanding or use of privacy. (another friend liked it for example and it popped up in your news feed)

I suspect the same thing will happen with the digital maps. As already stated campsites will be littered and loaded over capacity.

Private properties will have problems with people trespassing, unless there is a clear note on the campsite in the map. I wouldn't want a site tagged on my property.