View Full Version : are you thinking about doing your diesel pump/inj or turbo?

3rd February 2011, 10:42 PM
a call out to the boys in the west ---hey guys if you are thinking about doing your pump ,inj or turbo i just had mine done .the business that did it was called diesel power--he is located in margaret river--he was very on to it--he explained in great detail about what was worn out in my pump--and was most helpful .he also drives a patrol--a 03 gu wagon(very tidy)--anyway the reason i am writing this post is because i think we should call out when we find a business that is worth mentioning.i have dealt with a few of the bigger fuel shops and have found they preach all this shit about 30-50% increases in horsepower etc---blah blah blah--anyway give this bloke a ring -you may be suprised &have a little more left in ya wallet also!!!