View Full Version : Where did this come from?

8th March 2014, 09:43 PM
Totaly unrelated, but finaly obtained a can of MAF cleaner, and whipped the MAF out today for a clean. Upon completion took the patrol for a run, 2006 3L manual st, and at the precise moment we passed another car heard a rattle and seen a piece of metal in the revision mirror on my side of the road. Went back to inspect and this is what i found.
http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss143/danil14c/Forum/IMAG0950_zpsc8koexfn.jpg (http://s570.photobucket.com/user/danil14c/media/Forum/IMAG0950_zpsc8koexfn.jpg.html)
http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss143/danil14c/Forum/IMAG0952_zpskkzland1.jpg (http://s570.photobucket.com/user/danil14c/media/Forum/IMAG0952_zpskkzland1.jpg.html)
http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss143/danil14c/Forum/IMAG0951_zpsyg5ri3dz.jpg (http://s570.photobucket.com/user/danil14c/media/Forum/IMAG0951_zpsyg5ri3dz.jpg.html)
Pretty sure it came from the patrol as it has black overspray on it, and before we bought the patrol the dealership had side steps, rear bumper and a fair bit of the under carraige re-sprayed.
It apears it was only just hanging on by 3-4mm on that broken edge for some time, and doesn't apear to have any rub marks on it that would suggest it was holding anything, so i don't think it will be missed, would love to know where it come from though.
I had a good look under and can't see where it might have been.
Any ideas?


8th March 2014, 09:59 PM
Is it the clutch slave cover???

8th March 2014, 10:03 PM
Is it the clutch slave cover???

Correct. it is the clutch slave cylinder heat shield to minimize heat radiation from the exhaust going right past it. Might pay to put something in its place as guys have had issues with the sale cylinder and heat.

8th March 2014, 10:32 PM
Thanks heaps guy's, went out with a torch and that is what it is.
Will take the remainder of the bracket off tomorrow and inspect, i think there will be enough left to weld and reinforce it.
Is this a common thing? If so i guess there are a lot running around without.

Thanks again,