View Full Version : CRD ZD30 - Turbo oil leak ..?

6th March 2014, 07:21 PM
Hi All,

I noticed oil on the front axle, thought it was from the last oil change, but to day I noticed a bit of oil dripping on it and from inspection it looks like from the turbo hose (intercooler to turbo).

Any thoughts? how serious is this issue?




6th March 2014, 08:30 PM
Take off the hose and clean it properly. Re-fit and make sure it is tight. (check the pipe is not split or damaged) You need to fit a catch can to filter out the oil vapour that is coming from the breather at the rear of the rocker cover, then back into your intake system which then goes through the intercooler etc etc
All modern diesels have got these problems because they are trying to meet emission standards. That oily gum also covers your air flow sensor and map sensor which can cause big problems too, cos they don't work very well when dirty. So you clean them with CRC air flow sensor cleaner at each service. (easy to do) It also blocks up your intake manifold too. I've seen some modern diesels intake manifold 50% blocked at 100 000kms. That turbo outlet hose is pressurised so any oil vapour will weep out of the hose if its not tight or poorly fitted.

6th March 2014, 09:00 PM
Also turbos leak oil from the oil feed line area or rear seal at the back or below the turbo. The photo of your turbo is just pushing the oil vapour through it. Its not actually leaking oil. Check the back oil feed lines for leaks.
Cheers basil

20th March 2014, 10:01 PM
My 2008 Gu has same problem, Hopefully I'll be cleaning intercooler tomorrow and cleaning or looking for replacement hose joiners. Thanks basil also. Don't think mine been touched (106,000kms). Once Ive finished trip preparation a catch can will top of my things to do list.

Cheers Bob

21st March 2014, 09:55 PM
Follow up - 2008 GU 106000kms. Removed intercooler today and it was quite clean, hardly colored the turps I used, Hoses also cleaned up well but turbo connections had loosened up and I believe most of the oil mist was running back down inside hoses and pooling around lip of turbo then forced out under boost leaving an oily mess over turbo. May also have a very light leak in intercooler to worry about later.
escix Let us know how you got on.
Basil Found small stain on intercooler where fins join body which may indicate a slight leak.
Cheers Bob

18th December 2017, 12:44 PM
I have a 2013 CRD ZD30 with 58000ks. I noticed a similar thing on mine today. I seem to have quite a lot of oil spilled out the intercooler to turbo hose. Could a catch can be the answer to my problems or may it be more sinister?

I have recently purchased a camper trailer and did a trip around Qld with it, I hadn't ever noticed an issue with the car but did notice some white smoke after the tow.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

the evil twin
18th December 2017, 01:22 PM
Yes... a Catch Can will collect a lot of that blow by and keep it out of the intake plumbing.

18th December 2017, 01:45 PM
YEP x2, catch can good investment. No evidence of vapour seepage since installed cc on 08 CRD (10K ks now).