View Full Version : TD 42 engine swap to a more recent Patrol.

Kristofer go
5th March 2014, 01:41 PM
Hi Friends,

I have a 1991 GQ. The TD42 engine is in great shape and runs beautifully. Unfortunately the GQ body is starting to rust badly and needs serious body work soon. I was wondering if I could easily switch the motor into a more recent patrol. I may be able to find a turbo Patrol that has a bad motor and a good body and interior. Is it possible for me to just take the motor out of my GQ and replace it into a newer Patrol model? I also see where the Nissan Civilian bus uses the TD 42 motor as well. I may be able to put my old engine into a bus that has a burned out engine. What thoughts and advice do you folks out there have for me in this situation? One more question, about how much is a TD 42 motor with about 370,000 km on it worth if it is in perfect operating condition? Thank you for your help and information!

5th March 2014, 01:48 PM
Ok if your going to swap the motor out I'm pretty sure you have to meet emissions tests for that year.
So try find a pre 05 (I think that was the last TD42 year) and you should be right.

You will need to have it engineered thou. So first step is to find an engineer who will sign off on it and talk it over with em..

5th March 2014, 02:07 PM
x 2 as Kallen says you'll need a motor from that year or later to match emission standards of that year ,
in your case being 1991, but seeing where you are I'm not up to speed with any road regs from there
370k is no problem for a 4.2 they are good for 500K plus, check compression and see how you go

5th March 2014, 02:14 PM
Ow yer.. Didn't pick that.
Not an aussie so my comments are nul and void..

I'd start with an engineer. See if you need approval for the swap..

Kristofer go
6th March 2014, 02:24 AM
Thanks for your help fellas. I do not have to worry about emissions standards here in Honduras where I live. I just would like to take out the motor and put it into another Patrol. One that is in better interior and exterior condition than mine. Could I put my motor into a newer Patrol that had a turbo engine? I have heard that those engines are prone to ruin much faster than the TD 42. I may be able to find one with engine problems and just swap out the engines. Is that a pretty easy job to do? About how much do you think a TD 42 engine with 370K is worth in $ U.S.? Mine is running perfectly and has been maintained quite well. Thanks again!