View Full Version : Ab's olds home

22nd February 2014, 07:00 PM
Unrelated post gents but I have been bragging to members for years about my olds house that the old man built back in the 70's using mud brick and recycled timber from the old Melbourne gaol and train network and I just wanted to show some of you some photos as I promised...

I'm really proud of the old man in building this as you don't see many of this type of architecture and I don't want this type of art lost in time.

Pretty full on stories I heard building this...oh&s non existent of course...lol

It's been modinized of course and rendered so imagine rough mud bricks and decour of a different era but I'm sure you can imagine the rustic ness.

I would love to build something like this myself one day like the old man did!!!

Anyways, only a couple of photos but man it's of those places that is "different"!!!


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22nd February 2014, 07:06 PM
Absolutely love it mate, great open areas and high ceilings with wooden beams :) when can I move in???

22nd February 2014, 07:09 PM
Lovely mate..... when can my family move in!!!

22nd February 2014, 07:12 PM
We actually dropped in as we have ran out of water and need showers hence the photos and the old mans wine may have been abused...lol

Yeah blokes...it's .....HOME!!

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22nd February 2014, 07:14 PM
Am I the only one who instantly fell in love with that place? That open living area with the wood heater/stove thingie in the middle is just amazing! Feels very warm and welcoming!!

22nd February 2014, 07:18 PM
Your inheritance is look good mate
I`d be sucking up every chance
A very nice place and a credit to your olds

22nd February 2014, 07:18 PM
Am I the only one who instantly fell in love with that place? That open living area with the wood heater/stove thingie in the middle is just amazing! Feels very warm and welcoming!!

We had some crazy parties back in our teens....lol

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22nd February 2014, 07:22 PM
Your inheritance is look good mate
I`d be sucking up every chance
A very nice place and a credit to your olds

I dont know if I can sell this place mate when the unfortunate time comes. It just has too much history and means too much.

Anyways, things change of course but mind is set at this point.

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22nd February 2014, 07:23 PM
AB you just need to scale it up a tad mate

22nd February 2014, 07:28 PM
AB you just need to scale it up a tad mate

Yeah doggy that's the shiznit!!

Would add great value on the home from a professional earth oven builder...lmao

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Sir Roofy
22nd February 2014, 08:26 PM
Amazing ab neseled back in the bush like that
and the rooms they look so warm and homely
and that stair case wedding photo material

22nd February 2014, 08:35 PM
Amazing ab neseled back in the bush like that
and the rooms they look so warm and homely
and that stair case wedding photo material

Yep I'm getting married there Roofy one day.

And yes...soon Roofy...lol

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22nd February 2014, 09:07 PM
Yeah, loving the stairs. Looks like a cozzy place.

22nd February 2014, 10:21 PM
That place is incredible, I love it and I want it but reading the other replies it looks like I have some competition.
Your old man must be a very talented bloke.

22nd February 2014, 11:30 PM
Absolutely fantastic AB! The opening shot is the seller right there! You'd be a mug to ever sell that, once you got your mits on it.... Literally a one in a million home.

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22nd February 2014, 11:42 PM
Mate that place looks amazing, your old man is a bloody talented bloke indeed, you obviously didn't get that gene passed down to you Bwahahahaha

22nd February 2014, 11:49 PM
Very nice AB, kudos to the old man, that's a great effort. A mate of mine built one or should I say semi built one before his wife left and he had to sell

22nd February 2014, 11:53 PM
Mate that place looks amazing, your old man is a bloody talented bloke indeed, you obviously didn't get that gene passed down to you Bwahahahaha

Thanks blokes

Yeah clunk, it's home mate and nothing I have seen before.

I don't reckon we will see many owner builder homes like this using recycled timber and sustainably.

23rd February 2014, 12:02 AM
Thanks blokes

Yeah clunk, it's home mate and nothing I have seen before.

I don't reckon we will see many owner builder homes like this using recycled timber and sustainably.

I reckon you're right AB... I'm a chippie by trade (haven't built anything for years tho) and have seen numerous recycled houses that are amazing but with the local legislation and hoops you have to jump through, you wouldn't do it....

Have you heard about haybale houses? Fantastic thermal properties and cheap to build but hated by local councils for some reason...

23rd February 2014, 12:02 AM
Very super cool man
I've always wanted to do a rammed earth home

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23rd February 2014, 06:57 AM
Yep I'm getting married there Roofy one day.

And yes...soon Roofy...lol

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How much of that wine have you abused ab?

23rd February 2014, 07:56 AM
years ago a bloke made his bricks on his block whilst living in his caravan.
then went and brought old recycled timber from country bridges, did see the house finished ,
awesome but way out of place in Sydenham, needed to be on a mountain up Wondong way.
Your father was a visionary for sure no wonder your proud

23rd February 2014, 08:25 AM
Amazing place AB, your old man is a true craftsman. Themisses and I are in the plannning stages for build our next place but from straw. Will likely be in far south NSW or just over the border in VIC. Just have to seel here first

23rd February 2014, 09:42 AM
That looks awesome mate, my dream right there. 10acres with a good building site with a view and the recourses to build something like that.

Yes building codes today make this much more difficult and the use of second hand materials can be hard to get approval for. Love it. Back in the day those second hand beams were reasonable priced too, today they are Gold and you pay Big Bux for beams that size!!

Love the Rammed Earth too @Growler, there is a bit of that around Geelong and it looks very cool.

There is a massive Hay Bail building in Geelong too. Was originally built as a winery about 15 years ago, very kool to see the build. Unfortunately it went out of business but the building is still there. Big building too!! I will see if I can upload a couple of google images.

23rd February 2014, 09:45 AM
iPad screen shots sorry.


All the grape vines have been removed now and I think it's a Conference centre or something??



23rd February 2014, 08:44 PM
That looks a great place to live Andy.