View Full Version : Friends house got burg'd today while daughter was home!

19th February 2014, 09:01 PM
We have friends that live nearby and the back of their property faces the freeway. Anyhow today their 14 year old daughter home alone while mum went up to pick up the other kids from school.
She gets a knock at the door and she see's a girl and two guys at the door. So she doesn't answer as she didn't know them. The knocking gets harder and harder and she starts to worry. One of the people go around the side of the house and cut open the fly screen of the Window and open the Window and climb in. By this time she has ran to mum and dad's room, grabbed the phone and locked herself in the en suite. The intruder goes to the front door and let's the other two in. They go into the parents room first where she was hiding in the ensuite, to scared too ring 000 as the phone makes noises when pushing the buttons she kept quiet whilst they go through everything. They then move on down the house. She then hears here aunty calling here name so she makes a bee line for the front door and makes it outside. They both go back to the aunts house and call the cops. Within minutes four patrol cars are there and they took chase but stuffed if I know how they got away.
Anyhow they girl is really shaken up by this as you can imagine bug she's ok. Mum is beside herself for leaving her there whilst she went and got the other kids from school.
This goes to show to always make sure your windows have locks and are locked, and your kids are safe. I have been sitting down thinking what if that were my daughter and something happened to her I would never forgive myself. I said to my wife I reckon they were casing the place days before as the daughter usually goes with mum to pick up the other kids from school but didn't today and today was the day they picked to rob their house and she was home.

Scary stuff. Especially when you have kids...

19th February 2014, 09:06 PM
Just saw the video of a guy in Brazil caught breaking to a house so they hog tied him, ripped his shirt off and layed him on top of an ant hill. Not enough but a good start.

19th February 2014, 09:10 PM
Thats full on Mark!! it looks like the area is getting its reputation back unfortunately. I could tell you some stories but not on the forum :)

19th February 2014, 09:12 PM
That sounds unbelievable ..... nearly like a movie script .....

Hope the family gets over it quickly, and the perpetrators get caught


19th February 2014, 09:13 PM
Sickening, I would take great pleasure in caving their skulls in. That is not a metaphor.

I wish the young girl a fast recovery.

19th February 2014, 09:21 PM
Cheeky bastards, I know a bloke who was having a party at home and someone tried to gemmy the front door to steal and use the music to cover the noise, luckily someone went to the front to get something. Unbelievable.

19th February 2014, 09:27 PM
Very quick thinking girl. It could have easily turned into a nastier situation than it was. At least the cops turned up in a hurry.

19th February 2014, 09:33 PM
Yeah I a few year back I had someone try to break into my place while I was home. I tell ya, some people hate cats but my cat saved my skin. I have my headphones on playing a game on my pc and my cat was asleep on the desk next to me. His ears pricked up and his eyes went black like he was spooked. , I took my headphones off to hear the back sliding door trying to be opened. My own stupid fault as i left the security door wide open. I didn't know what to do, run for the door and chase the intruder or sit. As at the time both my daughters were in the next room asleep and I had to think if something were to happen to me they are all alone and helpless. So I waited and turned off the light in the room and it was enough to spook them and I heard them take off and jump the back fence. I damn make sure I lock the door behind me every time now.

Just got a message from our friend. All of their four kids are too scared to go to sleep now. I feel sorry for the kids, I am lucky that my two were asleep when it happened to me. I was shaking myself....

19th February 2014, 09:34 PM
Man that's just effed up

19th February 2014, 10:38 PM
Unbelievable. Can't imagine how she would have felt.

20th February 2014, 12:16 AM
Sorry to hear Mark I hope they get over it soon enough and the idiots get caught. It is a scary thought. I often leave windows open while I am home sleeping during the day. I would not even hear them come in either as I have not even heard the posty knocking on the front door which is right next to my bedroom. The only good thing is I am always home alone during the day but it does make me worry about the wife and kids home alone at night.

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20th February 2014, 12:18 AM
I am glad she's ok and safe. These people need to be shot on site IMO nothing but scum

20th February 2014, 12:35 AM
Yeah I a few year back I had someone try to break into my place while I was home. I tell ya, some people hate cats but my cat saved my skin. I have my headphones on playing a game on my pc and my cat was asleep on the desk next to me. His ears pricked up and his eyes went black like he was spooked. , I took my headphones off to hear the back sliding door trying to be opened. My own stupid fault as i left the security door wide open. I didn't know what to do, run for the door and chase the intruder or sit. As at the time both my daughters were in the next room asleep and I had to think if something were to happen to me they are all alone and helpless. So I waited and turned off the light in the room and it was enough to spook them and I heard them take off and jump the back fence. I damn make sure I lock the door behind me every time now.

Just got a message from our friend. All of their four kids are too scared to go to sleep now. I feel sorry for the kids, I am lucky that my two were asleep when it happened to me. I was shaking myself....

I have an alarm system that has a movement sensor with a voice recording, the pump click of the shotgun on there is very real :) scares most off that the dog doesn't eat, she is a great watchdog/family pet.

20th February 2014, 07:01 AM
not good at all but sadly a sign of the times, anthills arem't good enough IMO

20th February 2014, 07:35 AM
I am sick of this... there needs to be a change in societies attitude towards this sort of behavior...

I am sick of hearing well thats the way it is or you should make sure your house is locked up like fort knocks even if you are home???

The courts hand out suspended sentences like they hand out speeding fines.

Break into my house while I am home and see what happens...... click click!!!

As for revenge for these crimes if you do shoot the pricks you get charged with murder but if you run them over with your car then you get bugger all!!!

20th February 2014, 08:09 AM
That really annoys me, would have been terrifying for a 14yo girl and the family is always going to be worried about it happening again.
As BA said it is ridiculous how easy the offenders get off in the courts, just makes people want to take matters into their own hands.

20th February 2014, 08:59 AM
that sounds absolutely horrible mate, i wish your friends and their daughter all the best.

20th February 2014, 09:20 AM
We have friends that live nearby and the back of their property faces the freeway. Anyhow today their 14 year old daughter home alone while mum went up to pick up the other kids from school.
She gets a knock at the door and she see's a girl and two guys at the door. So she doesn't answer as she didn't know them. The knocking gets harder and harder and she starts to worry. One of the people go around the side of the house and cut open the fly screen of the Window and open the Window and climb in. By this time she has ran to mum and dad's room, grabbed the phone and locked herself in the en suite. The intruder goes to the front door and let's the other two in. They go into the parents room first where she was hiding in the ensuite, to scared too ring 000 as the phone makes noises when pushing the buttons she kept quiet whilst they go through everything. They then move on down the house. She then hears here aunty calling here name so she makes a bee line for the front door and makes it outside. They both go back to the aunts house and call the cops. Within minutes four patrol cars are there and they took chase but stuffed if I know how they got away.
Anyhow they girl is really shaken up by this as you can imagine bug she's ok. Mum is beside herself for leaving her there whilst she went and got the other kids from school.
This goes to show to always make sure your windows have locks and are locked, and your kids are safe. I have been sitting down thinking what if that were my daughter and something happened to her I would never forgive myself. I said to my wife I reckon they were casing the place days before as the daughter usually goes with mum to pick up the other kids from school but didn't today and today was the day they picked to rob their house and she was home.

Scary stuff. Especially when you have kids...

G'day mate,

Thanks for the heads-up!

This topic makes my blood boil, i farkenhate parasites on the arse of society that break and enter someones home, especially the elderly and where children are at home.

Being a former Commando, i would have no hesitation of permanently ruining there life's (the parasites that commit these offences) if this occurred to my family or my friends.

We life in a society where law, order and respect are disappearing rapidly. The scumbags are more brazen than ever in committing crimes as they know that they are a protected species with the left wing do gooders in our society.



20th February 2014, 10:28 AM
gotta agree Paul, its a sad indictment on society when these scum get a slap on the wrist for breaking in and worse that when you do defend yourself you get charged. As a friend of mine who is in the know says when they are dead put a knife in their hand and its self defence. @ mudski im glad she is ok but i imagine it will be sometime before any of them feel safe in their own home again.

20th February 2014, 03:11 PM
I am sick of this... there needs to be a change in societies attitude towards this sort of behavior...

I am sick of hearing well thats the way it is or you should make sure your house is locked up like fort knocks even if you are home???

The courts hand out suspended sentences like they hand out speeding fines.

Break into my house while I am home and see what happens...... click click!!!

As for revenge for these crimes if you do shoot the pricks you get charged with murder but if you run them over with your car then you get bugger all!!!

I did see something on ACA about a similar thing where a guy broke into a house and the owner was home. The owner fatally stabbed the intruder and the owner had all charges dropped eventually. So there is hope. I hope...

20th February 2014, 03:48 PM
I did see something on ACA about a similar thing where a guy broke into a house and the owner was home. The owner fatally stabbed the intruder and the owner had all charges dropped eventually. So there is hope. I hope...
The link, Just put it in the ants nest thread for one of our mate overseas to see.

20th February 2014, 06:36 PM
I just read this post (yes i'm delayed). I was having a good day until I read this... Fkn hell this makes ones blood boil in an instant.
What the hell goes through someones mind, to walk into someone elses home, especially knowing that someone is AT home, and start pinching s***? As per other peoples comments, our society is pushing s*** up a very steep hill and no battles will be won considering the soft c*** laws we have currently.

21st February 2014, 12:32 PM
Holy crap Mudski, thats frickin unreal.

The lack of any appreciable level of punishment these days means that the dirty scrotes who do this kind of thing are as brazen as all get out.

I am absolutely paranoid about home security and am in the process of reinforcing the doors and windows on my shed too.
We back onto a reserve and it'd be too easy for them to help themselves and just push the fence over.
I find myself walking around looking at my doors/windows etc thinking how I would break in(if I was that way inclined, which I'm not).
I keep one of these next to the bed too, just in case I "feel the need to play sports at 2am":

21st February 2014, 08:37 PM
Far out, luckily it wasn't worse.

Not saying it will happen, but be wary, as I know a family who had something similar happen to them, 15yr old girl was home and robbers hightailed it. However 2 weeks later they got home and the house was burnt down. It so happens that the girl was the first one home from school and the first to see and she flipped.

Scum of the earth!!!

I work hard, I don't need scum to take my stuff because they are to slack to earn their own way!